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Mandriva 2009 Alpha 2


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I have an IBM ThinkPad r61e sitting around my apartment for guest use (i.e. when my geek friends come over and forget their laptops). Last night I put Mandriva 20009 Alpha 2 on it, via the Mandriva One CD. I haven't had too much time to play with it but I plan to do a more thorough review at some point this weekend. Yes, I know it's an alpha - so I will take it easy on any bugs. This is more just a run down of my experience with it. I expect it to crash at least once on me before I finish playing with things - if it doesn't, I'll consider it an extremely good alpha.


The first problem I ran into was, for some reason, my screen went completely black when I tried to start the Live Install. I'm guessing that this had to do with running Compiz Fusion while booted into the Live CD - either way, I simply restarted X and things were fine. I would suggest to Mandriva that putting the Live Install icon on the desktop, or at least in a slightly less hidden place in the menu's (IIRC it was under Configuration -> More, though I can't remember) - it took a little looking to find it, more than one would expect for what I think is something that you would want to give people quick and easy access to.


The next problem came when trying to get my wireless card working. This may not be Mandriva's fault, I haven't fully researched the problem yet. The default driver that it selected for my card seemed to work, however it could not detect ANY wireless networks (even the 4 or so totally open ones in my apartment building). I switched to ndiswrapper and loaded the Windows XP driver from the Windows partition and all was fine.


My only other complaint is the lack of the Mandriva Control Center. I'm not sure if I'm just missing it, or perhaps there's something I need to install, or maybe it's just not there - but in the short period I was messing with the installation I was not able to find it.


Overall, this is the first Mandriva release in a while that I've booted into and thought, "Hey, I kinda like how this looks". The desktop seemed polished, and it's the best looking (IMHO) KDE 4 setup I've seen so far. I am also not a KDE fan, as many of you know, but I kind of like the setup Mandriva has here. More to come once I have the time...

Edited by tyme
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I see that others have reported the same problem with MCC. It is also reported that you can launch MCC by going to Konsole as su and running mcc.
I hadn't tried that yet. It was 2am and I only fooled with the install for maybe 20 minutes before my eyes started closing ;)
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