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Everything posted by koosjr

  1. I also chose "PC Suite". Will have a huawei wo experiment with soon.
  2. Jip. It failed at the command AT+CM22=2 What could that be? The file chat-ppp0 is modified everytime I hit the "connect" button. Even after I changed the permissions for root to read only.
  3. Thanks Web, I tried that settings and is does not connect. Everything else works. It picks up the phone, displays the signal quality etc. For some reason, the wizard does not store the custom settings. The moment I closed and opened it again, only the "internet" setting for the access point is stored and then it shows the network to be one of Finland with the same setting. I also opened most scripts in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ but could not get any clues. Will see if another type of phone or modem works.
  4. I tried kppp as well, but it does not pick up the phone as a modem. I am pretty sure if I can just get it to set the phone number to *99# without changing it every time, it will work 100%. Any guru's here who knows what files to edit?
  5. I am a Mandriva user for the past 5 years and started with Mandrake 9.2 I still have to use M$ a little, but wine is getting good fast and many of my Window programs are running straight out of Linux. I now bought the Asus eee 904 and wants to connect it with 3G to the South African Vodacom Network. The wizzard works well and recognises the phone, but the database only have service providers from Finland, Germany and two others. As far as I can see, it should work perfectly, but the problem is that the wizzard script have no option to write in a *99# phone number in the ppp0 script and it is always something else. Is there perhaps a database file I can edit with the settings for my local service provider so that it shows in the option list hen configuring the device? Still, Linux is great and I don't ever want to move back!
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