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Posts posted by shimshon

  1. Hi,

    I am using Kopete 0.10.3 when I start the computer Wallet is asking me for the Password and then Kopete is connecting to the Internet.

    If I do not enter the password or if I make a mistake Kopete will open and stay offline.

    How do I reconnect Kopete to the Internet? I didn'd find anything to reconnect in the menu of Kopete?!



  2. Hi,


    In Kontact there is the Mandriva welcome letter. Now I deleted it, but the letter is comming back all the time (after I restart the computer - the next day)?

  3. Hi,


    I successfully installed Google Earth on my computer (Mandriva 2006)

    The program starts normally but then after a minute or so when I move the earth around it just shuts down without any error message?

  4. I got this:


    [root@bzq-84-108-100-88 shimshon]# service cups start

    Cannot find cups service

    Usage: service -[Rfshv] SERVICE ARGUMENTS

    -f|--full-restart: Do a fullrestart of the service.

    -R|--full-restart-all: Do a fullrestart of all services currently running.

    -s|--status-all: Print a status of all services.

    -d|--debug: Launch with debug.

    -h|--help: This help.

    -v|--version: Print version.


    version 1.14

    [root@bzq-84-108-100-88 shimshon]# urpmi cups

    To satisfy dependencies, the following 5 packages are going to be installed (12 MB):






    Is this OK? (Y/n) y




    ...retrieving failed: curl: (19) Given file does not exist


    ...retrieving failed: curl: (19) Given file does not exist

    ...retrieving failed: curl failed: exited with 19 or signal 0



    ...retrieving failed: curl: (19) Given file does not exist

    installing xinetd-2.3.13-2mdk.i586.rpm libopenslp1-1.0.11-6mdk.i586.rpm from /var/cache/urpmi/rpms

    Preparing... #############################################

    1/5: libopenslp1 #############################################

    2/5: xinetd #############################################

    Installation failed, some files are missing:




    You may want to update your urpmi database

    [root@bzq-84-108-100-88 shimshon]#


    What now?


    Also checkout the services session of MCC, cups should be listed there as a service. you can set it from there to be loaded as system startup, or manually.


    cups is not listed!

  5. I looked at Linuxprinting.org and followed the installation instructions.

    First I checked if I have the driver with this command:


    [root@bzq-84-108-100-88 shimshon]# rpm -qa | grep hplip



    Then I tried to connect the printer with this commands:


    [root@bzq-84-108-100-88 shimshon]# /etc/init.d/cups restart

    bash: /etc/init.d/cups: No such file or directory

    [root@bzq-84-108-100-88 shimshon]# /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

    bash: /etc/init.d/cupsys: No such file or directory


    And that is how far I got!

  6. Hi,

    Did what you said and the radio is still not working.

    This where the answer from the Console:


    [root@bzq-84-108-104-151 shimshon]# rpm -qa | grep mplayer



    [root@bzq-84-108-104-151 shimshon]# rpm -qa | grep codec


    [root@bzq-84-108-104-151 shimshon]# urpmi mplayerplugin-3.11-1mdk mplayer-1.0-1.pre7.20051220.0.1.20060plf win32-codecs-1.7-2plf

    The package(s) are already installed

    The following package names were assumed: win32-codecs, mplayerplugin, mplayer

    [root@bzq-84-108-104-151 shimshon]#

  7. After I put in the first code I get following response:


    [root@bzq-84-108-108-129 shimshon]# [ian@europa ~]$ rpm -qa | grep mplayer

    bash: [ian@europa: command not found

    [root@bzq-84-108-108-129 shimshon]# mplayerplugin-3.11-1mdk

    bash: mplayerplugin-3.11-1mdk: command not found

    [root@bzq-84-108-108-129 shimshon]# mplayer-1.0-1.pre7.20051220.0.1.20060plf

    bash: mplayer-1.0-1.pre7.20051220.0.1.20060plf: command not found

    [root@bzq-84-108-108-129 shimshon]#

    [root@bzq-84-108-108-129 shimshon]# [ian@europa ~]$ rpm -qa | grep codec

    bash: [ian@europa: command not found

    [root@bzq-84-108-108-129 shimshon]# win32-codecs-1.7-2plf



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