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Everything posted by ImBatman

  1. Hi everyone I have seen some screenshots of peoples desktops that include ¨system monitoring guages¨ embedded on the desktop - either that or they are transparent to appear that way. They are things like RAM, CPU usage, etc. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a selection of these programs. Itś a bit like Task Manager under Window$ but on ultra-hyperdrive.
  2. Thanks for the input Gowator, 1. It was definitely missing - now that I have my Software Manager back, I have gone through and selected all the packages I want to be on my machine and it seemed to me (with my little knowledge) that some pretty standard stuff was missing. 2. I´m using a Microsoft Multimedia keyboard the ones with all those non-standard buttons at the top like ¨My Documents¨ ¨Play/Pause¨ ¨ff/rw¨ ¨Media¨ ¨Home¨ ¨Messenger¨ etc. It is set up as a ¨Generic 104 key¨ keyboard. 3. I installed Mandrake 10 as Community Version and then upgraded to Official. I have a sneaking suspicion that the upgrading may have screwed with the original install a bit more than it should have, but not really knowing enough I couldn´t tell really. 4. Cable was a nightmare. I spent over a week trying to get it going myself, then a workmate who has been using Linux for years dropped around and played with settings (including BIOS changes) and after about an hour or so finally got it working, but wasn´t sure what triggered the success. It just seemed that after one re-boot everything that had been done previously had fixed everything nicely! The gut feeling is that there was ¨something¨ in the BIOS that wasn´t set to Linux´s liking and it´s set now, so a re-install should be easily configured using the tools I was trying to use all along but...
  3. At first, nothing, but then I used urpmi to add it and now I get: rpmdrake-2.1.3-2-2.100mdk :D Also Package Manager is there now. C´mooooooooooooooooon!!!!!!!! The keyboard config hasn´t appeared to work though. Any more ideas? It´s a bit of a pain to have to hit ´ and ¨ twice in order to get them to appear.
  4. Thanks devries, but you missed the point of my post. I know the most basic of basics, like the ones you pointed out (except for the "Tab" thing.) The info I'm really after is why all that stuff seems to be missing from a reasonably standard installation. I've run those listed with and without full path. Tried navigating using Nautilis etc. I just can't work out why this certain stuff is missing either as myself logged in or logged in as root. More complicated stuff like CD burning, works fine after just a little config.
  5. Hi, I have been requesting info in another post and my original problem was solved, but halfway through I mentioned a few other points and thought they may have gotten lost, so I thought I´d chance another post. 1. I appear to have some configuration problems : a. I was told to open the Mandrake Control Center and from there Software Management icon - this doesn´t exist. b. I was told to open Menu -> System -> Configuration -> Packaging -> Software Sources Manager - same c. On the Welcome to Mandrake dialog, when I click Configuration Tools, I get the following error message - ¨Unable to run the command specified. The file or folder file:/usr/share/applnk-mdk/System/Configuration/Configure your computer.desktop does not exist.¨ When I use Nautilus sure as eggs - not there, where´d it go? d. I´m told I can enter these at the command prompt : /usr/bin/MandrakeUpdate, /usr/bin/drakrpm, /usr/bin/drakrpm-edit-media, /usr/bin/drakrpm-remove, /usr/bin/drakrpm-update, usr/bin/edit-urpm-sources.pl, /usr/bin/gurpmi.addmedia, /usr/bin/rpmdrake, /usr/bin/rpmdrake-remove. I haven´t been able to use any of these since installation. I know I have´t manually removed anything so I don´t know why... 2. Why do I have to press ´ and ¨ twice whenever I try typing text? 3. Is there a listing anywhere of the packages that come with Mandrake and what the packages are for? Is/are there a package/packages that can be updated to fix this stuff? I don´t to do a full reinstall, because it took over a week to get Cable Internet connection, and in the end a friend had to come help, and he didn´t really know what of the combination of things he did ended up fixing it - he was here for a couple of hours only looking at the fix. I am using Mandrake 10 Official (having upgraded from CE.) Thanks
  6. Thanks for the help so far. I now have it set up to refer to the web for that stuff Oh bvc - how come when I ran all of those I got nothing - except that the command didn exist. Come to think of if, ever since i´ve installed, none of them appear to have existed. Is there are packages I am missing somehow? Also the Software Config stuff doesn appear and when I click on the Configuration tools on the ¨Welcome to Linux¨ dialog I still get the following message: Unable to run the command specified. The file or folder file:/usr/share/applnk-mdk/System/Configuration/Configure your computer.desktop does not exist.
  7. Sorry if I appear obtuse but some of the stuff in the last few posts left me mystified. I hate this crap - I can do practically anything using Windows and I really want to make the move to Linux - forever. But things in this world seem a bit confusing. By the way, thanks for your attempts to help me and I have been swapping between my user account and root to do this stuff. Steve - I´ve already been to urpmi.org and carried out the 3 steps and run the scripts successfully, i s your recommendation to undo that? Or is it just ´cause I forgot to mention I did that part okay? bvc - ?????? Can you tell me what that stuff is to fix? alexpank - I don't appear to have a Software tab (well it´s a tree view) or anything like that and after expanding all the nodes there´s neither of the Packages or SSM. Your assistance would be appreciated.
  8. Hi, hoping for some more I try to navigate to: Menu -> System -> Configuration -> Packaging -> Software Sources Manager And the Packaging -> Software Sources Manager branch doesn exist. Also when I click on the Configuration tools on the ¨Welcome to Linux¨ dialog I get the following message: Unable to run the command specified. The file or folder file:/usr/share/applnk-mdk/System/Configuration/Configure your computer.desktop does not exist. I think I´ve screwed somthing up. Can anybody point me in the direction to fix these two problems? Without a reinstall would be preferrable as I spent over a week getting my Cable connection configured and in the end a friend and I fixed it without really knowing how.
  9. Thanks LiquidZoo. I was fully expecting a tirade of people who had paid to heap shit on me. I really think that to make the distinction of the ¨free not free¨ concept clear to all, they should change it to ¨freedom software"or something similar.
  10. Hi I am very new to Linux and was wondering if anyone can help? I use Mandrake 10 (CE upgraded to Official) I am trying to install an RPM and it has dependencies - no worries, I can use urpmi and it´ll take care of those. However, when asked if it is okay to apply the packages, urpmi asks for the ¨4th disk.¨ Now I know that the original CE only had three disks, but there was supposedly going to be a 4th disk when the official release was put on FTP servers. I have had a poke around the FTP sites that host the Offical release and there are still only three disks. So can anyone tell me where the mysterious 4th disk is? And before anyone says pay up to Mandrake and you´ll get the 4th disk(?????) I have this to say. I am trying to prove that you specifically don have to do that and there is a way to replace the M$ world. I am logging my experiences and preparing a Website that exposes all my trials and tribulations. If software is floating around in Cyberspace that is dependent upon packages on a CD only available to those who pays, does this mean the end of the free world of Linux? Perhaps it is time to ¨review¨ the GNU public license. These companies (and I realise there are others¨ got the original sources for the products they want to charge for free of charge. If I go and ¨aquire¨ enough parts to put together a dozen used cars, then sell them, the law would nab me for running a car racket. When it all boils down there is no difference. Okay now that my rant is over can anyone help? After all this is a site for Mandrake users, not Mandrake payers.
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