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Posts posted by wingcom

  1. The top line of the /etc/named.conf file is missing .... I've been fighting this nonsense myself.


    Add the line:

    include "/etc/rndc.key"


    Then run: service named start (or restart)


    If that fails, reboot and then run service named status and you should be up and running.


    No Joy...

    Still fighting with this. I've configured my dhcp to put my ISP dns directly however I still want to know what this is :s

    All works accept queries from the local network. They don't seem to find their way to the internet or upper name servers. So a routing problem might be correct but I don't know how I should configure it then :s

  2. Hey all,


    I've configured DHCPD, DNS, SHOREWALL and Internet Connection Sharing using the Mandriva Wizards but I'm having troubles with queries on the DNS through the LAN.


    My configuration is this:


    1. Interface eth0 has a static IP and connects to my ADSL router on IP So this is the NET zone in shorewall. My wireless clients are also in this zone and receive an IP in that range from the router.

    eth0	  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:7D:A3:3D:02
    	  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    	  inet6 addr: fe80::2e0:7dff:fea3:3d02/64 Scope:Link
    	  RX packets:16472 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:11445 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    	  RX bytes:17676496 (16.8 MiB)  TX bytes:1270234 (1.2 MiB)
    	  Interrupt:18 Base address:0xef00


    2. Interface eth1 also has static IP and connects to the LAN. (XBOX and 2 other PC's) This is the LOC zone in shorewall. Default gateway for this is set to I think this is done by the "Internet Connection Wizard"

    eth1	  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:7D:A3:3D:0F
    	  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    	  inet6 addr: fe80::2e0:7dff:fea3:3d0f/64 Scope:Link
    	  RX packets:278 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:96 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    	  RX bytes:24693 (24.1 KiB)  TX bytes:13332 (13.0 KiB)
    	  Interrupt:19 Base address:0xe00


    In shorewall I have masquerading set like this:


    eth0	eth1


    My routing table looks like this:

    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination	 Gateway		 Genmask		 Flags Metric Ref	Use Iface		*   U	 10	 0		0 eth1	 *   U	 10	 0		0 eth0	 *	 U	 10	 0		0 eth0	 *	 U	 10	 0		0 eth1	   *	   U	 0	  0		0 lo
    default		 UG	10	 0		0 eth0


    I do NOT see any shorewall messages in my messages log and policy is set to this:

    loc	net	ACCEPT
    loc	fw	ACCEPT
    fw	loc	ACCEPT
    fw	net	ACCEPT
    loc	loc	ACCEPT
    net	all	DROP	info
    all	all	REJECT	info


    service named restart gives me:

    Jun 10 13:03:22 ENTERPRISE named[12044]: starting BIND 9.3.2 -u named -t /var/lib/named
    Jun 10 13:03:22 ENTERPRISE named[12044]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
    Jun 10 13:03:22 ENTERPRISE named[12044]: listening on IPv4 interface lo,
    Jun 10 13:03:22 ENTERPRISE named[12044]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
    Jun 10 13:03:22 ENTERPRISE named[12044]: listening on IPv4 interface eth1,
    Jun 10 13:03:22 ENTERPRISE named[12044]: command channel listening on


    I can do queries on the domain name server EXCEPT on interface but I donot think its the nameserver itself but a network setup/ firewall or routing problem.


    dig @localhost google.com

    dig @ google.com

    dig @ google.com

    and dig @ENTERPRISE gives me:


    ; <<>> DiG 9.3.2 <<>> @localhost google.com
    ; (1 server found)
    ;; global options:  printcmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 18177
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 0
    ;google.com.					IN	  A
    google.com.			 300	 IN	  A
    google.com.			 300	 IN	  A
    google.com.			 300	 IN	  A
    google.com.			 345600  IN	  NS	  ns1.google.com.
    google.com.			 345600  IN	  NS	  ns2.google.com.
    google.com.			 345600  IN	  NS	  ns3.google.com.
    google.com.			 345600  IN	  NS	  ns4.google.com.
    ;; Query time: 464 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Sun Jun 10 13:05:22 2007
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 148


    but dig @ gives me:

    [root@ENTERPRISE wingcom]# dig @ google.com
    ; <<>> DiG 9.3.2 <<>> @ google.com
    ; (1 server found)
    ;; global options:  printcmd
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached


    All these commands are performed on the server...


