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Posts posted by beast2k

  1. It's sad for linux users but it's smart busness otherwise. A company as big as Microsoft can keep any but the largest companys in court untill that company bleeds red ink and screems for mercy. If a company that large says their going to take you to court that basicly means their going to slowly kill your company. Strictly looking at it from a busness standpoint Microsoft is now too big to take down, their market share is outragously large and they now have a very diverse product line. The only way to gain a reasonable ammount of market share from Microsoft would be to work with them not by trying to work against them. On the whole it's a smart move.

  2. I to use the powerpack version but I find it strange that the troubles are mainly with the download version, sort of makes you want to buy a copy instead of downloading, think about this for a second, and it just shows that there are huge differences in the powerpack and the download versions. If a new linux user were to download mandriva 2006 and then run into the problems mentioned they would no doubt move on to another distro because there are simply to many distros out there that havent got these problems. So this isn't helping mandrivas popularity or reputation at all.

  3. Well, you really needed my site when you got started, because from the looks of your reaction, you didn't create a spare / partition - which is one of the most important things for newbies (and experienced people! but they should already know...)- it makes it possible to install a new system without losing the old...



    BTW in that other topic I see nothing serious as in showstoppers (just some people afraid there may be some).

    Think back at the 'my winxp won't work after I installed linux'-issues and other things I mentioned, and you see that what has come up now, a week after release and two weeks after early seeders got the isos is really quite smooth.

    We have seen, with previous releases: total desktop locking when connecting usb drives, lots of graphics not working after install, windows not working anymore, systems not installing without the proper installer boot options (happened to me, on a colleagues system, nforce), naturally the lg cdrom issue - though not Mandrake's fault, it was a nasty issue which I also ran into; managed to revive the drive just to see if I could, etc.


    Anyway, if your system is working so well, are you sure you want to risk it?

    Nope no spare partition but of course my /home is on a different partition than / ,my "search for the perfect distro" phase is long over. Now upgrading MDVA once in a while is all i need. I did install 2006 and got the expected cpu problem with the new search feature (cant remember the name now) but it made the cpu stay at 100% usage untill I killed the process. Another error I got was no default kde desktop what I got was some primative one I never seen before. Only after doing a kde only install with default sellections would kde show up. I'm still looking into this one. All in all it went well I guess you were right it's just people being negative, afraid and perhaps a bit of fudd.

  4. beast2k,

    You mean you wish you'd read a site like mine when you started, or you'd have liked to actually have it? ;)


    BTW what bad bugs? Are there any?



    No seriously, can you point me to some really bad bugs?

    I'm not sure about owning the site LOL but yea I meant having access to a site like yours would have been an asset when I started. LOL

    From what I read on other threads here https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=28709 i am a bit concerned but if I take your word (and I will) there are no bugs worth worrying about ? My MDK install works so well I hesitate to install 2006 over it.

  5. Fact is, if your a gamer and want to play the LATEST games or demos (the new fear demo for example) you are forced to use windows because only a small percentage of pc games are able to run in linux PROPERLY, cedega is at best a last resort that only sometimes will run a game well enough to be playable at a fair framerate. Now mind you I can get almost anything to run in linux no matter what the intended platform is but more often than not I want to PLAY THE BLOODY THING not read about it and hack it for 2 weeks first. Some games work nativly in linux but personally I'm tired of UT2004 and RTCW etc etc those games run great in linux but their yesterdays news. If these aging games keep you happy then your not a real serious gamer and I envy you, if it werent for being addicted to 1stPerson shooters I could ditch the peice of crap that sits on my other drive. Anyway I wish this wasn't the case but it is and I'm starting to rant so I'll leave it here.

  6. Only thing with Mepis is when you install it to harddisk everything has to be all on the same disk. For example /home can't be on hda and / (root) on hdb or hdc it all has to be on the same physical harddrive, although you can create different partitions on the same drive. Also there seems to be a problem with running it higher than 1024x768 some people didnt have this problem though. I used Mepis for a year and found no other problems other than this. However when I went to reinstall it one day I forgot /home wasn't on it's usuall hard disk and accidently blew it away. I personally think it's safer to have home on a seperate disk from the / in case of disk failure or if you want to try other distros. It's the only thing keeping me from using Mepis full time.

