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Posts posted by vasim

  1. Hello,


    I need help on something


    I want to install Gnome 2.8 from tarballs to my Mandrake 10 Official edition


    I found the tarballs to a magazine's DVD.


    I tried to use Garnome but it tries to download the files something that is odd to me because I already have the files.


    ?Is there any solutions?


    Thanks in advance



  2. Hello everybody


    I have a computer with a slow PSTN Internet Connection. The connection works fine under windows XP.


    I am trying to access the internet using the KPPP program but two bad things happen

    1. The connection is too slow

    2. The modem after a small piece of time hangs up


    I am using an external modem Tornado on an Athlon 64 3400+ processor based system


    Is there anybody who can advise me what to do?


    Thanks in advance



  3. Have you run the k3b setup program? Have you tried burning as root? Does the drive work ok under Windows? Have you tried writing without caching the files first? Have you used the search feature on this board (there have been similar threads before)?


    The drive works fine under windows. I haven't try to use no caching for files..

    And I haven't try burn as root.. But is that the point ? Every time I want to burn a CD I must stop my work, logoff and logon as root and write my CD?


    I have tried read some threads and I found tha I must be root to burn a CD


    (MandrakeUsers.org How-To-Write-CD.With-K3b)

  4. Hello,


    I am running the Mandrake 10 Official Distribution.

    My problem is that I have never succesfull write a CD.


    The same problem was also in an older version of Mandrake (9.2 Download Edition)


    I am starting writing the CD and when the wizard starts to write on the CD the proccess is stopping informing me that "buffer overun" problem occurs)


    My CD-R has burn proof support (Philips , Windows mention that as "ExacLink")


    What is the problem?

    Thanks in advance.

  5. Hello again...


    Things came as I afraid...


    The driver for AMD64 is not the suitable for my system cause although my processor is an AMD64 the problem is that the version of the linux is 32bit...


    As you can understand the driver installation deosn't even start showing a message that the version of the driver does not match the linux version



    Is the only thing I have to do now to rebuild the kernel? or continue working with the "vesa" version of the driver and being satisfied because nobody can guarantee me that after kernel rebuild all things will go right?

  6. Yes the machine is based on an AMD64 Processor...but I thought that because I was using the 32-bit version of Mandrake the suitable driver was the 5336...Am I wrong. Should I change the driver with the AMD64 version of the driver?


    As I said before I tried to install the driver tonight but nothing... The same problem...the only thing I have to do now is to try to apply the AMD64 bit version of the driver...


    Thanks in advance



  7. Hi again, and thanks for your reply

    Iam going to write the steps I am doing...


    I am Installing Mandrake in a different disk on the same pc Disk 1 Windows XP PRO and in the Second Disk Mandrake Linux 10 Official


    Then When Installation finishes (typical installation of Linux including the available kernel sources rpm) I am starting to a console typing su root and then init 3 to leave the graphic environment.


    Then when i go logged in, I am running the sh Nvidia-something-5336-pkg1.run command and the wizard starts.


    The wizard asks me to rebuild the kernel and I choose OK.


    A proggress loads and when this reaches the end the computer freezes at all and I must reboot.


    Of course after all these no driver is installed and no change has made to system...

  8. Hello everybody


    Can anyone help me about compiling the kernel to 64 bit mode if this is possible?


    I ask for the complete steps to recompile the Mandrake 10.0 Official kernel to 64 -bit mode for the athlon 64 3200+


    I ask

    1. if this is possible

    2. the steps to do it...


    Somebody told me that is possible but he don't know how...


    Thanks in advance...


    [moved from Software by spinynorman]

  9. Hello


    I have trying many times to install my NVidia FX5500 to Mandrake 10 Official but nothing.


    I have downoload the driver (5336) from NVidia site and try to do the steps mentioned in the wizard


    After all the driver installation wizard says that is compiling the NVidia Kernel. When the progress reaches the 100% the installation freezes and the pc the same and the only way to reboot is to press the Reset Button.


    Please is there any help for this? :help:

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