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Everything posted by satelliteuser083

  1. Thanks, kris, for the tip with gramofile, which I have just installed. Unfortunately, all is not well with gramofile on my setup. :unsure: There is no menu-point anywhere for the app and, when I created a link to it on the desktop, it fails to load. I've had similar problems before but, sadly, can't remember how (or, even, IF) I overcame them. Would be grateful for further assistance.
  2. I'm back again with the problem of no sound in Firefox; my apologies. :huh: As already mentioned, everything works in Suse-10.0 (using mplayerplug-in); "about:plugins" in Suse Firefox reveals that mplayerplug-in is installed. "about:plugins" in my LE2005 Firefox, however, reveals that mplayerplug-in is NOT installed. Via a couple of links I arrived at the information: ********* mplayerplug-in Version: 2.80 (Mozilla 1.7: Untested, Firefox 1.0: Untested) 1. Extract source. 2. Run ./configure. 3. Run make. 4. Copy mplayerplug-in.so to your Mozilla plugins folder, and mplayerplug-in.xpt to your Mozilla components folder. Note: If you are not using a build of Mozilla compiled with GTK2 support, you will need to run configure with --enable-gtk1. For more information, see the download page. Homepage mplayerplug-in Home ********* So I went to "mplayerplug-in Home" and downloaded "mplayerplug-in-3.25.tar.gz". So far, so good. A few questions, though, before I proceed (and possibly ruin my set-up). Presumeably the 3.25 in the .tar.gz is the version number, which clearly doesn't match that of the 'information' above; is this important, or can I just go ahead and follow the instructions anyway? Also, I don't exactly know how to deal with the .ta.gz file, not having used one before. Could someone give me a helping hand? I think my version of Firefox is 1.0.2, although "About Mozilla-Firefox" reveals "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050317 Firefox/1.0.4", so perhaps it's 1.0.4. Does this version have the GTK2 support metioned above? All a bit confusing, I'm afraid. :unsure: Thanks, anyway, for looking.
  3. I'd like to shift some LP-tracks on to CD; could anyone advise me on some suitable app(s). for LE2005? Many thanks. BTW, gnome-soundrecorder crashes in my set-up (kde).
  4. I've got 2006, so I'll do as you suggest. Many thanks for the tip :P And, of course, thanks to all of you others who also contributed :P :P
  5. Nope, scarecrow, I tried the "kdesu localedrake" (which worked) but no change to the menues. And arctic, it looks as though there IS this significant difference between OO 1.1.4 (my version) and 2.0. But thanks, anyway, to you both. :P
  6. Thanks, scarecrow; I've just tried installing again and there were no options offered, only install (presumeably everything). Please see post #6; no change there :sad:
  7. Yes, Ixthusdan, I've already tried that. Sadly, I wasn't given any options for installation, apart from partition-selection, and the installation-process tried to install everything on the DVD (12GB worth, according to the mag.) onto a 6GB partition, before crashing. Which is why I was looking for the normal, cosy, very user-friendly Mandy installation-procedure :unsure: . Many thanks, and please see post#4.
  8. Well, Ian, the DVD says "Madriva One, Latest Mandrive Linux" and the mag. doesn't mention Beta at all, so I just assumed that it was a post-beta, tested version. Strangely enough, though, the text DOES mentioned Mandy 2006; possibly a typo? :huh: Anyway, thanks for the tip; I'll wait for a later version to appear.
  9. Sorry, scarecrow, would do as you suggest if I could, but have just been into MCC and was unable to find any way of locating the system locales. Need help, I'm afraid :unsure: .
  10. Hope this is the right forum :unsure: Can anyone help me with the following problem? I have just tried to INSTALL Mandriva One (to a partition) from a free DVD attached to Linux-Magazine (May 2006). The first screen appears, as depicted in the mag, but I cannot find any way of selecting "Install". <Enter> causes the live-version to be loaded (don't want that) and <F1> brings up a boot-prompt, but with no information on how to proceed from there. Any help in initiating a normal, direct installation would be much appreciated. Many thanks. [moved by phunni]
  11. OK, I give up, it's beaten me. I de-installed OO completely and then deleted EVERY reference to OO on the partition, including the hidden .OpenOffice folder. I then re-installed the only available OO from the rpm-sources listed in post#1 above (no reference to German at all), and the menues STILL came up in German. I'm not too worried, because I speak German, but its very strange. Many thanks to both of you for your help. :P
  12. Thanks, arctic, I tried the extras -> options -> language settings path; English was already selected, but the menus are still German. And, forgot to say that I'm using LE2005 KDE, sorry. The version of OO installed is 1.1.4, and there are no other versions offered by MCC/Software Install. Sad.
  13. Well, I tried "urpme OpenOffice.org-I10n-de", only to get the message: unknown package: OpenOffice.org-I10n-de so I assume that the language needs to be changed internally. And, why did I reinstall? That's a bit of a long story, but basically I can no longer run mail-merge. I managed to set it up this afternoon with a test-(mini) database but can now find no way of pointing that merge-job at the correct db. I've also tried to set up a NEW merge-job, but am presented each time with the results of the test-merge, and OpenOffice refuses to allow me to change the db-name. Totally crazy . I just cannot believe that it can be this difficult to implement such a simple process. Anyway, I thought that OpenOffice had somehow or another become corrupted, so tried to reinstall. Oje, oje.