    The reason why I think it has nothing to do with the DNS itself is that I also can't ping ip addresses from my connected clients on that interface. (nor can i ping/connect to hostnames of course)


    CORRECTION: I can now ping my ISP DNS Server IP from my connected client so i'm gonna post my named.conf because it DOES seem like a DNS problem after all:

    key mykey {
    algorithm hmac-md5;
    secret "";
    controls {
    inet port 953
    allow {; } keys { mykey; };
    options {
    directory "/var/lib/named/var/named";
    pid-file "/var/lib/named/var/named/named.pid";
    version "Wizard drake";
    allow-query { any; };
    allow-transfer { any; };
    forwarders {; };
    zone "localhost" {
    type master;
    file "zone/db.localhost";
    zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
    type master;
    file "zone/db.";
    zone "." {
    type hint;
    file "zone/root.hints";
    zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
    type master;
    file "zone/db.1.168.192.hosts";
    forwarders { };
    zone "STARFLEET.COM" {
    type master;
    file "zone/db.STARFLEET.COM.hosts";
    forwarders { };


    Ive had this setup before but I reinstalled a new motherboard and upgraded from 2005 to 2007 keeping only my homedir and reinstalling all the rest. So I must be overlooking something :s


    Can someone point me in the right direction please? I must be overlooking something but don't seem to find it :s





  3. Hi,


    Since a few weeks my computer keeps rebooting at random. It has always been a stable system but now it just keeps on rebooting whenever it feels like it. My temperature is normal and I don't have a clue what is causing these reboots. Well I have some guesses but I want to be sure:


    I'm thinking that before it reboots it will receive an error/warning somewhere but so far I am unable to find something relevant. (i do have some catched buffer overruns by libsafe.so in ifplugd?)


    Anyone who can point me out to logs that are more likely to have information about the reboot/ or what to search for? Ive checked messages and syslog too but maybe I'm not searching for the right thing...




  4. Back with a better solution:


    hostap and udev etc were so messed up that I reinstalled keeping my home dirs/settings. With the knowledge I got now I got it working.


    1. When you install Mandriva 2007 with a prism2 card (mine is a senao prism 2.5) both the orinoco_cs and hostap_cs modules are loaded. No way to connect to your wireless access point with this setup.

    2. udev made rules (in /etc/udev/rules.d) based on the orinoco_cs driver. So it creates a line in /etc/udev/rules.d/61-net_config.rules stating the card with that MAC address should be named "ethx". This is orinoco naming.

    3. The card won't connect like this + I want only hostap_cs so that i'm sure it loads that one.

    4. You blacklist the orinoco_cs, orinoco_plx, orinoco_pci and orinoco modules in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist (create if it does not exist)

    5. pccardctl eject

    6. modprobe -r orinoco_cs

    7. Remove or comment out the line earlier mentioned in /etc/udev/rules.d/61-net_config.rules

    8. Now with only hostap_cs loaded, reinsert the card (pccardctl insert)

    9. udev will now make the rules for hostap_cs correctly and add it to /etc/udev/rules.d/61-net_config.rules


    Both well known device names wlan0 and wifi0 are there and you can start using them.


    Another thing that makes it not work sometimes is the wizard (currently trying to figure out what they do and where they place their info but they tend to mess up stuff) For instance: when I moved it all to hostap and my devices reported back as wlan0 and wifi0 (through iwconfig/ifconfig) I opened up "Reconfigure Network Interface" from the mcc, in the list of interfaces i found ehternet: eth3! This was the orinoco naming and was still there, had to delete it, create it again (now with wlan0/INTERSIL). Without these corrected wizard settings there was no connect/associate possible on the card! Fixed it and connection succeeded.

  5. <?php
    $dir	= '/tmp';
    $files1 = scandir($dir);



    then just loop through the array and print them.


