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MDK10.1 - OOo died


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Hi folks!


Finally upgraded from 9.0 to 10.1 (thanks to the good folk at APC mag ;) ), and I was really impressed with the way everything runs, I didn't have any trouble with the transition at all.


Until now, that is.... I have been slowly downloading all the updates on my dial-up connexion, like a happy boy Linux user, and that's been going fine. However, somewhere along the track OpenOffice.org (1.1.3) has fallen over. When I try to load it from the menu, it comes up with the 'Starting OpenOffice Writer' button in the task bar (in KDE), but then that disappears and nothing happens after that. If I try running it from Konsole as user, I get 'Aborted' (yup, that's all), and as root, 'OpenOffice.org 1.1.3 Installation failed'. I tried re-installing OOo, but to no avail.


Does anyone know what could have caused my problems, and if there's any solution other than a full re-install?






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I do not think an OS reinstall is necessary.

Look in your home account at hidden files and see if there is a file for Open Office and if there is then delete it. This usually has the stored settings for behaviour etc and may be corrupted. Once you activate OpenOffice again it should create a new file.

When you uninstalled it and reinstalled OpenOffice it would have left this file untouched and so what ever was wrong in the first place would have been kept.

Try this out and see how it goes.


Cheers. John.

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Ta, AJ! I'm at uni now, so i can't try it straight away, but I'll give it a go when I get home tonight, and see what happens. Actually, when I was doing a backup last night, I discovered I have both a .openoffice directory, and a .OpenOffice.org-1.1.3 directory. Do I really need both of these? When I moved to 10.1, I just did an upgrade, so it's possible that the .oo directory is just a remnant from the old 9.0 system.


On another note, I'm kinda thinking I might do a fresh install anyway, because a number of packages I installed from source are now also available as RPMs, and having them in an easily updatable format would be much, much easier...


many thanks!


Alex @ checking to see if updatable is really a word :unsure:


and also @ I dunno what :banana: means, but I like it!

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Hello ALEX.


Yes that other Open office file would be a remnant and can be deleted.

As I suggested, delete both and see if that corrects things. If it does then that is good experience.

If you do not have any special data to worry about after doing this exercise then the idea of doing a fresh reinstall is a good one. A good point about the rpms, and yes that would be worthwhile.

(I hope that the 10.1 is the Official Edition and not the Community Edition.

10.1CE had a few instability bugs that were resolved in the OE version.)

It cleans up things and give you more experience and confidence. When I first started, doing an install was my greatest fear. Now I do it without thinking twice about it.


Cheers. John.

Edited by AussieJohn
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Thanks for your advice, John. Gee, I might have to take back all the nasty things I said about Queenslanders :P I deleted the .oo directory and the world hasn't ended, so I'm going to try firstly renaming the .OpenOffice.org_1.1.0 to .OO.o_1.1.3, to see if that's what it's problem is (I've got 1.1.3 installed, but for some reason I've got a 1.1.0 directory... go figure?), and if that fails, delete the whole thing, and if that fails - and maybe even if it doesn't - I'll just do a fresh install for the experience.


Yes, it is 10.1OE (AFAIK), so I'm hoping that a re-install will clear out some of the deadwood and so on. BTW, I hope

Now I do it without thinking twice about it.
doesn't mean that you have to reinstall often...


Thanks again :)



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No it doesn't mean I HAVE to reinstall often. I have a base working Mandriva on one HDD and another on a 2nd HDD which I tryout things like upgrading over the net or adding thacs kde3.4 rpms. So if I screw up badly enough on that one then I just reinstall and try again.


I can assure you you learn more about your OS each time you do an install so it is not a wasted exercise as some of the geeks imply (not from this boards family thank goodness.).


Don't tell anyone but I am still a Sydneyite and a NSWite at heart (born and raised there and spent most of my life there). Always will be.


Cheers mate. John.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm... I'm not sure if being from Sydney makes you better or worse :S I suppose I have to give ya credit for having the sense to get out of there!


For those of you playing at home, neither renaming nor deleting the .OpenOffice.org directory changed a thing, so i did a complete reinstall and presto! Now X won't load... Argh...


Alex @ hurrying to the Mandrake/Mandriva archives to search for a dusty file on unsticking X that I'm sure I've seen around somewhere...

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