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Everything posted by Artem

  1. Never mind, found this: http://mandrakeusers.org/index.php?showtopic=14313
  2. Now I don't know if this has been posted before, I couldn't search for it because "DVD" is too short of a term. My question is, if I have the three Mandrake 10 ISO's, can I turn them into one DVD? -Artem
  3. Artem


    Hi. I am trying to compile loki_setup but I get an error about the use of "`tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'" and "multiple definition of `_nl_find_msg'". Does anyone know how to fix this, or if noone know how to fix this can someone provide an RPM? Thanks. -Artem
  4. How do you full install Mandrake 9.2? By full install I mean install all the packages on all 3 cd's. Even if I select all the categories on the "choose your packages" screen, it doesn't install all the packages, and only uses cd1. So, how do I force it to install ALL the packages on ALL 3 cd's? Thanks. -Artem
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