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Posts posted by RanchNachos

  1. After a few attempts.. and then giving up.. i reinstalled with Sarge.

    It turns out the Debian I had was 3.0r1 (woody) an old release.... :oops:


    Anyway I got the latest Sarge and it works like a charm as well.


    If you'd like to know the real reason though, which I found out while trying to reinstall woody for the 4th? time or so.. it was because I didn't have the kernel 'mouse support' turned on. It seems by default it was turned off. Really strange if you ask me.


    Thanks anyway though.

  2. I just spent the last day or so going through the initial installation and package selection and stuff.. everything works great except for my damn USB Mouse.


    It's a Microsoft Intellimouse Optical.. as shown here.


    I know I need to edit some sort of config file.. most likely in /etc/X11.

    I ran the 'lsmod' through console.. it appears i have usb loaded.. so i'm not too worried about that..


    I've also been reading around on sites searching with Google.. different sites say different things..


    I got the 2.4 kernel.

    using kde


    How could i go about resolving this issue?

    Any suggestions here would be helpful.

  3. After "almost" giving up on Mandrake because I can't ever upgrade stuff.. and "attempting" to install Gentoo, and then failing miserably I'm back here again.


    This time I'm running my server more secure, Linux-Secure from the boot menu.

    So would I download the Linux-Secure 2.6.3 kernel?

    Or does it not matter which one?

  4. I'm using URPMI to try and install Kernel 2.6.2 and I get the following output.


    The following packages have bad signatures:


    Is that because I have a bad RPM, or a bad mirror?


    It didn't do this before until I changed the mirror because of missing dependency files.

    Now this mirror is giving me problems too.


    Using mdk 9.1

  5. I can't seem to figure out how to add the Zip utility to my PATH. I have multiple zip programs installed, and I remember one of the installs telling me to add zip to my Path. But i can't quite seem to figure out the syntax of the .bash_profile file.


    Here's what it looks like so far.


    # Get the aliases and functions
    if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc
    # User specific environment and startup programs
    export PATH
    unset USERNAME

  6. Also, Floppy drive reads only one floppy, only once.

    You're probably used to using Windows, where you can switch out Floppies with the Window still open, and the new floppy files will appear.


    Not so with Linux.


    You'll have to "umount" (not unmount) the floppy and "mount" it again when you put a new floppy in the drive.

    Or if you use the setting for automount in the fstab file...that works too.


    So for the first option.. you'll type this in the shell:


    mount /mnt/floppy (for the first disk)

    umount /mnt/floppy (unmounts first disk)

    mount /mnt/floppy (mounts second disk)

  7. "Preparing...                ##################################################

    Installation failed:

            file /usr/lib/libuser/libuser_files.so from install of libuser-0.51.7-8mdk conflicts with file from package libuser1-0.51-6mdk

            file /usr/lib/libuser/libuser_ldap.so from install of libuser-0.51.7-8mdk conflicts with file from package libuser1-0.51-6mdk

            file /usr/lib/libuser/libuser_shadow.so from install of libuser-0.51.7-8mdk conflicts with file from package libuser1-0.51-6mdk"

    I got that same error.


    It's crap I tell you! CRAP

  8. I just tried to install the 2.6.2 Kernel, following an install guide in a thread in the Tips and Tricks section.. using URPMI.


    Everything started out great, all the dependencies downloaded, and then asked whether I wanted to continue (of course i do - so i pressed Y).


    Then it just dropped out and gave the following error.


    Installation failed, some files are missing:
    You may want to update your urpmi database
    echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"


    So I guess my question(s) is,

    How/Where would I go about getting the RPM that failed?

    and ...

    How do I update my URPMI Database?


    Thanks in advance. :)

  9. Quick question before I do this.


    I notice that the FTP of the link on the first post is French.

    ( ftp://whatever.fr )


    I'm not exactly french myself... so would it matter if I just downloaded the newest Kernel from http://kernel.org -- and still used that URL provided?



    EDIT --

    Add that same link to your Software Media Manager under Configuration >> Packaging


    What's the SMM? Configuration >> Packaging?


    The only thing I know of remotely close to that would be the Software Sources Manager in the MDK CC. Then from there add a HTTP or FTP source path, naming your path, but what is "relative path to synthesis/hdlist" ???

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