    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($files1); $i++)
      //print your files here with html markup so you can link
      echo "<a href=\"".$dir."\/".$files1[$i]."\">".$dir."\/".$files1[$i]."</a>";


    top of my head, you might want to check the escaping chars and so on in the echo function cus i dont have a good editor in this little box that corrects me ;) You also have to put the other html tags on there :)

  6. Well you are right and I AM being awefully paranoid but I like to think thats why I'm still pretty sure no one is watching my traffic, viewing my home through a webcam, intercepting my bank account details, get into my coorporate network through me or watching me play tux racer for all I care they should not see how bad I am at that game :)


    About that coorporate network: let's say you work for IBM. Your mail adress is somehow linked to your real name which is found on the website of IBM. They cant get in the normal way so they start to search for employees who work there. What do they see? A network diagram that states: Coorporate Laptop hooked to router1 of type blahblah with ip blahblah. You have just become an interesting target cus they now know for sure that you hook your work-computer into your own network which has far less security.


    Paranoia again I know... But is it impossible? Decide for yourself if this situation is applicable to you.


    But I agree that for most home networks a diagram is not very usefull and the information can be obtained by other means.


    btw: correct me if I am wrong but the php-signature would only show the ip address to whoever displays it in his browser doesn't it? So as far as I know this wouldn't give ME the ip address of the user that views my signature?

  7. Ok, its working with the ndiswrapper driver now. I just had to unload the current driver (from RPM) and load the custom-built one (for custom kernel) :blush: Now it loads fine and can connect to the network. Its transmitting and receiving packets like it should, picks the correct route and pings the router.


    How unfortunate that these things tend to get broken all at the same time :s Well, at least one of them is fixed...


    But I hate things on my computer that don't work so I should get this to work with the Senao Prism2 Card as well! I hope it has nothing to do with the udev renaming stuff.


    What I've also noticed is: if I set the configuration manually through iwconfig and I point it to an non-protected wireless network in the neighbourhood with essid "Default" and afterwards I kill this connection/interface then I do ifup wlan0, it doesn't change the info to the info found at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 Is this normal behaviour? If i use ifup shouldn it adjust to the settings in this network-scipt? It just stays on "Default"

  8. I remember I had those iptables rules when I used a modem . It was ppp0 and eth0 but the solution is the same i guess...;


    in shorewall.conf:





    # If you say "On" or "on" here, IPV4 Packet Forwarding is enabled. If you

    # say "Off" or "off", packet forwarding will be disabled. You would only want

    # to disable packet forwarding if you are installing Shorewall on a

    # standalone system or if you want all traffic through the Shorewall system

    # to be handled by proxies.


    # If you set this variable to "Keep" or "keep", Shorewall will neither

    # enable nor disable packet forwarding.




    in /etc/shorewall/masq:

    Example 1:


    # You have a simple masquerading setup where eth0 connects to

    # a DSL or cable modem and eth1 connects to your local network

    # with subnet


    # Your entry in the file can be either:


    # eth0 eth1


    # or


    # eth0




    eth0 eth1



    in /etc/shorewall/interfaces



    net eth0 detect

    loc eth1 detect




    Just set it up using the wizard and afterwards change these things. then do a "shorewall restart" as root I think it should work like this unless I forgot something.

  9. Sorry i posted this in the wrong section. Looked over this one i guess :s


    Anyways, its not a routing problem... I just can't connect when I got WEP encryption enabled :s

    I tried many different ways for configuring it, from Mandriva wizards to commandline.


    ifdown wlan0

    iwconfig wlan0 essid "My network"

    iwconfig wlan0 mode managed

    iwconfig wlan0 enc on

    iwconfig wlan0 key open s:mykey

    ifup wlan0


    Am I missing something?

    - I am sure about the key

    - The configuration is tested and works on a windows client

    - I can do monitor mode and find my AP. It reports a good signal strength


    iwlist wlan0 scan gives me a list... sometimes but not all the time :s


    I got alot of packets that I receive but are encrypted - RX Invalid Crypts - so thats where I saw my encryption isn't working. But I have no clue what this could be.