  7. We'll be at the top of the gaming hill when 2 people go to Best Buy each buy a game one goes home and installs it on linux and one goes home and installs it on XP, and both jump online at the same time and play. Usually linux users have to wait for support from Transgaming. The way I see it gaming in linux firmly rests on the shoulders of Transgaming, granted there are native linux games but not nearly as many as there should be. Here's a thought, linux needs an edge in gaming .,What if linux was the only platform that could emulate PS2/3 games? talk about draw in users we'd be beating them off with a stick there'd be so many. Perhaps a deal could be reached where cedega could be added to the linux kernel as a layer/module for gaming. This is the kind of ideas we need for linux and in paticular gaming in linux. Gaming could be used as the edge linux needs to draw in the users if gamers thought for a min that linux could run games faster and more securely they'd switch to linux in droves. Anyway the point is this kind of thinking doesn't happen much when it comes to linux development and as long as it doesn't I can't see the gaming future in linux changing at all, progress in this area is just to slow mainly because I don't think the developers are gamers so at best gaming is a secondary issue and something for transgaming to worry about.

  8. Honestly I think if linux suddenly had an increase in users to the point where game companys started to make linux versions. Ms would soon do something about it. Call me paranoid but I don't trust ANYONE with that kind of money and power, and with their track record...ms currently is sitting on a 30 BILLION dollar nest egg with that money they could buy or bribe companys not to port to linux. I distrust them so much I just wouldn't put it past them. Anyway as far as I can tell gaming is keeping alot of people from using just linux, allot of people I know use xp for games and do everything else in linux. Gaming is the last hill linux has to climb and its a long steep one.

  9. Manpower is stronger than money. Linux has a few hundred thousand developers working on it as opposed to the hundred or whatever over at Microshaft.


    This discussion has been had. The future of software in open, the only questions are when and who.


    And once the dust has settled, the game developers, like all other proprietary vendours, will be faced with an adapt-or-die scenario.

    Microsoft can buy allot of manpower for the hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars it has.

    Yes this discussion has been had but we are dealing with a company that is less than ethical in the way it opperates. However I sure hope your right.

  10. I did a search on sourceforge for chm, and I came up with plenty of results.

    www.sourceforge.net if you didn't know.

    Just do a search for chm, and find the one you want, then try doing urpmi for it.

    I would go with devries' example though.  That appears to be a good one.

    thanks very much what a great resource that site is.

  11. I am also having this problem , however after a quick search I came up with this post and solution. Trouble is it keeps hapening and the only fix I can seem to come up with is the one in this post. I seem to have to kill all the contents of the user directory then reboot and it's fixed. This is hapening about every 3 days or so with no paticular pattern, also related (maybe) to the problem is my inittab seems to change its mind about runlevel 3 or 5 , does anyone have a possible permanent solution? I just moved to mandrake/mandriva from Fedora3 because I cant stand gnome anymore but I tell ya gnome and the seemingly trouble free operation of Fedora looks pretty good right now. I love KDE but I cant set up my user account all over again every three days. Anyhow I'm going off on a rant so I'll stop, any solutions here?

  12. Hey folks, I know a lot of people ask this but is there a ideal way to partition a hard disk for ext3 and Linux by this I mean should the swap be first or the /boot and what % should be dedicated to the /etc directory and /home ? Is having 2 physical hard drives better so for example you could put /home on its own disk. Is 2 swap partitions better than 1. There must be an ideal way to do it to maximize speed and efficiency I know there are as many answers as there are computers so perhaps we could post ideas and/or partition schemes here. Thanks in advance for any better ideas than the usual. :beer:

  13. The more I hear about this sort of thing the more I want to kill my WinXP partition. I only have Xp on my PC now for some of the newer games (faster game installs) but this sort of thing will make me format it permanently. I wonder how many other users that are "on the fence" about which OS to use will now turn to Linux. Microsofts greed is beyond anything I ever seen.

  14. First of alll relax, linux, and Mandrake especially, are not different or difficult. If your in doubt about your ability to use linux try starting with a CD based distro I think mandrake has one called mandrake move (somebody correct me if I got the name wrong) this will give you a ready to use install of linux and you will not have to alter your current configuration. In linux as in M$ Windows a email is a email and the web browsers all browse the same web so they are not that different. Take it slow theres no time limit on learning new things if you try to rush you'll only get frustrated and quit. You made the right choice in Mandrake though. Good luck and have fun.

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