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Mandrake 10.0 Installation Problem

Guest karan

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Dear friends,


Before i begin i would like to say that i am totally new, new, new to mandrake linux. this is my first experience of using a linux based software.

I have problem in installing mandrake linux 10.0 in my pc. My pc specification are as below:

Processor : Pentium 3 550 MHz


Hardisk : 6 GB (Partition into c & d)

Display : sis 530

OS : Wn98SE


i followed the manual provided.

At the DrakX Partitioning wizard, i choose use the free space on the windows partition.The reason i choose this option was because i partition my disk into 2 that is c and d. in c i installed win98. in d i'm planning to install mandrake linux 10.0. is the option that i choose correct.


after this everything went well until the installing updates from the internet step. here it have two options(yes or no) . i choose no since i was not connected to internet..

After this step it should complete the installation and ask me to reboot. but it hanged and was not able to reboot the way the want me to reboot. since mine is not a atx casing i have no choice but to off and on back to power up the pc.

after it boots up, i choose linux as the os and it alerted me with a message that bootsector infected with virus. i contiued booting and gets hang.

pls advice me on this matter.

thank you very much.

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at what point does it hang during boot? can you post any messages/errors you are seeing when it hangs?


2 things.......... i'd say ignore the boot sector virus warning. my guess is, you have an anti virus installed in Windows &/or you have boot sector protection in the BIOS & it detected that Mandrake overwrote your Windows boot record with it's own.


also, 96megs of RAM might not be enough to let Mandrake run properly & that could be your problem. just guessing here since i don't have any error messages to go by.


if you want to be sure about the virus warning, boot into your BIOS & see if there's a setting for boot sector protection of some sort. if there is, turn it off. also, you didn't mention this, but can you boot into Windows? if so, & you have an anti virus program, & if you're sure you're virus free, turn off the AV temporarily, or at least disable boot sector protection.


you might want to just try disabling the anti virus stuff i mentioned, then try re-installing Mandrake. that might be the whole problem. if not, again, please post the message you see when it stops booting into Mandrake.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi chris. thanks for the tips. by the way, i believe that running linux under 96 MB of ram is not recommended. about the boot virus i followed exactly wht u ask me to do. tht problem solved. but u were asking is there any error msg? there's none. it just get hang. after i reboot manually, i boot from the first cd. then it ask me wheter to upgrade or install. i choose upgrade. while installing files from cd1 it then asked for cd2. then it goes to installing updates phase. after that it reboots and i can use linux 10.0. but some of the features such as openoffice.org suite is missing, GnuCash cannot be open/started, and even the terminal. thts all i guess.


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