    I used to connect to the access point on Mandriva 2005 through a DWL-G122 USB Dongle. It normally has WPA encryption enabled but i changed it to WEP for testing purposes.


    I don't know whats going on here. I tried the hostap_cs AND the orinoco_cs drivers. None work...

    I also got an onboard Asus Wifi-g chip which i tried using ndiswrapper (which looks ok but I think I saw some dumps in the logs when loading it, eventhough it does not report something bad elsewhere) no success here either.


    Maybe its my pci-to-pcmcia bridge? Is this known to cause troubles? I read something about interrupt handling but that was only for older kernels?

  10. Ok, in your case ianw1974 its probably safe to share it since your router wont even let you in :D


    But its a good headsup to ppl not to put toooo much detail in it because some members included router-names and types, firewall types, etc etc. It all makes life for the attacker much easier and from the diagram it might also be possible to determine "easy" targets. I don't say this counts for everyone but just think it through before you post.


    On the other hand: its a forum about hardware and software that ppl are running so there is always good info here if the bad guys really want you :P my ip-ranges can be found here too and sometimes there is no escaping this if you want to be helped ... but a map is giving away all info on a centralized location.

  11. Not trying to spoil your fun, but isn't it a bad idea to put all this info on a public forum?


    I agree... I went through alot of trouble setting things up as secure as possible so sharing it here doesn't seem like a good idea.


    Allthough my homelan is pretty secure, I prefer it remains a black box for the bad guys. And internal ip or not: What if they find (or already know for that matter) an exploit in this forum and retrieve your ip-adresses then that internal ip address or network architecture is not what you want to give away now is it?

  12. Hello,


    I have multiple interfaces to connect to the internet. I've got wired and non-wired access. Wired works fine and I am now trying to connect to a Open WEP protected wireless network. To do this I have the choice between 2 interface cards: one with a native driver (hostap_cs) which is 802.11b and an ndiswrapper wrapped one (Asus onboard which is 802.11g)


    Now everything looks fine (input here is from the configuration with the hostap_cs down and ndiswrapper up:


    [root@VOYAGER wingcom]# ndiswrapper -l
    Installed drivers:
    mrv8knt		 driver installed, hardware present
    [root@VOYAGER wingcom]# ifconfig
    eth0	  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:D8:B2:25:3F
    	  UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
    	  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    	  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    eth1	  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:D8:B2:2D:0F
    	  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    	  inet6 addr: fe80::211:d8ff:feb2:2d0f/64 Scope:Link
    	  RX packets:577463 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:517
    	  TX packets:461840 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    	  RX bytes:627796271 (598.7 MiB)  TX bytes:124948958 (119.1 MiB)
    lo		Link encap:Local Loopback
    	  inet addr:  Mask:
    	  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    	  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
    	  RX packets:1553751 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:1553751 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    	  RX bytes:2221609601 (2.0 GiB)  TX bytes:2221609601 (2.0 GiB)
    vmnet1	Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:56:C0:00:01
    	  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    	  inet6 addr: fe80::250:56ff:fec0:1/64 Scope:Link
    	  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:1134 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    	  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    vmnet8	Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:56:C0:00:08
    	  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    	  inet6 addr: fe80::250:56ff:fec0:8/64 Scope:Link
    	  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:1134 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    	  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    wlan2	 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:D8:B2:34:DF
    	  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    	  UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
    	  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    	  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    	  Interrupt:74 Memory:cdd90000-cdda0000


    The access point is on static ip mode (DWL-2000ap+). This configuration is tested with windows 2K and works! But the above "should work too"... however: i think my routes are messed up:


    [root@VOYAGER wingcom]# route -n
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination	 Gateway		 Genmask		 Flags Metric Ref	Use Iface   U	 0	  0		0 vmnet8   U	 5	  0		0 eth1   U	 35	 0		0 wlan2   U	 0	  0		0 vmnet1	 U	 5	  0		0 eth1	 U	 35	 0		0 wlan2		 UG	5	  0		0 eth1


    So according to this table the network should pick wlan2 but it doesn't.

