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Everything posted by melon2003

  1. mandrake 9.1, 9.2 mozilla 1.4 or Konqueror. with flash plugin installed from rpm (from texstar as I remember) I noticed that sound is delayed (about half second). I've tried another flash plugin (from netscape) but I could not get the sound at all. Does anyone have sound synchronized with picture in flash animations? If so - what is proper configuration? thanks
  2. right now I'm not at my home computer, so I'll try it later. Funny thing is that after update everything worked just fine for few (maybe five?) hours... The problem started when I tried to modify menu by hand (I wanted some items to move to another location at menu). I'm just VERY curious WHAT COULD IT BE? Not only to avoid problems like this in the future, but because I always liked linux for it's simplicity - unlike windows there's always solution an explanation to why something is or is not working. And now I'm confused 8-)
  3. so I have done it. A little scary (watch your steps!) but fast. Now every OTHER user has menu items correct. Except my old user (melon) which has not been deleted (I left /home partition as suggested). It's a little step forward I guess .. :|
  4. updating menus seems to be ok - from ControlCenter, or doing it from console as you described. I can see all menu items on the list in menudrake programm, but it's not on the real menu. I don't have most of menu items (what is left is just favourities, last opened docs and few others, probably this is from 'user' menu). Also I don't have ANY ITEMS at kde control center (just empty window with no items like font, color settings or anything else). After reboot my desktop returned (?). Now I'm really confused. Is there no other options then reinstalling? :( Maybe I should check my / partition for errors? How to do this? (both / and /home are ext3)
  5. I've tried it several times - editing as well in 'user' and in 'root' mode. Menus ARE THERE - everything in place - but even after resaving I don't have access to menu from "K" button (same problem in Gnome, same with other users). Now I start to believe this problem is something else - not only 'menu' problem, as I got strange error messages and my desktop restarted to 'default'. Also I've noticed, that every 'shortcut' icon from Kicker is gone (except 'show desktop' icon). Anyone have any idea, what's wrong? (could it be some filesystem error?)
  6. after updating 9.1 to 9.2 and messing with menus (just running menudrake) I have this strange error: kde and gnome menu (probably every other) is empty except last accessed programs, favourities, terminals and last accessed documents. Everything else - EVERY PROGRAM - is GONE. Naturally, it's possible to run programs from console. This problems appears at EVERY OTHER USER ACCOUNT as well, so I guess it's something with 'root menu'? Also, kde-control center is EMPTY! HELP! after some time EVEN MY DESKTOP IS GONE! here's some console output (after trying to configure desktop): ERROR: Couldn't start konqueror from konqueror.desktop: Nie mo?na odnale?? serwisu 'konqueror.desktop'. (SERVICE KONQUEROR.DESKTOP NOT FOUND) Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2 WARNING: No K menu group with X-KDE-BaseGroup=settings found ! Defaulting to Settings/ kcontrol: ERROR: Nie znaleziono modu?u desktopappearance! kcontrol: ERROR: Nie znaleziono modu?u desktopbehavior! kcontrol: ERROR: Nie znaleziono modu?u desktop! kcontrol: ERROR: Nie znaleziono modu?u desktoppath! kcontrol: ERROR: Nie znaleziono modu?u filetrash! kcontrol: ERROR: Nie znaleziono modu?u background! kcontrol: ERROR: Nie znaleziono modu?u screensaver! translation 'Nie znaleziono modu?u' means : module not found :( WHY????
  7. I use texstar and plf sites as additional rpm sources (in Mandrake Control Center). But sometimes after selecting new software from list to install - I got error message saing that packet is not valid (I don't remeber exact message). I happens quite often, especially with PLF packages. What am I doing wrong? :?:
  8. well. there's nothing special about those screenshots, really... actually, it's hard to find differences between 9.1 (I someone would do similar screenshots;) So what's NEW in this version?
  9. hi. question may be dumb - but 'there no stupid questions' ;) Who designed this cute, little penguin logo visible also at top banner of mandrakeusers.org? I also have it in 'icons' directory and see it often at web pages and system. It's seems to be some 'modern modification' of good old linux logo - but is it? Who's the author? Or is it special 'mandrake' mutation?
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