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Posts posted by ramfree17

  1. If I take a look at Ubuntuforums subforums which have places for other distros http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=147 (our gatway for people who want to try another distro(s)) the most hot distros are Arch and Debian (and other Debian based) Distros, where Mandriva there's only a few threads/posts about (kudos to Adam to take time helping out there)


    i would think that mdv-specific forums like this and the official one have something to do with that. :)



  2. i was thinking about this thread this morning and i just figured out what i would be ashamed of if i was using it for my desktop: SCO Linux. i think if that was the case then i would be this guy -> :hanged:



  3. i am currently struggling with mdv on my laptop. i am not ashamed to be a mandriva user but i am having second thoughts on the second release on a row. this might be my hardware causing the failure but ubuntu does not have the same problem.


    ok so ubuntu freezes my laptop which is why i uninstalled it. but nevertheless, i had high hopes for the current release.


    archlinux on my desktop, and if the third time is not a charm tomorrow, i am going to try the latest ubuntu on my lappy. :(



  4. hah. im feeling a bit confused with this release.


    the good news is that i am now finished with the torrent of the latest release. md5sum checks out (it should, its from a torrent!) and was able to burn it into my trusty dvd+rw disc reserved for mdv installers.


    here are the bad news:


    • installer says Mandriva 2008.0 (Spring). i thought we are already at 2008.1?
    • wifi still doesnt work out of the box
      • card seems to be identified but needs the prism54 drivers. i copied the firmware but i am getting the error that it cannot upload the firmware. i think i know the solution to that problem as it just hit me when i was driving to work today. it has something to do with symlinks. :wall:
      • ndiswrapper route is not properly explored since i cant find the prism inf files in windows and i dont have a copy of the driver at hand. ill attack this one later if my previous hunch does not hold.


    i am currently running Spring using KDE but will switch it to XFCE once i get the connection working. its nice to see the kded module being able to detect the USB drive and offer to mount them by name but i am hitting the unclean partition problem and it is not giving me any way to specify the force option.



  5. if i want the quickest (not necessarily the best) way to rest KDE stuff, I just rename ~/.kde to ~/.kde_old so that when i start KDE again it will generate the default settings.


    as i said, its not the best since it will mean that you have to re-configure every user customization you made, or figure out the settings folder from ~/.kde_old and copy it over to the new ~/.kde.



  6. Why should I set up all my disks to be FAT32 or NTFS just so that I can share data between Windows and Linux. Now I can use a far superior file system (ext3) which is much better than FAT32 and NTFS for fragmentation.


    another reason to keep on using fat32/ntfs formatting is if you use your flash/pen drives for sharing with our computers. i would assume the ext drivers would stil require admin privileges to install and that is not guaranteed when you go to other systems.



  7. GUI should abstract the CLI operations and provide a way to automate repetitive and monotonous invocation (instead of specifying 3 options, you click 3 check boxes). CLI will always be the king when it comes to scripting or batch processing inputs that may or may not exist.


    While the CLI has the steep learning curve before it becomes efficient to use, the GUI has the burden of figuring out the balance between abstracting too little or too much of the feature. The latter will become a criteria for failure if the user still gets the "duhh" look when looking at the interface.


    i have a case in point right now. i use mp3gain to adjust the volume of my audio files but the linux version is only CLI. the soundkonvert application provides an interface to the mp3gain most notably providing a window to collate all the files to be "gained" regardless if they are in different directories. this is already leaps and bounds over the usability of the CLI but for the life of me I cannot find an option in the whole soundkonvert interface to set the desired volume. it defaults to somewhere around 90% but most of my audio files are above 100%.


    i can script the CLI version to recursively process all the directories and all files found within but that is the sledgehammer approach. i want to tweak only a certain number of files that resides in different directories and i dont want to create temporary copies just to process them.



  8. I would stick with that then.


    i would rephrase that to something like:


    1. if you really want to just play crysis, stick with your current windows setup for gaming since it already works for you. there is no sense in rocking the boat if you are already in the middle of the ocean.