    Prove to this:


    [root@VOYAGER wingcom]# traceroute
    traceroute: Warning: Multiple interfaces found; using @ lo
    traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
    1  VOYAGER (  3002.313 ms !H  3004.797 ms !H  3005.140 ms !H


    Anybody any idea what could be wrong? If this were windows I would reboot but i'v learned that that is just a waste of time in linux. If it doesn't work like this, it won't work on reboot too :) which is a good thing actually :))


    any suggestions are welcome





    [moved from Software by spinynorman]

  13. You should check the serialmonkey forums for your DWL-G122. I have that device too and it works. But I use it on an older system (before the Intel IEEE80211 stack that was included in the kernel about a year ago). They are constantly changing the development for the newer stuff thats included in the kernel. Check this:


    t2x00 beta status page




    Since Ralink released their RT2400 and RT2500 drivers under the GPL, it became apparent that to stabilize the driver for all users and configurations, more was needed then simple bugfixes.


    Because of this the decision was made to completely rewrite the driver which is capable of supporting more architectures and devices with less resources. Because the source code of the individual drivers rt2400 and rt2500 looked very similar the decision was made to create a unified driver. With a single source tree support would be created for rt2400 and rt2500 both pci as usb.


    The first attempt to create this unified driver was the rt2x00_alpha tree. This alpha tree gives some first impressions on the planned design of the final module, but getting it to work is proofing to be very difficult.


    Since a few months some kernel developers have started the development of the generic 802.11 stack. By using this stack development of the rt2x00 module should be simplified. But by making use of the 802.11 stack, the rt2x00 module must again be redesigned. Which gives an opening for everybody to discuss new plans and features.


    After working with the IPW ieee80211 stack which was merged into the kernel, the rt2x00 team decided to move over to the newer DeviceScape ieee80211 stack since that should deliver better support for non-firmware wireless devices. The last release with the IPW ieee80211 stack was rt2x00 Beta3, the first release with the DeviceScape ieee80211 stack will be rt2x00 Beta4.


    On this page the new features, a design plan and a development plan for rt2x00 Beta published.


    So you need to figure out which stack you are using and which version you need following their instruction on the forum correctly. If it doesn't work then I suggest you ask there. They are the experts you need to get that dongle going...


    A native driver is still alot better then using ndiswrapper... my rt2570 even supports monitor mode and packet injection!

  14. Ok, this is my solution on this... As you can see here it is working with udev running (version 103)


    [root@VOYAGER wingcom]# iwconfig

    lo no wireless extensions.


    eth0 no wireless extensions.


    eth1 no wireless extensions.


    sit0 no wireless extensions.


    eth2 no wireless extensions.


    wifi0 IEEE 802.11b ESSID:"test"

    Mode:Master Access Point: Not-Associated Bit Rate:11 Mb/s


    Retry min limit:8 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off

    Encryption key:off

    Power Management:off


    wlan0 IEEE 802.11b ESSID:"test"

    Mode:Master Access Point: Not-Associated Bit Rate:11 Mb/s


    Retry min limit:8 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off

    Encryption key:off

    Power Management:off

    Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0

    Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0

    Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0


    Steps to make this work. I actually did f*ck it up a bit by trying different versions not build for mdv cus it moves some of the files to different locations then the 'make install' does from the original udev-103 source. There is also a 2007 cooker rpm available for version 103 but that wouldn't install on my system. Saying it would break stability. Also the 64bit vs. 32bit is a bitch and leaves some garbage behind when you try to install from source.


    1. Current version installed on the Mandriva 2007 DvD is 98. Uninstalling this is not possible (not by means I know nl. urpmi) cos it would break the system or so urpmi claims.

    2. Updating it with the cooker rpm didn't work either: conflicting files all the way. --force wouldn't help me either.

    3. So I think the best way is to install v103 from source (kernel.org). The 'make install' overwrites the old files and that actually works though i did need som lib vs lib64 replacing. From that moment on I had wlan0 instead of eth6

    4. Then (not done with the 'make install' of the main package) goto the extra's directory in the udev-103 source and further in the rules_generator directory. Install these scripts by doing make install-bin.

