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Posts posted by IceStorm

  1. Ok, here is my /etc/fstab:

    /dev/hdb1 / ext3 defaults 1 1

    none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0

    /dev/hdb6 /home ext3 defaults 1 2

    /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,noauto,ro,exec 0 0

    /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom2 auto umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,noauto,ro,exec 0 0

    none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=ext2:vfat,--,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850 0 0

    none /proc proc defaults 0 0

    /dev/hdb5 swap swap defaults 0 0

    none /mnt/hd supermount dev=/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1,fs=ext2:vfat,--,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,kudzu,codepage=850 0 0


    Ok, so now what do you suggest? My XP is on Primary IDE-Master, Linux is on Primary IDE-Slave.

    I am clay, mold me.

  2. ooops


    I almost had everything here but forgot a long important aspect. It's too late...bed time....will try to find the time tomorrow at work if no one else can help. Sorry....me tired.

    Oh sure...ya slacker!





  3. UPDATE:


    I reconnected my first drive. Then set bios to boot to the second drive (hdb1). I got to the lilo and went into linux fine. I went into MCC and to the boot loader screen and set Windows as hda. I named it "Windows XP Pro". So then I reboot. I get to lilo and there it is, I see "Windows_XP_Pro", so I highlight and and hit enter. The computer screen goes black and all of the sudden the PC speaker goes crazy, just beeping its ass off like tomorrow won't come. Nothing shows up on the screen. Idea's my enlightened friends?

  4. Hello my linux friends. I am writing to you all via my Firefox browser within MDK 10.0CE. Yes, I'm in...sort of. I found that my mouse and MCC will lock up if I move the mouse as MCC loads. If I don't, things are fine. Weird. It does it with it set to Generic and also MS EXplorer mouse. Eh, I'll live with it the wayit is for now.


    I've got graphics...AND SOUND!. I had to mute the mic to get rid of the feedback. Small price.


    My next challenge is to reconnect my main drive with XPee on it and then attempt a dual boot system. I've done this in the past with OS/2 (excuse the mess). But I have no idea where to start. I know to set my BIOS to my second hard drive, but how do I tell MDK to give me the option of loading XP and then how do I tell it where XP is loaded?


    Thank you all for your help. And no, I'm not much of a qutter, I've always sucked at quitting. I gave up on quitting a long time ago. haha :jester:

  5. Ok, update to the update.


    I tried the linux noacpi ide=nodma, but it did the same thing.


    So I removed drive 1 with XP and tried again. Same results. I updated my bios, same results. I tried vgalo, same. I went and did text mode and it worked. I was able to install mandrake. So now I can boot up. I have 3 options of linux, failsafe, and floppy. Thats it.


    So now I boot up and all seems to work fine.....except. When I try to go to configure the computer, the system "seems" to lock up. Meaning that I cannot move the mouse and nothing will happen. I have the mandrake configure center logo on the screen, but thats it. I can let it sit and the screensaver will kick in, but cannot move the mouse or anything else. I try to shut it down and reboot, but after I select reboot the computer, it again locks up. I'm trying...really hard...but this blows.

  6. Ok, I just got back from the shopping (you know how women are) and wanted to say I had basically the same problem with MDK 9.2. I didn't get to far with it but it acted basically the same. I'll give the command line's a shot and let you know.

  7. Thanks for all your replies thus far. Here is what I have in my box:


    ECS K7S5 Pro mothehrboard

    AMD XP2400 cpu

    768mb DDR RAM

    nVidia Ti4200 128mb Video

    SBLive Value sound

    Maxtor 60GB hdd

    IBM 16.8GB hdd

    BTC 52/32/52 CDRW

    Toshiba SD-M1202 DVD (disconnected)


    I believe that XP is only getting screwed up when I use text mode. Because text mode allows me to actually go into the partition menu. I just have no idea what to do then and am probably screwing up XP myself. Using linux GUI locks up before I can actually do anything. I'm sure that with only 1 drive in the system, linux would install easy. But I'm trying to get both OS's up. And reinstalling XP isn't an option at this junction right now.

  8. Yeah, I've been mulling that exact suggestion all day. After blowing out my XP boot 3 different times, I'm tired of having to boot back and forth. But I really want to learn linux, so I guess this is but one way to learn :wall: ....damn them. :cheesy:

  9. As I mentioned, I've been able to get past the mbr and then Xp would lock up after that. But I've finally been able to reset things and get XP working again.


    But that still leaves me with a empty 2nd drive that I want to put MDK on. Howerver, it locks up just after I accept the license agreement. I've been able to catch a glimpse of it before it locks up where it says something about the IDE partition. I'm guessing that its doing something with my main drive since it keeps gettign messed up. In text mode, I can get past it and see the partitions on all drives. but then nothing.

  10. Ok, my computer exploded on me when I tried to install MDK 10.0.


    Here's the problem. I booted off of the 1st cd and the install looped at the ide-cd error. So after trying everything, I unpluged my DVD drive and then the install got past the loop. It actually took me into the GUI. I was able to select the language and even agree to the license. But it locked hard right after that.


