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MandrivaOne 2009 mini review


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You can configure rpmdrake's meta-information downloading policy in the Media Manager. Options / Global Options / XML meta-data download policy. You can set it to 'never' if you never want rpmdrake or urpmi to automatically retrieve extra information on packages as you query them. This will result in you not seeing the package description or list of files or changelog in rpmdrake, and you also won't be able to search based on this information using urpmq / urpmf.


Thanks Adam.

I do watch the blog posts, btw.

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Actually, I did say thanks for the way they built Konqueror.

The reason why it's a mini review is because I've been using Mandriva since Mandrake 6.0 (remember that?).

Ok, there a lot of other problems that have been around for quite a while;

Such as the way the time stamp in the Drakbackup log doesn't match the time stamp in the filename, I can't check 2009 on this because they've set up their security model in such a way that I can't fix it myself.

Is there a root file manager?

Is there a root text editor?


Here's a positive, when I open Control Center, go to the System tab and open a root terminal I see that the font is readable. This is great, in previous releases the font looked like 'Tazmanian Wombat 1pt'. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU for fixing that!!!


Did you think of opening bug reports for the problems you encountered then? You say you've been using Mandriva since Mandrake 6.0, so I guess if you're a regular user you know how to open bug reports to get the problems fixed? :unsure:


This isn't an official Mandriva forum, so posting problems that are effectively bugs won't get resolved - even if you posted them on the official Mandriva forum, you'd be told to open a bug report. We can help you solve problems if you encounter them, but if they seem to be bugs like some of the ones you mentioned - it would be best you file a bug report so that it can be fixed - rather than just rant about the problem and not actually do anything else. ;)


Thanks to konqueror being built the way it is would go to the KDE team, since KDE designed it that way. KDE would have been packaged by Mandriva though so that you can easily install it without having to compile it.


Was the question about you using Mandrake 6.0 supposed to be a pissing contest in that you assume that I never used it and therefore you are some sort of elitist and therefore better than me for it? I used it from Mandrake 7.2, but even if I used it from Mandriva 2006 it doesn't mean you're any better than me. Likewise for me to say the same thing because I wouldn't make some silly assumption and think I'm better than you or anyone else.


Bug reports can be filed here http://qa.mandriva.com so you can get your problems fixed.

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taupist: once the .xml files for package info are downloaded once, they are cached for future use, so you should be able to retrieve the information from them offline.


Thanks Adam.

I just tried to update the system and noticed that the system didn't wait for all of the packages to download before installing. Perhaps the packages are now grouped by dependancy?

If so, then this will make the system a lot more reliable.

I don't know when this change came about, but I think I remember a time when it didn't work this way. I've had some failed installs in the past.

This is another thing that deserves recognition, thanks again.

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Did you think of opening bug reports for the problems you encountered then? You say you've been using Mandriva since Mandrake 6.0, so I guess if you're a regular user you know how to open bug reports to get the problems fixed? :unsure:


This isn't an official Mandriva forum, so posting problems that are effectively bugs won't get resolved - even if you posted them on the official Mandriva forum, you'd be told to open a bug report. We can help you solve problems if you encounter them, but if they seem to be bugs like some of the ones you mentioned - it would be best you file a bug report so that it can be fixed - rather than just rant about the problem and not actually do anything else. ;)


Thanks to konqueror being built the way it is would go to the KDE team, since KDE designed it that way. KDE would have been packaged by Mandriva though so that you can easily install it without having to compile it.


Was the question about you using Mandrake 6.0 supposed to be a pissing contest in that you assume that I never used it and therefore you are some sort of elitist and therefore better than me for it? I used it from Mandrake 7.2, but even if I used it from Mandriva 2006 it doesn't mean you're any better than me. Likewise for me to say the same thing because I wouldn't make some silly assumption and think I'm better than you or anyone else.


Bug reports can be filed here http://qa.mandriva.com so you can get your problems fixed.


I first got my network working when Mandriva 2005LE was released. If you'll check, you'll see that I posted a query in the thread that explained how to set it up. That post didn't get a reply, I was forced to go elsewhere for help and had to find out for myself that the Firefox package in that release wasn't configured properly.

After that time I ran into about a half dozen different issues that caused the system to hang. With all of that, I really didn't have time to file bug reports. I was too busy trying to find work arounds. I should point out that I'm following over 150 rss feeds, so I've heard a few complaints about duplicate bug reports.

About this not being an "Official Mandriva" forum, I'm assuming that you are referring to the "Everything Linux" section. I remember reading an article in Linux Format that gave a glowing review of Drakbackup. At some point I think that Mandriva users need to disuss the accuracy of these reviews. Perhaps we could crowdsource our own review, it might be more accurate.

I did not go out of my way to publicize these issues to the rest of the Open Source Community precisely because it wasn't my intention to run Mandriva down. I do think though, that as users (and sometimes paying customers) we have a right to write our own reviews (whether you like it or not).

Now, with a title like "Admin" and 11976 posts, I have to question who is really the elitist here. I do have enough experience with Mandriva to know that there are a few problems, and that those problems are almost certainly part of the reason for the decline in Mandriva's popularity.

With a title like "Admin" and 11976 posts, why didn't you help me solve the issue with 2005LE? Didn't you think that the Centrino wireless drivers were one of the most important things to happen since the creation of Mandrake? It must have added considerably to Mandriva's userbase.

Now, if I were a cracker, I would look at this thread and think to myself "Here is an "Admin" who doesn't care about backups". I don't have to get into a pissing contest, I'll just wait for the crackers to get a hold of you and let nature take it's course, it's called "natural selection".

11,976 posts and you haven't figured out that Drakbackup doesn't work, maybe you were looking for this thread


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Where did the backup thing come from? Where does it say I don't care about backups? Go find it, although you won't find any post where I said that here or any other forum. I don't use drakbackup, I'd rather use something else to do backups with. Just because I don't use drakbackup, you shouldn't assume that because of this, that I don't do backups.


Admin means I am an admin of this site. We, like mods help keep this site running. I guess nobody helped you with your post, because they either didn't have your hardware, or you post is just one of a few that nobody responded too. It happens.


Yes, you have a right to write a review, I just wouldn't call what you wrote a review - because you don't write about good points or bad points - just bad points. That's a lame review, if you call that a review.

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