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32 bit app does not see windows fonts


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I installed windows fonts by adding at site easyurpmi.zarb.org PLF medias and running commands:

urpmi libfreetype6 --force
urpmi fonts-ttf-liberation


and have :

# rpm -qa libfreetype6
# rpm -qa fonts-ttf-liberation


Problem is that in 64bit Madriva I installed old ZendStudio 5.1.1 editor which is 32 bit.

It does not see installed windows fonts. Have I to install 32 bit versions of libfreetype6 and fonts-ttf-liberation ? If yes how to do this?

Or can be other reason?

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We can find out easily enough:


rpm -ql libfreetype6
rpm -ql fonts-ttf-liberation


and see where they got installed. But Windows fonts are normally from a package msttcorefonts or similar.

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Yes I see files in system:

# rpm -ql libfreetype6


# rpm -ql fonts-ttf-liberation


All apps(like open Office Writer or kjots) see these fonts.

Only old 32 bit ZendStudio 5.1.1 editor does not see them.

I ask How can I install speciall 32 bit version of libfreetype6, fonts-ttf-liberation ?

Or how tp make ZendStudio 5.1.1 see these installed 64 bit fonts?

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You don't understand. Fonts are fonts and they are generally not 32 bit or 64 bit. They are installed under /usr/lib and so both 32 bit and 64 bit applications should see them. The same path for /usr/share/fonts/TTF is the same for both 32 bit and 64 bit systems.


The problem is not your fonts, but your 32 bit application probably doesn't know where to find them. It is looking in the wrong place. You would need to ask on the Zendstudio forum as chances are the configuration files for this application need to be updated correctly to search in the right place.

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In Fedora, the fonts are themselves are stored in /usr/shared/fonts/


libfreetype is stored in /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib64/ both.


$ whereis libfreetype.so.6.6.2
libfreetype.so.6.6: /usr/lib/libfreetype.so.6.6.2 /usr/lib64/libfreetype.so.6.6.2

Edited by David Batson
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