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Posts posted by aRTee

  1. bvc, I doubt that you were going over neddie's head - just that he answered your question at a different level....



    When I think about it, you could have/create the option for users to install rpm (deb, whatever) packages as root (doubleclick and get prompted for the password), or as regular user, in which case the program would get installed in the user's home, either in ~/bin or whatever plugin location is most useful.


    Think about this, and then reject it - it's more headaches than any admin will want to deal with.

    Or is it?


    In any case, technically you can put your flash plugin somewhere in your /home/user dir - remember, you can cpio files out of an rpm, it's just a special archive.

    Most webbrowsers allow you to specify where to look for plugins anyway.


    It doesn't make much sense though - the Unix filesystem is organised in a good way, a way that makes senses (to advanced/power users at least), and by putting things in places because one feels like it is not the way to go about things - though you certainly can if you want to.


    Frankly, I don't see the issue of having to use the root password to install the flash plugin and the like.

  2. tuxracer is not gone, it's called ppracer...


    Quanta beats anything, but to each his own:

    Mozilla is available in contrib, so set up your urpmi and install it.


    So that should at least help a bit.


    I'm guessing your opengl issues might be related to the problematic version of xorg that comes with mdv06; my ati rage on my lappy works ok, but it's not the same chip that you have. There should be an update for this at some point.


    Check your system load if it gets slow, use the command top or whichever kde or other graphical tool (I only use top on the command line for such stuff..).

    If it's mhonarc or kded sucking up cpu cycles, deinstall kat:

    urpme kat

  3. can you boot from the knoppix disc once more, and check the exact filenames in the folder /boot


    In my case, mdv2006, it looks like this:

    $ ls -l /boot/
    total 3072
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root     512 Oct  8 18:09 boot.0300
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root     512 Oct  8 18:09 boot.0340
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      19 Nov 16 18:50 config -> config-2.6.12-12mdk
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root   71299 Sep  9 18:16 config-2.6.12-12mdk
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 Oct  8 17:55 grub/
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root  172123 Oct  8 18:09 initrd-2.6.12-12mdk.img
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      23 Oct  8 18:09 initrd.img -> initrd-2.6.12-12mdk.img
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      27 Nov 16 18:51 kernel.h -> /boot/kernel.h-2.6.12-12mdk
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root     695 Oct 15 00:33 kernel.h-2.6.12-12mdk
    -rw-------  1 root root  342016 Oct 26 22:46 map
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      15 Oct  8 18:13 message -> message-graphic
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root  246542 Oct  8 18:09 message-graphic
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root     116 Oct  8 18:13 message-text
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      23 Oct  8 16:14 System.map -> System.map-2.6.12-12mdk
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root  639316 Sep  9 18:16 System.map-2.6.12-12mdk
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root     256 Oct  8 18:09 us-intl.klt
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      20 Oct  8 18:09 vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.6.12-12mdk
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 1608520 Sep  9 18:16 vmlinuz-2.6.12-12mdk


    (including the long listing, to be clearer)

    you may want to link directly to the correct file, instead of the link...

  4. You mention it does work sometimes, but most of the time you get the text / console login screen.


    What happens if you log in (as regular user and do su to become root, or straightaway as root) and do the command:

    telinit 5

    or first:

    telinit 3


    telinit 5


    There may be some more info in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or whichever is the latest; could you do

    ls -l /var/log/Xorg.*

    and see if there is a very recent one...

    well, let's take things one at a time.

  5. Guys, this feature to have the audio devices (and other devices) attributed to the first user to log on is a typical Unix/Linux thing.


    This is not wrong, but for limited pc use as people are used to with MSWindows this doesn't make as much sense.


    However, as soon as you have remote logons and such, you don't want the local audio used for those remote users. And, you'll want to have the local hardware to the use of the local user. Imagine the problems if a second user could occupy and block the audio from the main user...

  6. Very impressive!

    I second the question: what did you use?


    BTW I strongly disagree that this is in vein - scarecrow, could you open a separate topic about that? I'm not saying you're wrong, but this is not the place...


    Some comments (just noticed some points were already mentioned):


    In the screenshot of the BIOS where you set the first boot device, it would be nicer to actually have the cdrom selected, or have it change to cdrom.


    Voice audio gets a lot better at the point of harddrive partitioning... first I thought you just don't have a decent mic.


    Swap: you recommend 256MB to 1GB, if people want suspend to disk to work at some point, it should naturally be larger than RAM, I've seen figures of 30% larger. Note: there are laptops around with 1GB of RAM, this is not imaginary! Usually, it doesn't hurt to say the swap should be 30% to 100% larger than the RAM of the system - any decently built system will have the harddrive space for it (imagine, a 1GB RAM system that can't spare 1.3GB from the hd? that'd be silly, especially with current HD prices).


    "make sure the main linux partition is set to a backslash" => obviously, it's slash, not backslash: / not \


    You don't create a /home partition! Aaargh!!! Double Aaaargh!

    And, my golden advice is to create a second / partition, but I can see where that would be a bit much to explain... but at least instruct people to make a separate /home...


