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Realplayer 10 problems


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I'm using realplayer 10 on mandrake 10.1 and the video does not work properly. It will play ok for a few seconds and then stop. Starting again a few seconds later. This keeps repeating. Its not a problem due to streaming over the net, as I have the same problem playing stored RAM files on my computer. The audio works perfectly.

Any ideas anyone?




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I would recommend you use MPlayer instead it runs the same files RealPlay does aside from others like WMV and AVI. I have problems with Realplay 10 too. Just open a terminal, log in as root, and urpmi mplayer. If it says package not found, go to the Easy URPMI link above and follow the steps by adding a contrib, plf and non-plf mirrors. Then urpmi mplayer. After it downloads, I would recommend you run urpmi mplayer-gui for a graphical interface. Thats all that i can think of right now, hope it helps =).

Edited by Relix3000
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I would recommend you use MPlayer instead it runs the same files RealPlay does aside from others like WMV and AVI.

Wow, I couldn't agree with you less. There is a tendancy amoung linux users, which I have never udnerstood, to use open source software that sucks, when there is freely available closed software that works better. Don't get me wrong, I understand the draw to open source, but there are no media players that handle RealMedia files better than RealPlayer.


The same is true of adobe acrobat and macromedia flash. Of course, many people will point you to third party programs, that don't work nearly as well as the real thing.


Anyway, there is no compatability issue with RealPlayer and mandrake 10.1, so, let's figure out your problem. Where did you get the installer from? Was it from the powerpack DVD or something you downloaded?


If it was a download, can you post the address?


Was it an RPM, or some other package?


Baring that, it's probably something in your settings, I'll take a look at mine and see if I can come up with something helpful

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I deffinately agree. Be sure you get the rpm version if there is one on that site. I've been using the helix/realplayer for a while with no troubles on audio or video. I use it for the audio at http://www.npr.org mostly, but I was watching trailers for the upcoming "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" movie just the other day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've also got the similar but related problem as well.


I recently installed Mandriva 10.2 on my system and I also tried to configure RealPlayer 10 for Linux as well. The web browser I do my web surfing is Mozilla Firefox. When I tried to configure my player as provided from the RealPlayer website, it did not play all RealMedia files (even Video). I even tried the advanced install (RPM form) as well. If I can comprehend properly, I believe it's been "conflicting" with the other media player program, Totem Media Player.


Before the RealPlayer install, I was able to play RealMedia Files flawlessly (RealPlayer G2 was installed as a part of my Linux install, prior at that time) But after that, when I attempt to play Real Media files using Totem, I've been given a warning that it could not play that particular file because one of the codecs is missing, so I have to install additional plug-ins in order to play the file.


So do you people have any suggestions related to my problem?


btw, I'm just a Mandriva n00b, and my computer is already configured dual-boot with Windoze XP.

Edited by mada726
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That is often caused by having a browser open when you install. Firefox checks for new plug-ins on launch, so it's pretty hard to mess up, BUT, if you have firefox open when you install, it may not work. I'd remove realplay 10, and any other versions that might still be installed, and when you're sure it's all gone, install the latest again with firefox NOT running.


Beynod that, I'm not sure. These are really the hardest kind of problem to solve. When somebody get's on and says "I just isntalled linux for the first time, and games are slugish with my hot new nvidia card" we all know what to do, but when someone comes on and says, this perfectly well known program, that works flawlessly for 99% of people is not doing it's job, it can be a real nightmare to figure out what's up.

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That is often caused by having a browser open when you install.  Firefox checks for new plug-ins on launch, so it's pretty hard to mess up, BUT, if you have firefox open when you install, it may not work.  I'd remove realplay 10, and any other versions that might still be installed, and when you're sure it's all gone, install the latest again with firefox NOT running.


Beynod that, I'm not sure.  These are really the hardest kind of problem to solve.  When somebody get's on and says "I just isntalled linux for the first time, and games are slugish with my hot new nvidia card" we all know what to do, but when someone comes on and says, this perfectly well known program, that works flawlessly for 99% of people is not doing it's job, it can be a real nightmare to figure out what's up.


How do I uninstall realplayer 10 off my Mandriva system btw?

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I've just uninstalled RealPlayer 10 off my system, but even though it's uninstalled, the application still appears and I want to know how can I eliminate it completely. I've tried playing the same video clip that is in RealVideo format and it still closes the application without any warning. Any suggestions?

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This is what I did and it worked for me:


uninstall the old stuff:


(as root)


urpme realplayer

urpme RealPlayer


download the latest:

go to http://www.real.com/ and download the RPM version

make sure firefox is closed (may not make a difference, I don't know)

in that directory:

urpmi RealPlayer*


I then went in the menus and under Multimedia->video I chose RealPlayer G2, this launched the RealPLayer 10.0.4 setup utility. that utility offered me to install the browser plugins and check for updates (the update goes to the helix page but since I just downloaded the package, it's up to date).


Next I went to http://service.real.com/realplayer/test/ to test the player.


when I click on one ofthe link, mozilla wanted to open it with Totem by default: I told it to open it with /usr/bin/realplayer.bin instead and remember that for future uses.

I am an now able to play the realplayer 10 samples.



Hope this helps, and pipe in if you think I did something wrong.



Edit: maybe in the future I will install the "Helix" flavor of RealPLayer. I think it's identical to the RealPLayer one, it's just a name change (the rpm name is different).

Edited by papaschtroumpf
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I have had the greatest success with the helix version. The helix community actualy has released two players, their RealONE player, and the Helixplayer. I use the RealONE player from helix, and it's what I'd reccomend.

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This is what I did and it worked for me:


uninstall  the old stuff:


(as root)


urpme realplayer

urpme RealPlayer


download the latest:

go to http://www.real.com/ and download the RPM version

make sure firefox is closed (may not make a difference, I don't know)

in that directory:

urpmi RealPlayer*


I then went in the menus and under Multimedia->video I chose RealPlayer G2, this launched the RealPLayer 10.0.4 setup utility. that utility offered me to install the browser plugins and check for updates (the update goes to the helix page but since I just downloaded the package, it's up to date).


Next I went to http://service.real.com/realplayer/test/ to test the player.


when I click on one ofthe link, mozilla wanted to open it with Totem by default: I told it to open it with /usr/bin/realplayer.bin instead and remember that for future uses.

I am an now able to play the realplayer 10 samples.



Hope this helps, and pipe in if you think I did something wrong.



Edit: maybe in the future I will install the "Helix" flavor of RealPLayer. I think it's identical to the RealPLayer one, it's just a name change (the rpm name is different).



When I went into my /home directory on my system, I realized that RealPlayer was still there! It was installed there when I was attempting to install the program. The /home directory is where I tried to install RealPlayer in the directory. So how do I safely remove that program off the /home directory? Is there a command to do this? If I simply delete it right away, it would cause major problems with my system! :help:

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how did it get there in the first place? did you install it with rmp or urpmi?

use "urmpq Real" and "urpmq rea"l to see if you have any packages with those names (remember, package names are case sensitve and this is one of those rare instances that uses capitals in the packagae name, but some older packages were not capitalized)


I you installed it with rpm (rather than urpmi) there is a similar query option, I think it's rpm -q (I've been using Mandrake for too long!)


If you can't remove it that way, just tar the directory to archive it just in case you want to restore it, then remove it, and install as described in my post.

Edited by papaschtroumpf
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