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Posts posted by Greg2

  1. I'm not using Gnome now, so this is from memory and I'm assuming you now have your main panel with the menu at the top, and you have another panel at the bottom... if that is correct:


    I believe you will first have to right-click on the lower panel and click 'delete this panel'. Then drag your top panel to the bottom. Then in your main menu find the gconf-editor and go to > apps > panel > toplevels > top_panel, and change the 'orientation' key to 'bottom' or 'lower' (I can't remember). Then > gconf-editor > apps > panel > global, and check the 'locked_down' key.


    And for that icon, please post the output of




  2. Gnome-screenshot is in the gnome-utils package in the Mandriva repos.


    This thread is getting a bit confusing with all the different problems. I would suggest that you start a new thread in the Hardware section about your scanner problem, and include the scanner model you're using. Then we can mark this thread solved. :)

  3. Linux doesn't recognize Windows partition names, it simply gives them a mounting point. If you would like, you could unmount /dev/sdb1 and rename /mnt/win_c2 to /mnt/win_e. Then unmount /dev/sda5 and edit your fstab in this section to:

    # Entry for /dev/sdb1 :
    UUID=1C02-1C67 /mnt/win_d vfat umask=0,iocharset=utf8 0 0
    # Entry for /dev/sda5 :
    UUID=323E-130E /mnt/win_e vfat umask=0,iocharset=utf8 0 0

    Then remount /dev/sdb1 to /mnt/win_d and remount /dev/sda5 to /mnt/win_e. This will be a closer match to your Windows names.

  4. I have no KDE Control Center in the menu

    There's a systemsettings-kde3 package in the repos that is the replacement for kcontrol in Mandriva 2009.0. It gives you the same control settings that are in kcontrol, or you can simply make a menu entry for kcontrol.

  5. I've tried xpdf, Okular and Adobe Acrobat.

    I thought that since I've learned to decrypt with pdftk, I'd try to encrypt with it. So I encrypted some pdf files. Then while playing with them I found out that Adobe Reader 8.1.2 asked me to enter the password, then it opens them without any problems. What version did you use?

  6. Not config files, I think they are identical. The difference is color schemes, I think.

    OK, the 'config' files I referred to are for themes, some screensavers, color schemes (as medo has noted), etc. They can be config, xxxrc, or settings files. Here's an example for you, it's a diff for /var/lib/mandriva/lxde-profiles/Free/config and One/config

    --- Free/config	2009-02-08 15:48:23.000000000 -0500
    +++ One/config	2009-02-08 15:48:23.000000000 -0500
    @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
    -sNet/ThemeName=Ia Ora Arctic
    +sNet/ThemeName=Ia Ora Smooth

    please note the file is a config. :D

  7. I've absolutely no idea why you are having problems compiling this. I don't know what else I can do to help you with this, except give you a link for the qmake-manual, and I've compiled it for you. :)


    I will attach it here for now. Please let me know when you have it.


    Moto4lin is distributed under the GPL-2 License. You can obtain the source code here: sourceforge.net

    You can find more information here: moto4lin.sourceforge.net


    My disclaimer: I do not own a Motorola phone to test this, so it has not been tested by me. If it damages your phone and or PC, I'm not responsible.


    This binary was compiled on Mandriva 2009.0 using GCC 4.3.2 and QT 3-3.3.8b. Please extract it in your ~/home directory, then in a terminal (as user) run

    cd moto; ./moto4lin

    Good luck, I hope it works for you.


    Here it is:

    I had to make a zip archive because the forum software wouldn't accept a bz2, and it corrupted a gz.

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