    "Make a user for everyday use"

    I'd say: one for each user that may use this computer.



    That's the things I noticed anyway...

  7. chalex20, good catch! I'll fix it right away.

    Thanks for reading (to all who did so)!


    BTW guys, please keep the discussion here on the review - if you have complaints about Mdv06, there's plenty of other topics about that....


    Thanks for the on-topic feedback!

  8. My wife got to use OS X at work, don't tell me it's more userfriendly to intermediate users - I had to sit through a tirade of over half an hour about how beautiful OS X is and how utterly useless all of this if "they don't even have virtual desktops". Don't even start her on the one mouse button...


    Frankly, saying that OS X is soo user friendly (not that _you_ were) is just as overhyped as that Ubuntu is all that. It's good for some, not good for others.


    And I still think that if you want an out of the box experience that's great, apart from preinstalled systems, Linux takes the cake.

    With well selected hardware, you have a full system fully functional just after installation. What flash download? It's there. What pdf reader? It's there. All software, and all hardware configured.

  9. If you install the clubmember edition, you get the closed source nvidia and ati drivers - which work as usual. I guess that's why they could release...


    The logrotate issue: haven't seen it at all.



    KKn - thanks, I'll have a look. I did have some contact with a Nvidia linux driver developer, who explained that it couldn't be done - maybe on ati, this is done through options in the driver, IIRC even the nvidia readme tells you about overlay on the first head (grep overlay nvidia-readme...).


    Thanks all for you feedback - glad you liked it!

  10. Why are you on Mdk10.1 if 2006 is out and much better - one more year of development?


    BTW I don't see any of the things you mention - read my config page, for a regular system (neuchatel) I actually needed no extra configuration. At all. Flash, acroread, skype etc all working out of the box.


    I don't mind that you complain about things not working as you would like them to, but that's at least partially due to you, not entirely Linux as you make it sound...


    As for confusion, you come from a power user background on windows and are a novice on Linux; how do non-power users get along on windows? You really think they get along better with windows software variety (there's a lot more shareware/software out there for windows then there is for Linux)? I was helping my brother who never owned a pc before, and it's really not easy - and on top of all he's worried about spy/malware.

    IMHO your views are twisted, since you have lots of experience with Win, not enough with Lin. The relevancy of it all is that most switchers are like you...

  11. Well, I'm guessing that Matrox sent you fishing to get rid of you for the time being, if indeed they told you to get the 2005le xorg in 2006...


    It's not at all trivial to use a different version of Xorg than that is shipped with the distro, especially if it was compiled for another (version of the same) distro, as is the case with Mdv05LE...


    Since it seems that you have a working 2005LE, and you'd like to use 2006, you could try the following - at your own risk, but then again currently your 2006 install is not doing what you want, and reinstalling is just a half an hour job anyway:

    add the main repositories for 2005LE and tell the system to install the exact Xorg version (updated one if available) including version number (or just select the one from the 2005 repositories in the software installation manager).


    This way, you don't actually first deinstall the current xorg - which would deinstall all things dependent on Xorg, after which you install the other version, but this would be done in one go, so the system knows that it doesn't have to deinstall xorg dependencies, the other xorg will provide the necessary stuff.

    Well, hopefully, that is. This is not a regular thing to do, count on your system getting broken or maybe quirky.

    There's always your working 2005LE, so it wouldn't be a loss if you mess up the 2006 that has no dualhead atm.

  12. neddie, thanks for the long feedback - I know most is not a review of Mdv06 but if you see the amount I haven't posted yet, you'll think differently :D

    I haven't finished writing, but I may turn it into a 3 page article instead of just 2....


    I agree with many points (yeah, the 'duplication' remark doesn't come across as I intended) - but I just had to write something that explains this stuff, and I didn't have a better place to put it at the time, and it will make sense once you read the rest (which is not available yet).


    1) most linux users were windows users in a recent past.

    2) most of them were actually power users, those who weren't afraid of messing things up, reinstalling, etc.

    3) practically everyone who first uses Linux package managers has a Eureka moment

    4) no-where is the package management idea explained

    5) everyone who has used win and now uses Linux (or bsd etc) agrees that it's very powerful and easy to use

    6) it makes helping others out easy, instead of saying: get OOo2 (how? I really had to spell it out to my bro about how to get FF, he asked me twice if it would be wise to execute the downloaded file), you say: urpmi openoffice.org2


    So why doesn't anyone ever mention that it's so great?

    Now I did, and people can refer to that story. I know I will.

  13. Well, you are the first mentioning your IE actually crashes - I have checked and it is legible in IE here at work... IE5 actually shows it properly, IE6 messes up so you have to use the scrollbar. No clue how it looks on Mac IE but they better just use Safari, where it will/should look great. BTW slowness in scrolling in FF, somewhat in Opera, not in Konqueror. Konq rulz...

    Yeah, and sorry for not sticking to that other (non)standard...

  14. Not sure if you got the latest mdv newsletter, but my site is mentioned as 'one of our longtime fansites' or something like that. I was thinking of sending some questions to mdv management / Francois Bancilhon about the direction of Mdv.