    5. Depending on 64vs32 bit your /lib/udev/ directory now has write_net_rules. (you need to change that manual! I wonder if there isn't some sort of environment variable that you can use in C to get the current lib directory -> /lib or /lib64. Something like %windir% in windows)

    6. In /etc/udev/rules.d rename your 70-persistent-net.rules file to 70-persistent-net.rules.old

    7. Run the script: ./write_net_rules all_interfaces


    This will have made a new 70-persistent-net.rules with the - changed - following line:

    SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTRS{address}=="00:02:6f:3b:70:6a", ATTRS{type}=="1", NAME="wlan0"


    the ATTRS{type}=="1" line makes sure the device doesn't get renamed. I found a nice post on this problem on the debian lists


    You might also just adjust the rules but this one works for sure. You gotta delete or rename the original persistent-rules file cus it won't update!

    I hope I get the chance to test this on a clean install cus I've been messing alot with it so much and ive noticed that other versions have other rules files and stuff so no i guess i have a few to much of them and my udev install needs cleaning up :s


    Ah there is also a mdv2007 cooker SOURCE package but that is just a complete joke. When you look which files are inside, i didn't see ANY real source files but just some scripts :s




  15. I hope so daniewicz :) At least I will benefit from it when I crash my box within 3 months or so :)

    Anyways: found some additional information about the renaming. I think I already know what the problem is:


    wlan0 and wifi0 both get offered/exported by the driver. [uEVENT] for both is raised when that happens. [uDEV] then checks the rules what to do with it. It first checks /sys/class/net/wlan0 and leaves it as is then it checks /sys/class/net/wifi0 and finds a rule to change that devicename to wlan0 but that device already exists: hence the weird naming wifi0_rename


    so now i just gotta weed out that name but i've noticed that for some cards the name actually HAS to be renamed from wifi to wlan. So i'm reading rule building cus i think it will be better to create an additional rule instead of deleting the one that renames wifi to wlan. To be continued

  16. ok the error-messages are gone.

    In the source files there was a test for running commands(initiated from the rules-files) that did not supply whole path info (so no '/' given) this was hardcode to /lib without an architecture test. I (dirty quick fix) changed that to /lib64 but of course it would be better to have some sort of architecture test. but meh it works now. Just the wifi0_rename thingie remains



    udev_rules_parce.c :

    				/* allow programs in /lib/udev called without the path */
    			if (strchr(file, '/') == NULL) {
    				strlcpy(file, "/lib64/udev/", sizeof(file));
    				strlcat(file, value, sizeof(file));
    				pos = strchr(file, ' ');
    				if (pos)
    					pos[0] = '\0';



    	/* allow programs in /lib/udev called without the path */
    if (strchr(argv[0], '/') == NULL) {
    	strlcpy(program, "/lib64/udev/", sizeof(program));
    	strlcat(program, argv[0], sizeof(program));
    	argv[0] = program;


    Renaming the interfacename in the rules file was the first thing i did but that didnt help with the default 64bit udev that came with mandriva. With this new version103 it seems to work. Allthough that was yesterday, i might have made another mistake back then but anyways: it works now

  17. i can definitly not go without udev :))

    Well installed the udev_103 version. and renamed the interface inthe 61-net_config.rules and now the interface IS picking up traffic

    joy joy, we are getting there


    2 problems remain:


    1. wifi0 is still named wifi0_rename instead of plain old wifi0

    2. I got 64bit architecture and my udev scripts are in /lib64/udev instead of /lib/udev which gives me errors:


    Dec 24 12:07:48 VOYAGER kernel: pccard: card ejected from slot 0

    Dec 24 12:07:48 VOYAGER udevd-event[6249]: run_program: exec of program '/lib/udev/net_action' failed

    Dec 24 12:07:48 VOYAGER udevd-event[6252]: run_program: exec of program '/lib/udev/net_action' failed

    Dec 24 12:07:52 VOYAGER kernel: pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 0

