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Can't install 2011 x64 grey screen

Guest hope84

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Hi Guys,


Im converting over to Mandriva 2011, and am having some trouble installing or running live CD.


Firstly the gear:

Dell Laptop - Studio XPS 1640

Intel Core 2 Duo CPU P8600 2.4ghz

6gb ram, 500gb HDD

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3670


Currently running Win7 x64, which i plan to format off the hdd when installing..


The problem:

When booting off live CD i get the option screen install or live. if i choose install it goes through untill the load screen (light blue with Mandriva logo thinking circle) after a couple of minitues the screen goes completly grey! if any key is pressed including alt ctrl f1, the screen goes black.

When live option is selected, once the loading screen has finished the entire screen goes white with colourful vertical lines, i can make out were the mouse is as there is a 1cm squre slightly defined on the white screen.


Also i have checked the DL, and re burnt the CD in a slow write and verified.


Is this a known problem with my graphics card? im disapointed as Mandriva looks like the linux install for me..


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks Kieth, i just worked it out. I had a look at that page before but the section on ATI was not very detailed.


Anyone else with the same problem:


Hit TAB key when install screen showing, add " nomodeset" then hit enter.

Once install completes on load you will need to enter it again in the load options.


Im just downloading the ATI drivers to see if that fixes.

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