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Posts posted by zero0w

  1. Mine is 25/30 KB DL and 4/8 KB UL. And that's it (256 DSL). So don't complain too much, Zero0w. ;)

    LOL, my download is completed, but at the last 20% the speed dropped back to 20-30KB/s.


    I am going to share my download back, but it seems it's slower than the original upload speed for whatever reason.


    It looks like Bittorrent isn't really faster than a high-speed FTP, but to save bandwidth cost of your ISP or any pay-for hosting that is.

  2. EDIT: Please remove rpnp.so or MozPlugger in the plugins directory in order to launch Totem.

    EDIT: This method does NOT work on Mandrake 9.1 or earlier version as Totem is only bundled since Mandrake 9.2.


    1. Does Firefox suggest any application (Totem) to run when you click on a *.ra file?

    (See the following screenshot)


    2. Not all Real media works under Totem, but *.ra and *.ram should work for many websites across the web.


    3. Or something is wrong in your configuration of Totem then.


  3. I am quite sure of that on install base, but how many people purchase Linux bundled PCs around here or other places?


    But on desktop shipment, that's still a little close (of course, if you count a $200 Lindows box as a PC, then the story could be very different) but anyway, 2004 will be the year of 2nd place for Linux desktop, though still a far behind second. Linux will need to catch up.

  4. Cinelerra gets this:

    Cinelerra is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License,

    and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under

    certain conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for Cinelerra.






    it shows the splash screen...but then it dies...


    I found this too after using it on MDK 9.2.


    Strange, PLF rpm has been working on MDK 9.1; maybe PLF has screwed up in this version/package.

  5. So I guess good user interface is important.. Mandrake's UI for printer setup works, Fedora and CUPS web UI doesn't.

    I am sure Fedora has its need for UI improvement, but if you have read my post, you need to turn off DrakFirewall on CUPS service in order for CUPS to work. The point to raise is, is there any doc talking about such diagnosis and fix required, in the CUPS or Mandrake documents? In other words, if CUPS failed to connect to another network printer in Mandrake, what will you do next?


    Yes, I am sure Mandrake works better in its default setup, but ESR has a point in good docs as a requirement.

  6. I hope the Linux version is not difficult to maintain or port for Macromedia, for they have Mac OS X version of most suites they offered on Windows. In terms of market share, it is pretty safe to say Linux will surpass Mac OS X this year in the desktop PC market.


    Of course, for all I know, M$ is going to release something very similar to Flash type content creation apps in Windows Longhorn; it's time Macromedia to look for a plan B strategy in order not to become another Netscape corporation.

  7. ESR was IMHO full of it when he complained about cups, the fedora implementation was maybe b0rked, but in Mandrake I can hardly imagine it being a real problem -- as opposed to other things that should be improved that is. There is room for improvement, but it's not (nor should it be) that high on the priority list for Mandrake... They have to concentrate on the Draketools and documentation.

    I have read ESR's article. Well, the thing is, if CUPS cannot detect any local or network printer, then the task of troubleshooting can be daunting; Mandrake for the most part did a good job for autodetection - but if you have DrakFirewall setup and block CUPS service, then you better remember to turn it off on CUPS.


    I remembered it, but there's no guarantee of so for others. If there's no good document to educate users on how to diagnose and fix CUPS printer detection problem, then I think ESR's comment have its merit - a little flamebit he may be, but good docs could still be lacking in this regard.

  8. No, your assumption is not correct. they are not the codec files to be linked to.


    1. Before you create the symlink, you need to download and install the RealCodec rpm from PLF I mentioned earlier:


    Download here:



    Install it as a root user:


    # rpm -ivh real-codecs-1.2-1plf.i586.rpm


    2. Use a gtk2 version of Mozilla or Firefox, Totem should be selected by default.

  9. > real-codecs-1.2-1plf.i586.rpm


    When I even click on this link Mozilla closes too! After removing the rpnp.so file from the mozilla/plugins directory Mozilla works fine again...seems to be something wrong with the plugin then?


    Yes, something's wrong with RPM and Real player plugin.


    It happened in the past but I don't know: the issue re-surfaced again.




    RPM stands for


    1) Red hat Packager Manager

    2) Real Player Metadata


    So when you click on rpm, Mozilla may have confused between the two - this bug was fixed in Mozilla 1.3 I think, but now resurface? I don't know.


    4) Close Totem, go into console, now you can create a symlink inside the ~/.gnome2/totem-addons folder:


    $ ln -s /usr/lib/real/*.* ~/.gnome2/totem-addons/


    I use KDE, where can I find that totem-addons dir then?


    ~/.gnome2/ = /home/username/.gnome2/


    Any path/filename with a dot in the beginning (such as .gnome2/ ) is a hidden directory. Nevertheless, you can tell Konqueror File browser to show hidden files to see it.

  10. There is a different version: the Windows CE to be installed in cars will only serve as information purpose - but nothing to do with driving & navigation. Either way, I am not convinced for any critical use of Windows on the road out there.


    Also, I truly wonder what EULA will be presented this time.


    Should the damage caused by Windows crashing liable for claims?


    Or just as usual, Microsoft provides no warranty for nothing - even when OS crashing leads to horrible consequence.....

  11. What about Ctrl-Alt-1 to 6?


    If you can log into the console, then you can use


    # service dm stop

    # service dm restart


    to regain control of the system and GUI interface.


    That did the trick for me when ET runs into problem.

  12. There is a new approach in Mandrake 9.2:


    If you use the gtk2+Xft version of Mozilla or Firefox, you can get Totem to play Real media format of video and audio (it's not 100% working yet, but I found it works very good in Real Audio anyway):


    1) Download RealCodec pack from PLF mirror:


    -> real-codecs-1.2-1plf.i586.rpm


    2) Install it as root:


    # rpm -ivh real-codecs-1.2-1plf.i586.rpm


    3) Launch Totem


    K > Multimedia > Video > Totem Movie Player


    4) Close Totem, go into console, now you can create a symlink inside the ~/.gnome2/totem-addons folder:


    $ ln -s /usr/lib/real/*.* ~/.gnome2/totem-addons/


    Now Totem will be able to use Real Media codec. If you are using gtk2+Xft version of Mozilla or Firefox, Totem should be selected by default when you are trying to access Real media files.

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