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Totally new to Mandrake...


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Hello friendly Linux bods! :D


Well after some consideration i decided to have a crack at this ere Linux thing, so a copy of Mandrake 10.1 later and i'm on my way..................well...ish...well not really at all. I'm a windows user, for now anyway. So here's the crack......


Get Mandrake, install on seperate HDD, now have dual boot system. Mandrake appears to boot up fine, various 'windows' open as they should etc, but here's the thing i know absolutely nothing about Mandrake. I feel like a two year old.


So i jump right in and try and install my NTL 351000 USB modem for a first.......................................HA!! I 'm really just pratting about untill i can get some serious advice. I arse around with some settings and eventually get on the net, but at a speed which really doesn't seem right for my 3Mbs, more like downloading page at 27bs!! I managed to talk to one of my mates using the instant messenger (he's on MSN) but the internet was a no go really, although technically it was connected.


So i comes to thinking, i suppose i best try and get my head round this OS a bit more before i carry on, i mean i tried to install Firefox and i couldn't even do that!!


So the crack is i'm an UTTER NOVICE. I want to learn though, and i'd LOVE to get to the point where i can not use XP at all. From what i've already read it seems a long and winding road, but i'm prepared for it.


I have a head full of questions, like how come Mandrake plays back audio with error messages etc through my Delta 66 card, even though i've not even tried to install a driver, yet i cant get a cd to play? As you can see i really am a novice....................a novice who probably has still got his silly windows head on. :screwy:


I just would like to start right at the bottom, like what is the basic operating principles of Mandrake, how to install software all the really basic stuff.


:thanks: for any advice!!


[moved from Everything Linux by spinynorman - welcome to the board :)]

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Well, welcome to mandrake (By the way,m they have recently changed the name, so all future versions will actualy be called Mandriva)


There's an awful lot you're asking about here, so let me start with the general advice. The best way you can learn linux, is to just dive in head first. There's realy no one place to look for advice, or one place to start. Just use it, and it will come.


As for the hardware, since there's a couple of seperate issues, you should start a thread for each in the appropriate areas.


Good luck

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Thanks for reply!! Cool!!


Yeah i kinda thought that i had too many questions there!! I'm not afraid of just diving in, but just dont want to bugger it all up and have to reinstall!!


I mean i think it was pure luck that i got it installed ok!! Right then ....off to the other forums to ask loads of questions!~!

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Yeah welcome to the world of Linux and open source, yep the best way is to keep playing around with it and installing things, I have learnt so many commands and options that can be done from a command line in one week just from installing a graphics card,

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