    Dec 24 12:07:52 VOYAGER kernel: pcmcia: registering new device pcmcia0.0

    Dec 24 12:07:52 VOYAGER kernel: hostap_cs: Registered netdevice wifi0

    Dec 24 12:07:52 VOYAGER kernel: hostap_cs: index 0x01: , irq 177, io 0x7100-0x713f

    Dec 24 12:07:52 VOYAGER kernel: wifi0: NIC: id=0x800c v1.0.0

    Dec 24 12:07:52 VOYAGER kernel: wifi0: PRI: id=0x15 v1.1.1

    Dec 24 12:07:52 VOYAGER kernel: wifi0: STA: id=0x1f v1.7.4

    Dec 24 12:07:52 VOYAGER udevd-event[6260]: run_program: exec of program '/lib/udev/net_create_ifcfg' failed

    Dec 24 12:07:52 VOYAGER udevd-event[6261]: run_program: exec of program '/lib/udev/net_action' failed

  18. Hi,


    I installed Mandriva 2007 Free on which i have a pcmcia-to-pci device with a Senao NL-2511CD Plus Ext 2 wifi card. By default the orinocco driver was loaded for this card and that seemed to work allthough it did not have the AP functionality I wanted. So I blacklisted the orinocco driver:


    [root@VOYAGER modprobe.d]# cat blacklist

    blacklist orinoco_plx

    blacklist orinoco_cs

    blacklist orinoco_pci

    blacklist orinoco


    fine, now the hostap_cs driver was loaded by default. great no? It would be if the driver would work but NOTHING happens. Ethereal isn't picking ANY activity on this interface and network scans deliver nothing.


    So after alot of digging I found that with this new hostap-kernel module there is somewhat a conflict with udev. I got weird interface names like eth6 and wlan0_rename. Tried to adjust the rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/61-net_config.rules but apart from some other weird naming, nothing solved my problem.


    after a few hours of googling I found some info and I tried to stop udev with the command: /etc/init.d/udev stop. It said udev stopped [OK].

    i ran pccardctl eject and pccardctl insert but the problem remained while with other distributions this seemed to work.


    So I tried starting it again: /etc/init.d/udev start which gave me an error tthat udev was already bound and could not be started again. tiens, I just stopped it didn't I? continued->


    [root@VOYAGER src]# ps aux | grep udev

    root 1021 0.0 0.1 4948 1856 ? S<s 09:03 0:00 udevd -d

    root 8631 0.0 0.0 5028 772 pts/4 R+ 09:39 0:00 grep --color udev

    [root@VOYAGER src]# kill -9 1021

    [root@VOYAGER src]# ps aux | grep udev

    root 8637 0.0 0.0 5028 772 pts/4 R+ 09:40 0:00 grep --color udev

    [root@VOYAGER src]# pccardctll eject

    bash: pccardctll: command not found

    [root@VOYAGER src]# pccardctl eject

    [root@VOYAGER src]# pccardctl insert

    [root@VOYAGER src]# iwconfig

    lo no wireless extensions.


    eth0 no wireless extensions.


    eth1 no wireless extensions.


    sit0 no wireless extensions.


    eth2 no wireless extensions.


    wifi0 IEEE 802.11b ESSID:"test"

    Mode:Master Access Point: Not-Associated Bit Rate:11 Mb/s


    Retry min limit:8 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off

    Encryption key:off

    Power Management:off


    wlan0 IEEE 802.11b ESSID:"test"

    Mode:Master Access Point: Not-Associated Bit Rate:11 Mb/s


    Retry min limit:8 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off

    Encryption key:off

    Power Management:off

    Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0

    Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0

    Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0



    and it even works now!


    Now for the real question: how do i properly fix this?

    1. Is it ok to leave udev off?(I dont seem to need it) If so, which script starts that udevd deamon (cus udev start/stop dont seem to work)? And how can I disable it?

    2. Or would it be better to compile in a new version? If so how can i check my current version and where is the source located at in the new 2.6.18-rc7 source?


    I'll probably find it but since I spent some time fixing this I thought I'd post my partial solution


    thanx for your help,


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