    Doing a cold boot I set it to go into vgalo and I got the same thing. So then I try text mode and I actually got into the partitioning section. Being new and dumb, I wasn't sure which file system to use so I set it up to linux native. Sounded good. I was able to set the partition and even format it. But I couldn't go any further then that. So I try to reboot and go into XP and read some of these forums..well now I cannot access my XP operating system. The XP locks up on boot. I'm doing what I can to get XP back up and running.


    I'm concerned that just a simple install would require such efforts, and why would the install trash another OS?




    P.S. Windows gets past the MBR so it is not that issue.

  11. Ok, I've searched the forum and found lots of good information. But nothing exact. Let me preface this to say that so far I'm in love with Linux. I've used nothing but MS since day one (I started using DOS 3.1) all the way up to now. So far my ignorant ramblings within MDK I've stumbled upon many good things.

    Lets just say that using linux gives me the feeling of freedom, not that MS held me down per se, just now it feels like I can breate easier.


    Back to my issue. I have XP Pro on my first hard drive. I have a secondary hard drive that's empty. I am wanting to put MDK 10.0 on this so I won't worry about any partitions or changes. So I'm looking at XP Pro on my #1 drive, and Linux on my #2 drive.


    My questions are:

    Is this feasible?

    Will I be able to pull up a menu upon boot so I can select which O/S to go into?

    Will the Linux install program do this for me or do I need another special program to provide the boot sequence menu?

    How would I have two hard drives with Active partitions?


    Thank you for all your answers for this new cross-over. I feel like a babe in the woods.

  12. I am trying to learn Linux from the top down. So I dug out my very old Toshiba Satellite 305CDS laptop and installed Mandrake 9.2 on it. Everything works great even though its been like trying to read chinese without the book. hehe


    I've got my video working great, PCMCIA modem perfect, etc. etc.


    Except my sound. I have absolutely no idea on how to get this to work. Again, I'm new to linux so I am asking for guidance.


    Is there an application in setup that will allow me to find new hardware? I went to the hardware setup and audio was not listed.


    Here are the specs from Toshiba for this pig:

    Model name/No. DynaBook Satellite 305/300 / PA1261xx

    Processor MMX Pentium 166MHz

    Memory(MAX) 32MB(96MB)

    HDD 6.4GB

    Display Display 12.1inch TFT /DSTN 800x600

    Display controller C&T B65555

    Video RAM 2MB

    Sound PCI

    PC Card controller CardBus x2

    USB 1port


    Anyone ever install something on this? Yes, its old. But this is just a test bed. I figure if I can get this flying trashcan working, maybe my main system wont be so hard. Oh...and so far I'm enjoying the learning of linux. Its a blast.

  13. I just installed 9.2 and had the EXACT problem.


    While I had no idea what it was, I ejected my pcmcia modem and tried again. Same results.


    I went into the BIOS to disable the pcmcia and found I had a few settings for it. It was set to "auto select". So I changed it to PC Card 16-bit, and gave that a shot...and whammo! She booted just fine and loaded up my drivers for my modem as well. Weird...


    So see if you can change the settings of the pc card slot in your bios, it might work.

  14. OK, I am going to need some details, should have asked before. What is your mb, vid card, processor, name brand or home built?


    Also, did you download and burn these disks? md5sum check ok?

    Well I'm installing this on an old laptop

    Toshiba Satellite 305CDS. Here are the specs for it:


    Model name/No. DynaBook Satellite 305/300 / PA1261xx

    Processor MMX Pentium 166MHz

    Memory(MAX) 32MB(96MB)

    HDD 6.4GB

    Display Display 12.1inch TFT /DSTN 800x600

    Display controller C&T B65555

    Video RAM 2MB

    Sound PCI

    PC Card controller CardBus x2

    USB 1port



    Yes, I downloaded all 3 ISO's from mandrakelinux.com. They burned fine with no errors, and the md5sum's were exact per the mandrake web site:

    d42231c6b9fc51628e239c222732133d Mandrakelinux-10.0-Community-Download-CD1.i586.iso

    b8de38902ca851478f6bd938b9c57f27 Mandrakelinux-10.0-Community-Download-CD2.i586.iso

    19c7e628a6da55adf7a84a06126c2ec4 Mandrakelinux-10.0-Community-Download-CD3.i586.iso

  15. I've never used Linux before, so bare with me please for my newness.


    I've got 10.0 CE, and am booting with the boot disk so the cdrom would be seen. This works fine. It see's the drive and loads up. Going into normal/expert/vgalo mode it will only boot up to a blue screen with a black X for a cursor and no further.


    If I try text mode, I can select the language. Then it gives an error code of


    "keymap ioctl failed (0 128 512): Invalid argument"


    I also see a message in the terminal, using graphical mode, as it scrolls about not being able to load RGB_DB" and gives the path/filename. Then goes to the blue screen with the black X cursor.




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