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VirtualBox - help with install

Guest CheeseOnToast-YUM

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Guest CheeseOnToast-YUM



Today I downloaded VirtualBox for Mandriva

[Mandriva 2007.1 i386/quote] from http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads but I don't know how to install it. Is there anyone who have sucessfully managed to install it on their system? Is there any additional software I need for an easy install? Can you give me easy instructions on how to do this?


Sorry if my question sounds abit confusing (I'm tired!) :D


Thanks in advance,




[moved from Software by spinynorman - welcome aboard :)]

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Set up your urpmi software sources, be sure you have main and contrib.

Open a terminal and type:


urpmi virtualbox


Make sure when you get asked to choose the kernel-source version that matches your running kernel which you can find out by typing: uname -r in a terminal.


Mandriva 2007.1 Spring comes with VirtualBox (OSE version). No need to download packages from the virtualbox website, unless you want the commercial non-open version.



Edited by chris:b
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Guest CheeseOnToast-YUM

Thanks for your help..


But, I'm using the free mandriva which doesn't have that much packages, I did a search in the Install, Remove & Update Software thingy for box in hope to find virtualbox but to no avail. So this is why I downloaded it off the VirtualBox website.. I tried the urpmi install but it says No package name "[name]", what should I do now? :wall:

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Thanks for your help..


But, I'm using the free mandriva which doesn't have that much packages, I did a search in the Install, Remove & Update Software thingy for box in hope to find virtualbox but to no avail. So this is why I downloaded it off the VirtualBox website.. I tried the urpmi install but it says No package name "[name]", what should I do now? :wall:


That's why I suggested:


Set up your urpmi software sources, be sure you have main and contrib.


MCC -> Software Management -> Select from where software packages ... -> button: "Add ..."


or go to easyurpmi and add the sources:



You can search this forum for easyurpmi and software sources to get more hints about how to add sources.

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