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Posts posted by solarian

  1. Hi!


    I have some problems with Azureus 2.4.0 on Fedora Core 5.

    Although I've whitelisted in firewall the ports it uses, I still can't upload anything => the upload stalls after a few seconds.

    Then resumes, then stalls again.

    i've set those ports to be 65501 tcp and udp,

    but the same problem is with the default 6881


    p.s. standart BitTorrent client works ok and with no network problems at all.


    p.p.s. This may be an Azureus problem entirely and not that of Fedora Core, thus should be under Software,

    but I can't diagnose if maybe it's because of some specific FC5 settings or something...


    Any suggestions? I'm confused by this.



  2. Great! I've been waiting for this. :)

    Now just to get my hands on a Fedora rpm... (I don't wish to install devel packages)


    edit: oh... wait!

    You can download a version of the Xara LX program right now, which should work straight away on most Linux machines (note: this is not source code - you don't have to build it to try it, for source code
  3. how'd this turn into a type of distro war? o_O


    > initialising boot

    > loading linux............ ok

    > detecting wetware..................


    >ubuntu fanatic - check!

    >fedora die hard - check!

    >ubuntu disliker - check!


    wetware conflict detected, proceed (y/N) y


    =====================> 100%


    Welcome to LinuxUsers DistroWar 65161896.2

  4. A question.

    I've restarted FC5 for a few times now and every time $top shows that there are 6 users


    top - 19:44:03 up 10 min, 6 users, load average: 0.45, 0.77, 0.60

    Tasks: 112 total, 1 running, 111 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie

    Cpu(s): 10.0% us, 2.3% sy, 0.0% ni, 87.3% id, 0.3% wa, 0.0% hi, 0.0% si

    Mem: 515792k total, 506656k used, 9136k free, 17020k buffers

    Swap: 1630556k total, 0k used, 1630556k free, 227380k cached


    On Mandriva I had only one or two (if I had another session open).

    So from where do these 6 come from? :/

  5. Wonder if it's possible to switch -- on the fly, as it were -- to Gnome or Ice. I wouldn't want to back up my data, then re-install Mandriva as well as all my software.

    Of course it is... and it's just one "urpmi icewm" away. And may I repeat again that reinstalling gives you more experience on handling windows, but it doesn't do any good regarding your Linux skills! :lol2:


    No shit, scarecrow! :D

    Personally I think that Windblows should include a "Reinstall Windows" button/function in their start menu. :lol2:

    As a universal - fix it all.

  6. Thanks for the suggestion, arctic, I will try it out!

    Sorry I didn't reply earlier, but due to the moving of this thread I didn't receive any notification emails that replies have been posted.



    Ok, I fixed it!

    Tools -> options -> appearance -> Document background :D

    Still very weird that it took that colour from my KDE colour scheme...

  7. >The Club was there long before 10.1, it's nothing new really and of course you can have a fully functional system without it.

    >And I recommended 2005LE simply because of my long experience with it of being very stable. Besides 2006 has some problems with USB detection (at least for me).

    >LE stands for Limited Edition, and it means you can't buy official support for it (not needed for home users anyway).

  8. But you know what? When I hear that Mandrake has been changed to Mandrive because of a corporate takeover and now Mandrake won't be supported and theres an 'official' club and all that other cwap, I feel like I'm bending over for a commercialized gimmick that will really benifit only the corporation in the long run at the expense of having to live with a gimmicky name

    The name was changed because of a court ruling (copyrights on Mandrake name), not because of a takeover, and it actually was Mandrakesoft that bought Connectiva Linux.


    But I understand what you mean and that's why I switched distros (kicking out the creator Gael Duval was the last straw) to Fedora Core 5 and I'm very pleased with the experience, in fact I'm already in love with FC, though it's not as newbie friendly as Mandriva.


    But it is well understandable that old versions of Mandriva start to become unsuported, that is the case with all distros.


    If you don't want to switch to other distro I suggest you try 2005LE, it's very stable indeed (my own experience), but 2006 is good too and it will be supported for longer than 2005LE

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