  14. I've just reinstalled OpenOffice (TWICE!!) and all the menus are in German. Despite much searching, I can't see how to select English, as I had before. Is there any way to do it? My rpm sources list is: urpmi.addmedia main ftp://anorien.csc.warwick.ac.uk/Mandrakel...i586/media/main with media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia contrib ftp://anorien.csc.warwick.ac.uk/Mandrakel...6/media/contrib with media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia jpackage ftp://anorien.csc.warwick.ac.uk/Mandrakel.../media/jpackage with media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia plf-free ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/plf/mandrake/free/10.2 with synthesis.hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia plf-nonfree ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/plf/mandrake/non-free/10.2 with synthesis.hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia --update updates ftp://anorien.csc.warwick.ac.uk/Mandrakel...5/main_updates/ with media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz Thanks
  15. Many thanks. Having control Is a great feeling :P
  16. I've just had a crash in OpenOffice Writer and was unable to find any way of recovering from the situation, other than rebooting the system (LE2005) :o . In the dreaded Windoze I would have called the Task-Manager via Ctrl-Alt_Delete, killed the aplication and a reboot would have been unnecessary. Does a similar facility exist in Mandrive? I use KDE.
  17. Yes, solarian, took your advice, ignored the warnings and now timidity works. Many thanks (including devries and scarecrow, of course) :P
  18. Have read a thread involving Rosegarden which suggested installing timidity. This I have tried to do but get the message "Bad signatures: timidity-patch-freepats-20040611-1mdk; invalid key". Any tip on overcoming the problem? BTW, I used the following repositories (in Easy-Urpmi); could this combination be causing the problem? urpmi.addmedia main ftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirro...i586/media/main with media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia contrib ftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirro...6/media/contrib with media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia jpackage ftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirro.../media/jpackage with media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia plf-free ftp://ftp.easynet.fr/plf/mandrake/free/10.2 with synthesis.hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia plf-nonfree ftp://ftp.easynet.fr/plf/mandrake/non-free/10.2 with synthesis.hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia --update updates ftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirro...5/main_updates/ with media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz Thanks
  19. Many thanks, Scarecrow. :D I've installed kmid, as suggested, but am presented with the following error-message when I either try to play a .mid file or select Settings/Midi Setup: "Could not open /dev/sequencer to get some info. Probably there is another program using it." It's probably some simple adjustment, but I wouldn't know where to start. Have you any further tips? Thanks Edit: Have just checked and cannot find either a folder or a file called '/dev/sequencer'
  20. I have downloaded a '.mid' file but cannot find anything in my LE2005 to play it with. Can anyone make a suggestion? Thanks.
  21. Many thanks, Guix; I did as you suggested but, sadly, it didn't work :huh: . I HAVE noticed something (else) which is interesting, though; when I start the ClimateChange film (from the BBC site), it's jerky. It runs for about a second, stops for about a second, then continues for about a second, etc. If I terminate the film, start Amarok and then restart the film, the latter runs without the jerkiness. There's no sound in either case, though. :sad:
  22. I reckon that my LE2005 installation must be BROKE (or perhaps my KDE?) . I've just been through the entire installation-procedure as described by *papaschtroumpf* on May 1 2005 in the thread "Realplayer 10 problems" (mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=24521&st=0), and RealPlayer STILL doesn't work properly. The only improvement is that the video is now smooth, but there's still no sound. Strangely, I wasn't able to find RealPlayer in the menu-system (I had to start it from a konsole), nor was I able start any kind of setup utility - the only configuration-function seems to be in the app under Tools/Preferences but I can't figure out any of the sound stuff (sighhh). Back again, with the interminable no-sound saga in Firefox I've just been running the BBC clip 'ClimateChange' in Suse10.0 (with Firefox, ver. 1.0.6), and it runs well with mplayer - both video AND sound. In LE2005 I have the following situation: Firefox is ver 1.0.2, the site uses RealPlayer (not mplayer) and there is video but no sound. Could the sound problem be associated with the different FF version? If not, is it possible to FORCE Firefox to use mplayer (if so, how do I do it?). I've tried "about:plugins" and the answer was: QuickTime Plug-in 6.0, Windows Media Player Plugin are supported by mplayerplug-in File name: mplayerplug-in.so mplayerplug-in 2.80 so it looks as though the mplayer plugin is installed in FF. I'd very much like to crack this problem in mandy (I want to participate in the Climate-change experiment, meaning many hours spent in the OS), otherwise I'll be forced to "desert" to Suse. :o BTW; ClimateChange doesn't work in 2006, either All inputs gratefully accepted.
  23. Panic!! The Internet-connection icon has disappeared from my task-bar :huh: . Don't know how it happened, or how to retrieve it. I use it regularly (or, rather, USED TO) to enable/disable the connection, so can anyone please help. I'm using LE2005, BTW.
  24. Yes, you're correct on both points, Thanks. Edit: Back again, I'm afraid, and I'm clutching at straws now. The plugindoc.mozdev.org site says that the environment variable MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH should exist, but I can't find it on MY system (by typing "env" in a konsole; hope that's correct). How do I go about creating this variable? I've tried "env MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox-1.0.2/plugins" in a root-konsole, but that didn't achieve anything, probably the wrong command :unsure: . "man env" didn't help me much, either.
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