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Skype upgrade


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Haven't tried it yet myself, but I'm glad to see that video chat is finally available in Linux. That was the one missing killer feature for me, since I use it to chat with my sister in the UK all the time so she can keep an eye on her nephews (literally).

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Haven't tried it yet myself, but I'm glad to see that video chat is finally available in Linux. That was the one missing killer feature for me, since I use it to chat with my sister in the UK all the time so she can keep an eye on her nephews (literally).

I have uninstalled version 1.4 manually using kpackage, and installed the latest rpm (ver 2.0).


The skype's `test video' option showed that the webcam worked fine, but the bandwidth is apparently insufficient for making videocalls - I could see the person on the other end, and he could see me, but we could not hear each other. My connection is 1Mbps/128 kbps downstream/upstream, and that seems to be not enough. Calling on landline works fine.

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Weird - that is definitely enough bandwidth for video - I have used it on a slowish HSDPA connection and it was fine. In fact, I once used it on a pitiful 384kbps connection and it worked fine. Must be something else wrong...

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I also used skype on a 1mbps/256kbps link without problems, albeit from Windows - will have to try in Linux now v2 client is out.

In other words, you're saying, 128kbps downstream should not be a problem, right?


If I gave an impression that there were no sound... I did have sound but audio was "broken" - I could hear only short fragments of a word followed by a pause... The bandwidth on the other end could also be a problem, since I don't know what connection my friend has. I also tried videoecho123 and had the same problem, this made me think the problem could be on my side...

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I used to only have 256kbps, which would have had upload of 128kbps and I was able to skype/webcam. It wasn't great, but it worked fine for me. However, my parents did have a 2MB link, so maybe thats why it wasn't too bad for me.


Not saying it can't be a problem, it won't be great, but should work reasonably well on 128kbps.

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Skype has released new version 2.0 with a support for video calls. Has anybody tried it? Does it work with Mandriva 2008.0? I currently have version 1.4, what is the best way to upgrade?


Installed it a couple of weeks ago on 2008, but can't get video to work at all, but have not yet managed to get webcam working with either 2007 or 2008.


It states 1Ghz processor for minimum requirement but works fine for voice and chat on an 866.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Frank Peelo
Haven't tried it yet myself, but I'm glad to see that video chat is finally available in Linux. That was the one missing killer feature for me, since I use it to chat with my sister in the UK all the time so she can keep an eye on her nephews (literally).


I believe it could work, depending on your hardware. I can't get video working, myself.


I downloaded skype- from the Skype website and installed it. Audio works, although my brother says I sound muffled. But that could be due to the Cheapissimo microphone.


But I cannot get video to work at all. I don't think it's bandwidth, I have 2Mb download and 256k upload, should be able to get something even if it's jerky. Can't get any video in at all, and what goes out seems only to be a green screen with some speckly lines at the top.


The webcam is and SN9C1xx USB camera from Lidl. It is installed as /dev/video1 (video0 is a TV card) and I can display the webcam's output on screen with


 mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video1


so I know it works, for mplayer anyhow.


I was skyping my sister in Minnesota and my brother in New York, they can get video from each other so I know they can send it. But all they can see from me is the green screen, and I cannot see them at all. In Skype's Options|Video Devices there's a "Test" panel, I did get to see the green screen in that once, after powering up the PC, but generally there's just a black rectangle (which is not updated - if another window is placed over the black rectangle, it doesn't go black again when the window is removed). Using the webcam from mplayer seems to disable later use of it in Skype's test, maybe coincidence, maybe not. I have googled about this, and some people have had display problems -- webcam working but you can't see the video. So maybe I have two problems: Skype sees only green from my webcam, and it also does not show video on my Radeon 7000 video card (with the free "Radeon 9250 and earlier" that came in Mandriva 2008).


Anyway. If you have hardware that works with it, it should be good. But I wish I could figure out why it doesn't work for me.



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Skype works here.

I have two PC's here that I am testing Skype via the internet from one PC to the other. Using two different Skype accounts of course.

From Mandriva 2008.1 to Ubuntu 8.04 alpha 6 I get 320x240 images, both say they are sending at 10 FPS and both say they are receiving the other at 5 FPS.

That's not bad for a US DSL line with the double load of sending and receiving for two connections rather than just one.

Both cameras are Logitech Pro9000. Both PCs are out-of-the-box installs, nothing special to get it to work.

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Guest Frank Peelo
Skype works here.

I have two PC's here that I am testing Skype via the internet from one PC to the other. Using two different Skype accounts of course.

From Mandriva 2008.1 to Ubuntu 8.04 alpha 6


Both cameras are Logitech Pro9000. Both PCs are out-of-the-box installs, nothing special to get it to work.


I now believe I have two separate problems.

  1. The "Test" option on Skype's Video options remains black; this could be a video driver issue rather than a webcam issue.
  2. Skype does not read my /dev/video1 properly: it sees a green screen with a few lines of flickering dots at the top.


Issue 1 has been seen elsewhere. Dude67 at


also gets a black screen image after using an instruction similar to


 mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video1


However, I have found that this goes away if I log out of, and then restart, X. So it seems that mplayer is somehow "grabbing" (or maybe "nobbling") some resource, either in the camera or in the display, and not releasing it.


Rambutan - do you shut down your PC regularly? If so, could you try viewing your webcam in mplayer with a similar command (maybe change to /dev/video0 or whatever), and then try Skype's Test box in the Video Options? If you don't get video in Skype at that point, then shutting down X should fix it -- which is why I ask only if you were going to shut down X anyway. (If you don't have a problem, then I would ask what your video settings are -- except I don't really know how to ask that question.)


My second problem seems to be related to Skype's access of /dev/video1, because mplayer does show video from that device. (So the webcam is working.) Maybe there is an issue with the sn9c102 driver; I dunno, maybe Skype tries to change the resolution and the driver does not like it. I am trying to borrow another webcam to see if the results will be different. Will report back if that works.


Of course, now that 2008.1 is out, I may upgrade, and find that everything just works... but I'll not learn anything that way :)

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Moshebagelfresser
Skype has released new version 2.0 with a support for video calls. Has anybody tried it? Does it work with Mandriva 2008.0? I currently have version 1.4, what is the best way to upgrade?

I recently installed the new version.


To install the new Skype version, do the following:

1. Uninstall the programme through Add and Remove.


2 Go to www.skype.com and download the Mandriva edition, which is .rpm and get it automatically installed with Mandriva.


During installation you will be told that it is a bad package, ignore the warning and continue. Mine works fine with the Webcam.


If you need a webcam driver there is someone in France that has created Linux drivers for over 350 Webcams. This is his hobby the link: http://www.theinquirer.net/en/inquirer/new...235-usb-webcams

Good Luck


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