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Project: EncryptYorMessages.co.uk

Guest Bertrand-EYM

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Guest Bertrand-EYM

Hi there,


My name is Bertrand, from Glasgow. But, I am French originally. Last year, in December 2010, I wanted to put a website on e-mail encryption and protecting the secrecy of correspondence on the Internet. This is probably one of the less known and less practice aspects of network security (protecting data communication).


A few weeks ago, I went back to it, added some text to it and improved the written articles which had already been prepared. The original name of it was protecturprivacy.org, I had purchased the domain name and recorded the video tutorials using this domain. Earlier this month, I made the decision to use encryptyourmessages.co.uk. So, this is the story around it.


The website is now online at www.encryptyourmessages.co.uk. It is built on the CMS CMS Made Simple. Nice and easy collaboration platform for me.


It is intended to be read by non-IT literate people too. That’s why I tried to explain everything in plain English.


The reasons for me coming to post here are I have no specific knowledge of the distribution, for the moment I am the only person involved, and I am highly interested in contributions.


I would like to find people who would be interested in participating in the project. Hoping to find people who like the idea and who could write and maintain tutorials on a specific Linux distribution. For example, the tutorial can be a different visual tool or command-line tool available on your distribution. The website is in English so everything has to be in the same language.


The idea I have in mind is first to find people who can write and keep these tutorials up-to-date, and second, once the tutorials are available, install a message board in order to help people/visitors.


All this is and will be time consuming. That’s one of the reasons to look for people who desire to join the work and submit texts and/or videos. It also true I very rarely use Linux and don’t have too much practice on it, one more explanation to try to find motivated minds.


Another important point is I want people from the future team to use their real first name. That’s because interacting with Steve, Andrew or else is much nicer than if the other person is called Tux2000, SuperDragon or else. It brings respect and politeness naturally during the exchanges. Have seen it working on another website a few years ago and it doesn’t reveal too much about yourself, so there is no breach into your privacy.


A message board would first be installed for the team to exchange messages, ideas and else. Then, it would be open to visitors later.


Many thanks for your time with reading it. Hope a few of you can offer their help.


The website is still under construction, a few things have to be finalized. But you check it online now.





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Morning Bertrand, I find this a good initiative. The website looks good as well (though I did not check the videos). Don't think many people realise the transparancy that internet communication entails.I still find it surprising that we hand over whatever details to the unknown simply because it goes into a computer (which then somehow makes it trustworthy). Having said that I must admit that I also do not encrypt my email as I still haven't quite been able to get encryption fully up and running on my own system (Mandriva Linux; using Claws as mail user agent with the PGP/Mime plugin to handle the communication with GPG). Lack of others who write/accept encrypted always caused this to be one of the projects that never made it to the top of the list. I do sign my email though -- only to find out that some corporate incoming email scanners get upset by that. Will dig again into it (as it can't be that hard) and report back once I cracked it.


One other comment though -- your tutorial makes also clear to users that the internet knows little privacy, yet you ask posters to use their real name and not their alias. Personally I never use my own name, but always one of my aliases. I know that I will always be traceable by IP to within a few miles of my home anyway and that anybody who can convince my ISP (i.e. ideally only with backing of the law) can convert the IP into my name. That gives me enough visibility me thinks...


So I will go back to my email system and once and for all sort out encryption in Claws and can then may be contribute that to your site.

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Guest Bertrand-EYM

Hi pindakoe,


Thank you for your reply. Sorry for coming back to you so late.


Would using a different first name than your actual first name make it a good compromise? No obligation anyway. Have always found it much friendlier to use a first name.


Bertrand is my actual first name. I personally don't consider it a breach into my privacy for other people to know it. My colleagues know it, my neighbours know it, my former classmates know it,... and this doesn't mean they necessarily know all the details of my private life!


See you,



Edited by Bertrand-EYM
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