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Java... Permission Denied ?!?!?

Guest joel1a

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Ok, I'm new with linux. I have downloaded the mandrake linux 10.1. Loaded it without problems as a dual boot (windows). I have taken the beginners course @ linux.org that helped me figure out how to move around. But I need to load up java.... For games mostly :cheesy: and I was able to press Ctrl-alt-f6 get in as root user, make a /java dir in /usr and move the j2re-1_4_2_06-linux-i586-rpm.bin file there. When I try to run it (./) I get Permission Denied


WHY? It seems that the root is still off limits.... Please help. :help::thanks:


[moved from Software by spinynorman - welcome aboard :)]

Edited by joel1a
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you must make the .bin file executable. to do so, open a terminal as root & change to the directory where the .bin file is located. then, issue the following command........


chmod +x jdk-1_5_0_<version>-linux-i586.bin


where <version> is the actual version number.


then, you need to run the installer with this command........




that will create the .rpm file for installation. run that by doing the following.........


rpm -iv jdk-1_5_0_<version>-linux-i586.rpm


java will then be installed. all you'll need to do is get the plugins to work with various browsers. for a "how to", check HERE



Edited by chris z
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yes, all .bin must be chmod'd to make them executable.


congrats, glad you got it working! if you check this out again & are having no problems, could you please mark this thread as "solved"?



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