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Everything posted by Uiler

  1. Uiler

    /var/run errors

    Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. However I had a look at line 94 and it is exactly the same as what you wrote so the problem might not be with that file. If it helps here are the permissions of the rc file: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4266 Mar 13 07:37 rc* I hope that's normal. I'm not sure a runlevel problem would explain why I can't even ls /var/run/netreport or /var/run/runlevel.dir though. The fact that ls is failing is extremely worrying.
  2. Uiler

    /var/run errors

    Hi Recently, every time I boot up I get error messages like /etc/rc.d/rc line 94: /var/run/runlevel.dir : permission denied and cannot remove /var/run/netreport /var/run/runlevel.dir: permission denied Sometimes the computer even refuses to boot after this or won't start X. I went to /var/run and did an ls. Even though I was root I get the message back: ls: netreport: Permission denied ls: runlevel.dir: Permission denied Anyone have any idea what's going on?
  3. Thanks that nearly does the trick. However one problem. In Galeon, the backgrounds of the icons and the menus seem to be this ugly grey colour. The rest of the program seems to match Keramik though.
  4. Hi! I run Mandrake 9.1. I usually use KDE, but I also use some GTK based apps as well like Galeon. However I can't work out how to theme GTK apps in KDE! No matter what GTK2 theme I set whilst I'm in Gnome, as soon as I fire up Pan or Galeon in KDE I get the Galaxy style. I like Galaxy but after a while I want to try something new. I tried running gnome-settings-daemon and then gnome-theme-manager, but that just produced a mess. Any help would be much appreciated! Uiler
  5. Thanks for all the help guys. I don't think I'll be trying the apt path yet. I've finally managed to get things working and I'm suspicious enough not to want to touch any update configuration until it breaks. However when it does break I'll have a look at the apt suggestion. Looks interesting... And thanks for telling me ndeb about the bug. Gotta love those Mandrake bugs in their configuration programs....But hey, at least supermount is finally working again! It was totally broken on my computer in 9.0.
  6. As an update to my previous message. I tried changing the source to http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/mandrake/u...dates/9.1/RPMS/ and Software Updates (the GUI interface) actually works now and I've installed some security updates for netpmb, openssl etc. No more "updates list void", no more cannot read rpm signature etc. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that both me and this new server are in the same country. Maybe because it's http instead of ftp. I have no idea... Very very weird...I have no idea what's going on...But hey, it works now :) Though I'm still not sure if I can actually ADD a source for updates from the GUI Software Sources tool and at this point I don't want to test my luck by removing and readding the media to see whether it works :) But still if anyone knows of a good online tutorial/FAQ for command-line urpm then please post a link! God knows when everything will begin to break again. Mandrake's GUI tools...is it just me or are they somewhat buggy? Ah, I just noticed that cannonfodder put up some links. Thanks very much! Mucho reading time now...
  7. Hi! Thanks! I tried it and now it seems that it has disappeared though now there is a "new" unexplained "service": Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name udp 0 0* 1524/xinetd it seems that "xinetd" is listening at that port. From the man file, "xinetd" is something which handles network connections (which doesn't provide much enlightenment...). The specific xinetd command it is running (from the pid) is xinetd -stayalive -reuse -pidfile /var/run/xinetd.pid which as far as I can work out from the man file just means that xinetd is running. It doesn't really tell much about what specific service xinetd is controlling that is listening at that port. I've been doing a google search on 32768 and I really can't come up with much. People seem to use it for different things (I've seen ssh, kde amongst other candidates). One suggestion I saw is that it may actually be listening to localhost.
  8. Hi! Thanks a lot! I tried what you suggested and I think I know what the problem is now. When I tried your command it would prompt me for the proxy password 5-6 times. Obviously the GUI interface simply isn't doing that (even though I put all the settings, usernames, passwords etc. in the "Proxy" section and it is obviously working enough to get the list of servers from the Mandrake webpage...). Of course this means that the GUI program Software Updates doesn't work either (it gives me a list void you have no updates message when I know it has them- obviously like the Software Sources program it simply isn't getting past the proxy). I can go to the GUI Install Programs program (rpmdrake) and if I know specifically what packages to look for I can download and install them there (eg. search for ssl to get latest ssl updates). However it is not as convenient to simply see a list of the security updates needed. The command-line updates seem to work much better than the GUI (ie. it actually works). Is there a command-line way to see a list of what security updates are needed for your system? Sorry, I tried reading the man file for uprm but I got very confused. I suppose I'm just not a command line girl :( (that and I'm not very good at Linux...). Or if someone can point me to a good online FAQ or tutorial on "how to use command line urpm" that would be great! I hope I'm not annoying people too much, but does anyone also know whether it is OK to install something when the Software Installer gives you a message "The signature of package BLAH is incorrent...Could not read signature block('rpmReadSignature' failed)"? I got this message when trying to install the openssl updates from that ftp server that you pointed me too in Software Installer. Sorry for bothering everyone so much! Uiler
  9. Hi! I'm trying to use software Update to update security holes on my computer (I am running 9.1). However I have been totally unable to get the thing to work! I think it might be because being at uni I have to go through a proxy server (I put the settings in the Software Sources proxy section) but it seems to download the list of mirror servers well enough. However once I select a source it just says that there are no updates (when I've checked the site manually and I know there is). If I add the mirror site manually to the software sources (Add - security updates) it says it can't update the source and therefore is removing it automatically. Anyone have any idea of how I can get around this? Thanks very much! Uiler
  10. Thanks very much arusabal! That worked wonders! Of course now unfortunately, running the netstat -lnA inet command, I see that port 32768 is running (though it doesn't show up in nmap...) Any ideas? tcp 0 0* LISTEN
  11. Hi! I was wondering if anyone could help me with something. I'm running mandrake 9.1. I used Nmap to do a portscan of my machine and the only open ports are sunrpc and the X-server listening to the network. I don't have any servers running, not even ssh. Do these open ports constitute a security hazard? Thanks! Uiler
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