    Now, I already have some things in my head, but they're related to the contents of my article (the second part that's not done) and you'll get no spoilers from me :D


    Naturally, anything impolite or so won't fly.


    So, what would you ask?

  15. chalex,

    thanks for your feedback.

    When I mention duplication, I'm not talking about people programming their own thing - which is their own choice - for whatever reason. BTW kedit, kwrite and kate share lots of backend stuff. I'm talking about the libs that can be shared but usually aren't on proprietary systems.

    You mention lots of image viewers, I talk about the single libpng that does the png en- and decoding. Variation is good, duplication is not. The many editors are all different, and without vim or emacs the world wouldn't be better off.

    If someone wants to make their own editor to scratch an itch, that's fine. If they write all without reusing good existing things, it's a waste of time. And bandwidth, and diskspace.


    I don't like the /mnt/althome idea so much, the standard way of debugging is to try as a different user and if that works, (re)move the config .file or .dir in the homedir. And I have found it's not so necessary - at least you don't lose your stuff if you don't have it, whereas not having your old / you're out of luck if you want to go back.

    The last time I actually had troubles with my account after a sysupgrade was from 9.2 to 10.0 I think.

    If people have an extra /home, how would they deal with it? When to use it, when not? Too complicated, by the time people 'get' that, they could also just delete the offending config file/dir. But maybe that's just me.



    And what should one do if some interesting software has just got a new shining version finally repairing some long-standing bug? There may be a package for it, that's only that it would be a Cooker one, and not one for 2005LE/2006. There, you're stuck with an old buggy version. Unless you know to recompile source RPMs.

    Yeah, one of the club advantages is that you can request newer versions to be packaged.

    Thanks leonbrooks, for your solution. BTW welcome to this board! (Now where have I seen your name before?)



    no intention there. Does say a lot about IE - my css and html is 100% validated and correct. BTW interesting that of all the comments here, on OSNews and /. not one person bitched about IE not showing my webpages correctly - or as they would probably say: that my site is broken on IE. Are they afraid to be modded down for using IE?

    Lastly - no I still don't know how to fix my pages for IE; I've even asked MS for help, but that fell on deaf ears...


    Matt / wemgadge,

    thanks for your kind words - and welcome to this board! Guess you just joined to say this, so double thanks!


    solarian, yeah I noticed (well, I actually submitted it), cool that it got posted! My first /.

    Yeah! :D




    I read through lots of comments on OSNews and Slashdot - man what a ride. Unexpected comments all around.

    Surprisingly, Moulinneuf (not directly known for his diplomatic ways of coaching people to see the error of their ways) actually likes my site and defends parts of my article in a wild verbal sparring match...

    Very few people like Matt, but luckily there are some who just mention they appreciate my work. Thanks to all those, I don't have a hard time getting over all the abuse.

    Lots of people behaving like I'm on crack - some dude on /. calling me baghdad bob...?

    Funniest comment: a guy actually confuses me for a quick-and-dirty reviewer who just installs, has a quick look and moves on to review the next system, without knowing what the system is like in daily use.

    I mean, really, have a look at my site dude,... what makes you think I do quick reviews? I think I'm not even partial to Mdk/mdv, just read my Suse review. Has he seen that I have benchmark figures dating back to mdk9.2? Is there anything that hints that I'm not a died-in-the-wool longtime Mandrake/Mandriva user?

    Ah, and one guy who tried to counter my 'repository is easy once you see how it works' by saying there's nothing intuitive about it, so "it's not good"....


    Anyway, I'll be working on part 2, but it may not be done until next week.

  16. This thread is for reactions to the first part of my Mandriva Linux 2006 review.


    I included a rather lengthy background story about installation and repositories, partially because I never found a good article explaining how things work in the Linux world, and partially because it's so tiring to find comments on how installation is too difficult, by people who are really clueless about how things work.


    The second part will be up as soon as I can manage to finish it.


    Any comments, corrections, flames or praise, please leave them here.


    I hope you'll enjoy the read,


  17. anna, just send the people here. Then they can fight it out, provided people here don't send the inquisitive to you ;)

    I get some email but usually send people here (after giving some info into the right direction to solve their issues, if I know where to look for a solution), they usually manage.

  18. I voted 2006 since my laptop, my desktop and my wife's desktop are running it.


    However, my server is still on 05le and will stay there for quite a bit - uptime 163 days and counting; I'm shooting for the 9.2 record of 450 days uptime on the previous server which was a PII350 - it was replaced by a PIII866 which was also the reason I shut down the other one, there was no need other than the hardware upgrade.

  19. Well, I wouldn't know what to look for... However. the developers of Mandriva know, so I suggest you file a bugreport.


    Firstly, if they fix it now, you won't have the hassle next time around, and secondly if they fix it their software improves - which furthers Mandriva and Linux in general.


    So hop on over to qa.mandriva.com and just mention that lirc serial works with mm-kernel, but not with the stock kernel - with the same config files and setup.

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