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Mageia 2: Installed -Thoughts


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Well, I went ahead and put Mageia on my Toshiba laptop. Installing Mandriva 2010 was about the same, except for the video. 2010 had a problem with the Wifi and Mageia had the exact same problem. The driver is present but in the wrong folder.


On 2010 I compiled it and it installed. When I went to check what happened it was in the right place and I noticed the other one in the wrong place. On Mageia I forgot all of that and tried to compile it and it failed. I still haven't sorted out why it wouldn't compile. Missing autoconf I think. Copying the driver to the right folder fixed it. I'll post the details when I'm not so tired.


Getting KDE running was fairly simple once I got GRUB where I wanted it. I had to boot in safe mode and run XFdrake and select VESA...Then KDE came up and I enabled the non-free repositories and selected my driver.


So, after getting it going I noticed that Compiz screws up the menus...they hang...don't pop out. In Chrome a right click on highlighted text doesn't produce a cut/copy/ etc menu. You right click and move the arrow around and you'll see the menu appear a line at a time as you pass over it.


Also, the pager will not do a 2x2 arrangement :: It does four .... even if you change it. Turning off Compiz fixes all of these problems and the system itself and KDE are rock solid.


It seems pretty fast and pretty stable. Even with Compiz eventually hanging KDE I was able to restart KDE and disable Compiz without rebooting.


I don't think my fonts are right, could be my eyes as I'm really tired. No, they're not right. Something I've done.


Kmail scripted signature just required I put the script I used in 2010 in a folder and use it's output as the signature.


I also imported my filters and address book without any problem. I forgot to export bookmarks to the Windows partition so I'll have to boot windows and export from there and import to Mageia.


One of my favorite screen savers works. It didn't work on 2011, but did on 2010.


You can find it with google: kcometen4-1.0.6-1-unity2010.x86_64.rpm. It is a really nice 3D OpenGL one if you have not seen it.


All in all I'm pretty happy. Have a stable system that I can build on and I'm sure someone will fix Compiz. I didn't try different drivers which is most likly an option.


I hope Mageia takes #1 and holds for many years to come. This is a very good piece of work in such a short time.

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Yes, running Mag2 on two of my computers and they are working very nice. I was a bit upset about the non-free drivers missing and the free drivers for my NVidia NIC not working. That caused me problems on both machines. I couldn't get the screen to work for a long time. The solution for me was to get the system running up to the point where it stopped loading due to "no screen" and switching to another session with Ctrl-Alt-F2. Then I could log in and install the xorg vesa driver to get the screen to work (as Yankee did).


Before I could come up with that solution I had to re-install the system and that whole upgrade/install mess was a pain. Still managed to keep my /home partition, but I think I messed up my other partitioning in the process as I was originally just updating from Mag1 to Mag2 through on-line upgrade.


So once you know that issue (even with upgrade from Mag1 to Mag2) and get to boot to GUI (mine is KDE4), then it seems very nice. I haven't been able to use 3D desktop on my better rig (with NVidia GeForce GTX560 Ti 2GB), and the problems with Compiz continues as is the case with Yankee.


But all and all, I've been very happy with Mageia - now running Mag2 and liking it.


It does include Gimp 2.8.0 which has the single window mode and a few other goodies. :thumbs:

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