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Drop root privileges from bash

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i have a script that is running root (usb-storage script) i know that everything is mounted on mandrake but i'm trying to output a message to the user of course WITHOUT ROOT privileges (to reduce the possibility of having a user to run process a root) and to have the same config and skin than the current user here my exemple:

i'm on kde 3.3

     script thing 
  dropping root privilege to current user
./kdialog --title "New Usb-Storage found" --passivepopup \
"is avaible in /mnt" 10


i know i'm not clear but any idea will help me a lot

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Some way


#build kdialog command file

echo "#!/bin/sh" > /tmp/kdialog_cmd

echo "/usr/kde/3.3/bin/kdialog --title test --msgbox test &" >> /tmp/kdialog_cmd

chmod a+x /tmp/kdialog_cmd

# run kdialog command file as some-user

su - some-user -c /tmp/kdialog_cmd



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"but my root is not able to connect o X server"

Good. In X while root is risky/happy-sitting-duck!

Don't do this!!

(cut off www if unprotected &| paranoid)

(then give root X permision)

cp /home/$USER/.Xauthority /root as root

check root $DISPLAY value

(should be same as echo $USER when $USER)


"so i cannot see the dialog box"

Doe's this work?

Alt/F2 kdialog --title test --msgbox test

0 problems here.


I thought the idea was to run kdialog with non root priviledges!

My little script work's here.

(Maybe try it stanalone say as test.sh first)


Please post your shell script.

Maybe somebody will pick up something?

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"but my root is not able to connect o X server"

Good. In X while root is risky/happy-sitting-duck!

Don't do this!!

(cut off www if unprotected &| paranoid)

(then give root X permision)

cp /home/$USER/.Xauthority /root as root

check root $DISPLAY value

(should be same as echo $USER when $USER)


"so i cannot see the dialog box"

Doe's this work?

Alt/F2 kdialog --title test --msgbox test

0 problems here.


I thought the idea was to run kdialog with non root priviledges!

My little script work's here.

(Maybe try it stanalone say as test.sh first)


Please post your shell script.

Maybe somebody will pick up something?



ok here is my output :

root@timon:/tmp# ./test.sh
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

xhost:  unable to open display ":0.0"
kwrite: cannot connect to X server


and here is the content of my file:

cat test.sh
#build kdialog command file
export DISPLAY=":0.0"
echo "#!/bin/sh" > /tmp/kdialog_cmd
xhost +
echo "kwrite" >> /tmp/kdialog_cmd
chmod a+x /tmp/kdialog_cmd
# run kdialog command file as some-user
su - frank -c /tmp/kdialog_cmd


and yer alt f2 give me the dialog ;)


thanks again for your help :)

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and if i set comment the xhost and the export display it still says:


kwrite: cannot connect to X server


and the file is this


#build kdialog command file
#export DISPLAY=":0.0"
echo "#!/bin/sh" > /tmp/kdialog_cmd
#xhost +
echo "kwrite" >> /tmp/kdialog_cmd
chmod a+x /tmp/kdialog_cmd
# run kdialog command file as some-user
su - frank -c /tmp/kdialog_cmd

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i GOT IT i have changedyour last line

 su - frank -c /tmp/kdialog_cmd



 su frank -c /tmp/kdialog_cmd


because the dash in su remove all variables exported so this is why :)


thank you for your help , now i only have to know wich user have cause my deamon to start :)

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