    2. if you are interested in going linux all the way, you can try running crysis in an emulator but don't get your hopes up. understand that an emulator can never replace the real thing. by the word itself, it just emulates the behavior as much as it can.


    scarecrow already pointed out the most obvious pitfall for the game you want: it is notorious for having cutting-edge requirements (software and hardware). i don't game much but i know that from reading review sites and blogs. if you try route #2, you can update us how it goes. :)



  9. and as far as i can remember, using a flash-based space for swap is not recommended since that will expedite the "wear" on the storage system. some flash device manufacturers are working around this by incorporating some leveling algorithm that will spread the writes around the device.


    like what scarecrow said, use a flash-based swap if the machine has very limited RAM, or use less memory intensive applications if you can.


    to answer your original question, look at the manpage of the mkswap/swapon/swapoff commands.



  10. but the mods/admins turned the offer down. I may be remembering incorrectly, though...


    most did. i think one actually tried the offer which is also good since that person was pretty technical.



  11. Maybe I'll give it a day or two to thinks things over.


    best idea. ever.


    and i don't think you are the cowardly type to slink away from challenges.



    as for hurting this board? really? i havent noticed that. i miss some of the old names but regardless of the reason they just went on with their lives. that doesn't hurt the board. bickering is a natural human habit that can be amplified by distance and cultural differences. it can healthy too as long as you don't let yourself get too emotionally attached (or at least know when to stop and step back to evaluate things).


    do di du di daa di du....


    /* cue rolling typewriter in skates */


    this unsolicited advice is brought to you by the letter 'H' and and number 3.


    /* cue typewriter in skates rolling out of the screen */


    it is so much fun to ramble... :lol2:



  12. Or simply, get it from rarlabs and extract it at a system PATH, e.g. /usr/bin

    This is a static, closed source binary, so there's no real benefit using the Mandriva RPM instead.


    some people will count the avenue of upgrading as soon as a new one is packaged in the non-free repository. otherwise the user will have to track it manually if interested. integrating with the system package management also keeps a habit of maintaining everything within the packaging system.


    but i also see your point. in cases like you suggested, i just put it in /opt/bin so i am reminded that it was something that i manually extracted. it all boils down to preference. :)



  13. ... my upload speed is not great (448 Kbps) but ...



    ... But the torrent speed is rather slow this time. :huh: Download speed is at roughly 80 Kb/s... 16 hours to go.




    spoiled first world country citizens. :sad:


    i guess this is a good time to upgrade my aging lappy as any. ill probably have the iso finished by next month. :D



  14. But it's a small "homemade" utility and no package is available. Only the "make" "make install" procedure is available for sake of being compatible with all decent linux systems. I suppose the guy just don't want to bother creating packages for I don't know how many different software installer when it works just well with "make"...


    that is where checkinstall comes in handy. it will replace the "make install" step with "checkinstall" (or something like that, it has been ages since i used it) and it will create a deb, rpm or slack tgz for you. if you need to remove that package then you can use your system packaging system and you will no longer need to hunt for the source directory where you installed it.


    and you can keep the resulting rpm somewhere if the development in that project is not too frequent.



  15. Also, might be worthwhile checking to see if the package you are trying to compile is already available in the Mandriva repo's. It will save you compiling it and having a lot of hassle.


    youre no fun! :P


    kidding aside, that might not be an option since the original post said the software needs to be installed via the make;make install route. checkinstall would be a great tool to integrate this with the system package management.



  16. development packages are not installed by default. setup your urpmi sources (see Easy-Urpmi link in the top-right section of this page) and install the gcc package and and its friends. if make is not one the dependencies (which i doubt) then you can install that one too. the urpmf utility should enable you to figure out which package contains make, or you can head down to rpm.pbone.net to do a quick search.


    [edit] or slap in your installation cds. its also there. the urpmi route will just make sure you have the latest versions available.



  17. Krusader is great (I use it all the time)


    +1 for Krusader. this is my main filemanager now even though i am using either fluxbox or enlightenment as my wm. it provides the right mix of eyecandy and functionality. emelfm/emelfm2 is also nice if on a really old system.


    kdesu kfmclient openProfile filemanagement
    gksu nautilus

    (the last one to open ANY app as root: i often find k3b wants this)


    only at first run, then it will setup the proper permissions for your user(s). if you keep on logging in as root to use your disc writers then something might be wrong.



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