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Installing Mandriva on a PC, help!

Guest Vik17

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Guest Vik17

Hi all,


I installed Mandriva onto my laptop a couple of days ago and absolutely love it! I am a true Linux convert!


Im trying to install it on my partners PC which is currently running Windows XP and it seems to be having major problems. It gets so far and stops, unable to go any further it seems. Looking at the verbose, it gets up to HAL daemon and says [FAILED] then freezes.


Any help gratefully received, it is starting to drive me crazy!

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Guest Vik17

Daniewicz, I am using a live cd to try and install it.

Silversurfer, its Mandriva One 10.2 I think. I tried using the BIOS settings from my laptop on the PC but since its different, I couldnt exactly get the settings the same.


If its any help, it installs right up to Setting mixer settings or starting resolvconf then freezes

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If you boot off of the live CD without trying to install does everything load correctly?


Another thought, try burning a new CD. Perhaps the laptop you are attempting to install Mandriva on has a more delicate/fussy CD drive.

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