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Guest TrjnBBaller21

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Guest TrjnBBaller21

Ok...i use the run command to start dvdrip...its version 0.97.4..then try to go to preferences and it just closes....then if i just go to new project and rename it and try to create project i got the error message mkdir /CHANGE_ME: Permission dneied at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7/Video/DVDRip/Project.pm line 172....please advise...did i not install everything...do i need a different version....help would be much appreciated..thank you

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it's trying to create the directory /CHANGE_ME which can't be done as a regular user, you must be root. But, that directory is likely set in a config file somewhere and is meant to be changed so that it points to a directory in your home so that you can run it as a regular user. Try checking for a .dvdrip directory in your home directory, it may contain the config files where you should be able to edit it with a text editor to change that setting.

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There is a .dvdriprc file in your home directory. Inside it look for:


'base_project_dir' => {
     'value' => '/mnt/key',
     'type' => 'dir',
     'label' => 'Default data base directory'


mine points to /mnt/key - point yours wherever you like, but make sure it has plenty of space - at least 6GB...

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