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Posts posted by Pzatch

  1. Since the hardware and the law can only enforced inside the U.S. then I guess I'll just have to buy MORE stuff over the internet or goto Mexico or Canada.

    Just like with cars. You can sell me one but you can't make me drive the speed limit. The hardware will not sell, it can't be sold. You can't sell me a car then make me drive the speed limit by putting a governor on it. I'll pull it off.

    A good rule of thumb is. Don't give an order (or pass a law) you know can't or won't be followed. It only erodes your authority.


    As soon as a typical user tries to run that new program they just paid for and then they find out they can't run it. They will find out all they ever needed to or wanted to know about the bios and how to turn its security off.


    You can never have the keys set by the OS because then its not really a security feature now is it? Just how long will it take for the OS to be hacked if it controles the keys? Days,weeks,months?

  2. I my opinion this could be a good thing. Depending on how its implemented.

    If you could turn it off then yes its a good thing. If it was a switch in the bios then great.

    Lets say your running a server or any publicly accessed computer. Turn it on so no NEW code can be run. So even if your system is hacked it can't be used to run something you don't already have in the system. And since its in the bios then it can't be changed without having hands on access and a password to the computer.

    You have to be able to turn it off though. Otherwise how do you ever get anything you've writen or loaded to run?

    Basicly it can be just one more lock on your system. The approval proccess should be wholly yours not someone else's from a list you have no control over. Basicly, if its on, whats on your system when its booted is all that will run on it untill you turn it off to add or change anything.

    Open ports and bad code will always be a problem though. But fixing that has always been your problem anyway.

  3. Have you tried changing the vetical and horizontal refresh rates?


    A screen shot is only getting the info from your computer before it gets to the monitor. Your monitor is not showing the info for a gui correctly.


    What have you tried changing to make it work?

  4. I believe that the new driver rewrites the xf86config-4 file back to what it thinks it should be. You'll need to go in and change it back to point at the new GLX driver file.


    It's been a while since I had to do this one.


    Don't Nvidia test this stuff on Mandrake?

  5. What was the error?


    Never shut off/reboot linux without using the shutdown command. If you don't do it right you get a whole list off problems. And you look to be finding each and everyone.

    The first problem is that when you don't use the shutdown command you are not unmounting anything in the computer. This can screwup the whole file system. Thats why its asking for the integrity check.

  6. I use the 32 meg Nvidia Gforce2


    1600X1200 works like a charm on my system. Though some fonts get QUITE small. The graphics come out great, nothing stretched.


    I have a 21" monitor and I had to try all the Digital monitor configurations. They all worked but I picked the one that worked the best. Used the whole screen with out any blank bars on the sides.



    Aze, it looks like you have to change what monitor your computer thinks its using. It looks like a Philips 15 inch. Try using any of the 21" monitors in the Mandrake hardware list.

  7. My only problem was with the "upgrade" feature. It took forever! And not everything worked the same after. It took an hour longer (after the hour to upgrade) to get everything running like I had it. So just as a test I tried the "install" and I had everything up and the same in about half the time.


    Still have the same old IDE speed problems and supermount is still the same. I still use it but I can't see any improvement in it.


    Though, on the whole; the system and KDE specificly seem to be faster.


    Haven't tried the ntfs resizing yet but thats on the other test system in the corner. Something for next week.

  8. Thats how mine is set and if works for trading files great. I don't have to worry about ever screwing up my windows partition from linux or my linux partition from windows. I haven't set it up yet so neither OS "sees" the others partitions. But both "see" the vfat partition.

  9. I really like Mandrake.


    You'll need to make a second partition on your hard drive for linux to use. Linux doesn't partition ntfs so you'll have to find a seperate program to do this. (partition magic) Leave the new partition unformatted.


    Boot straight to the linux disk one and off you go!

  10. Could be a bad cable? Just a guess.

    Try to keep cdroms and hard drives on different cables. If you can, it just makes it easier.

    If all of your efforts have failed and you have nothing on the hard drive to save I would install it as a slave in a second comp and run a total check on it. Maybe even twice. An older hard drive (3 years +)can go flaky for any reason at any time. I would then totaly wipe it. Getting rid of everything. Leave it entirely unpartitoned and unformatted. Then try installing again.


    If all this fails you might have to start doing some of the really old stand by guru stuff. Don't worry though, it doesn't involve sacraficing small animals, but you'll need a few candles and a funny hat. :D

  11. Just to knock off the usual list of questions.


    Do you have plug and play turned off in the bios?


    Did you do a md5sum check on the disks?


    Is you system overclocked?


    Do the mandrake disks work in another computer?


    At what point in the install did it stop and what error messages did you get?


    Did you get the same errors from all the distro's?

    If not then check your memory chips, sometimes if they are bad(even just a little)they can stop the install at different times.Windows is far more forgiving than linux is concerning hard ware.

    If the mem chips are definately good them run a check on the hard drive for the same reasons.


    Make sure the jumper pins are set correctly on the back of the drives. Windows sometimes works with the pins set wrong but linux will not. Never have them set to' cable select' always try to use the 'master/slave' settings.


    If you got all the way to installing grub then it froze then just try using the install disk to do a recovery and reinstall the boot loader.


    Post back with any errors your finding and the results of your efforts.

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