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Posts posted by gregor

  1. Is there a reason why you want different rates in the console than the default?


    It is too slow (1s). E.g. whan you are editing a file you want to move around quickly.


    Also could you provide some more information about your system.


    Mainboard is Luckystar KTAPRO, keyboard is PS/2 keyboard.

  2. Don't know if you've tried this or not already but under Kmail Settings, Configure Kmail, Appearance you can change the font and the font size.


    Yes, but it doesn't help if there is something like that in an HTML email message:

    <font size="1">This is too small!</font>


    In Konqueror you can set minimal font size, in KMail...

  3. In terminal (CTRL+ALT+F1) I can't change keyboard delay (it stays the same - 1s):

    # kbdrate -r 30 -d 250

    Typematic Rate set to 33,3 cps (delay = 250 ms) (Yes, kbdrate incorectly reports delay is 250 ms.)


    Note also that I CAN change it in X:

    $ xset r rate 200 40


    I think keyboard is "Clicker 98" (or something like that).

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