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Doom3 display error [solved]


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(To admins: This may belong under another sub-forum - perhaps in HW section or installation. Please move it, if this is a wrong forum.)


I don't know what happened with my display settings, but I cannot play Doom3 with my current login (at KDE4) anymore. Originally I was able to play Doom3 (or the RoE exp. pack) in my MDV 2009.0, but when I changed my 3D desktop to No-3D I noticed that I cannot play Doom3! Something must have gone wrong with the display settings because, when I start doom3 from konsole I get "no signal" on my screen, but still hear the sounds of the game perfectly. So the game is running well, but I just can't get any signal to my screen.


I changed it back to 3D, but nothing. I also have installed the Nvidia drivers again and tried the latest Nvidia driver (177.80) from Non-free backports. Nothing.


My display adapter is GeForce 7600 GT and I'm running the Nvidia driver 177.70.


I cannot see any error messages from the konsole as the only way to get the screen back is to restart X (Crtl - Alt - Backspace). Then I loose the konsole screen.


One other thing is that I can play the game with another login (I have two IDs at KDE4)! So how can I see what the difference is?


It occured to me that perhaps I messed the screen settings within the game itself (I did change some settings); but how can I change the settings of Doom3 without entering the game? (Catch 22)


There is something odd also with some other games as well. E.g. Tuxracer has the same effect, i.e. I don't get any signal to my screen.


The screen is connected to a DVI connector with a VGA/DVI adapter piece - if that makes any difference.

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It occured to me that perhaps I messed the screen settings within the game itself (I did change some settings); but how can I change the settings of Doom3 without entering the game? (Catch 22)


Just delete or rename you doom3 config file (/home/dude67/.doom3/base/DoomConfig.cfg), and when you restart Doom3 it will generate another one with the defaults. But this of course may not be your problem by the sounds of it, but it does answer you question above.

Edited by R.I.P
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