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Java Issues with Mandrake 10.0 and Mozilla 1.6

Guest SquireJames

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Guest SquireJames

First off, I'm quite the newbie when it comes to Linuxy type stuff, so I apologise if I"m wasting anybodies time with a really dumb question.


However, I've installed JRE 1.4.2_06 from the RPM, following the instrucitons that I found here. I know that I'm running 10.0 community, but this was about the closest set of instructions which I could find, and it didn't seem to contradict anything else which I'd seen on the java site etc. I have created the symlink correctly (I believe), as I have created it within the /usr/lib/mozilla-1.6/plugins directory, and I am simlinking from the gcc32 directory in the java installation. When I run Mozilla it recognises the fact that java plugins are present (about 30 or them). However, when I connect to the java test page the applet attempts to load, but I end up with a gray box and a red X in the corner. If I go into the Mozilla preferences and turn off java support, then the test page doesn't attempt to load the applet and responds with a "Java is not installed" error message. Mozilla also seems to be operating much more "clunkily" then it did before, with large, seemingly meaningless pauses and lock ups during browsing etc.


Any assistance with this would be very much appreciated.

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those instructions are a bit confusing & not quite right. try looking HERE , instead.



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