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What do I need to know about Wine?

Guest Leo54

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In relation to the Mandriva 2011 operating system.

What do I need to know about the software entitled "Wine"?




First of all, based on what you know about it.

Is it worth having on a hard drive?

Also, is there a better alternative?


Thank You,




[moved from Software by spinynorman]

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Since you are asking, I guess you don't need it:-).


Wine (Wine Is Not Emulator) is an implementation of the Microsoft Windows API to allow some applications written for MS Windows to run on Linux. You need it if you need to use MS Office or wish to play a Windows game on your Linux PC. Let me warn you right away - not all MS Windows applications can be run that way. In fact, very few can.


There is a very affordable commercial implementation of Wine, CrossOver Office, produced by CodeWeavers http://www.codeweavers.com. I have been using it for many years to run MS Office, it works great for me. They have a detailed list of compatible applications.

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