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What to do with an XML


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OK, this sounds like a really dumb question (and I'm the one asking it!), but this is a completely new area for me, so please be patient :thanks:


I've got a few XML files with their respective DTDs that I downloaded from my alma mater. Problem is, I have no idea what to do with them now. They're dictionary files, but I don't know of any way of using them other than opening them up in an editor and searching or grepping through them. Is there some kind of program or utility for searching through XMLs like these?


TIA :)




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Cannon >> As someone who has never written much more than a couple of batch files going to no more than about half a dozen lines, the thought of that terrifies me! I'll see what I can find - this might be a good opportunity :)


Devries >> That program works with the Edict and Kanjidic files, which are in their own native format (see Edict documentation and Kanjidic documentation for more details). The XML files (JMdict and Kanjidic2) are developed from those files with more detail. I can get the native-format files working, but I just wanted to use the more detailed XML files if I could. There are a couple of links on this page to projects that use the XMLs, but one is a dead link and the other appears to be able to handle only JMdict and not Kanjidic2.


Thanks for your help, guys :thanks:




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