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building rpms


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I'm trying to build rpms and it is working except that I keep getting athlon-mandrake-linux-gnu before the executable-names ....


I first thought it was because of specifying target= .... and that still can be, but I don't know how I can get rid of it using the rpm-config-files ....



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I'm building as root (bad me .. I know :)): here are all my files:




buildarchtranslate: i386: athlon

buildarchtranslate: i486: athlon

buildarchtranslate: i586: athlon

buildarchtranslate: i686: athlon




%_topdir /home/michel/development/rpmbuild

%_tmppath /home/michel/development/rpmbuild/tmp


%_signature gpg

%_gpg_name Michel Brabants

%_gpg_path ~/.gnupg

%distribution /

%vendor /





#/*! \page config_macros Default configuration: /usr/lib/rpm/macros

# \verbatim


# $Id: macros.in,v 2002/02/13 23:22:51 jbj Exp $


# This is a global RPM configuration file. All changes made here will

# be lost when the rpm package is upgraded. Any per-system configuration

# should be added to /etc/rpm/macros, while per-user configuration should

# be added to ~/.rpmmacros.



# Macro naming conventions (preliminary):


# Macros that begin with an underscore are "local" in the sense that

# they (if used) will not be exported in rpm headers. Some macros

# that don't start with an underscore (but look like they should)

# are compatible with macros generated by rpm-2.5.x and will be made

# more consistent in a future release.




# ---- A macro that expands to nothing.


%nil %{!?nil}



# ---- filesystem macros.


%_usr /usr

%_usrsrc %{_usr}/src

%_var /var



# ---- Generally useful path macros.


%__awk gawk

%__bzip2 /usr/bin/bzip2

%__cat /bin/cat

%__chgrp /bin/chgrp

%__chmod /bin/chmod

%__chown /bin/chown

%__cp /bin/cp

%__cpio /bin/cpio

%__file /usr/bin/file

%__gpg /usr/bin/gpg

%__grep /bin/grep

%__gzip /bin/gzip

%__id /bin/id

%__install /usr/bin/install

%__ln_s ln -s

%__make /usr/bin/make

%__mkdir /bin/mkdir

%__mkdir_p /bin/mkdir -p

%__mv /bin/mv

%__patch /usr/bin/patch

%__perl /usr/bin/perl

%__pgp /usr/bin/pgp

%__python /usr/bin/python

%__rm /bin/rm

%__rsh /usr/bin/rsh

%__sed /bin/sed

%__ssh /usr/bin/ssh

%__tar /bin/tar

%__unzip /usr/bin/unzip



# ---- Build system path macros.


%__ar ar

%__as as

%__cc gcc

%__cpp gcc -E

%__cxx c++

%__ld /usr/bin/ld

%__nm /usr/bin/nm

%__objcopy /usr/bin/objcopy

%__objdump /usr/bin/objdump

%__ranlib ranlib

%__remsh %{__rsh}

%__strip /usr/bin/strip


# XXX avoid failures if tools are not installed when rpm is built.

%__libtoolize libtoolize

%__aclocal aclocal

%__autoheader autoheader

%__automake automake

%__autoconf autoconf



# ---- Required rpmrc macros.

# Macros that used to be initialized as a side effect of rpmrc parsing.

# These are the default values that can be overridden by other

# (e.g. per-platform, per-system, per-packager, per-package) macros.


# The directory where sources/patches will be unpacked and built.

%_builddir %{_topdir}/BUILD


# The interpreter used for build scriptlets.

%_buildshell /bin/sh


# The path to the bzip2 executable (legacy, use %{__bzip2} instead).

%_bzip2bin %{__bzip2}


# The location of the rpm database file(s).

%_dbpath %{_var}/lib/rpm


# The location of the rpm database file(s) after "rpm --rebuilddb".

%_dbpath_rebuild %{_dbpath}


%_defaultdocdir %{_usr}/doc



%__find_provides /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides

%__find_requires /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires %{?buildroot:%{buildroot}} %{?_target_cpu:%{_target_cpu}}

#%__find_prereq ???

#%__find_conflicts ???

#%__find_obsoletes ???



# fixowner, fixgroup, and fixperms are run at the end of hardcoded setup

# These macros are necessary only for legacy compatibility, and have moved

# to per-platform macro configuration (i.e. /usr/lib/rpm/<arch>-<os>/macros)

#%__id_u %{__id} -u

#%__chown_Rhf %{__chown} -Rhf

#%__chgrp_Rhf %{__chgrp} -Rhf

#%_fixowner [ `%{__id_u}` = '0' ] && %{__chown_Rhf} root

#%_fixgroup [ `%{__id_u}` = '0' ] && %{__chgrp_Rhf} root

#%_fixperms %{__chmod} -Rf a+rX,g-w,o-w



# The path to the gzip executable (legacy, use %{__gzip} instead).

%_gzipbin %{__gzip}


# The number of changelog entries kept when installing (legacy, unused in

# rpm-4.0.1 and later).

%_instchangelog 5


# The path to the pgp executable (legacy, use %{__pgp} instead).

%_pgpbin %{__pgp}


# The directory where newly built binary packages will be written.

%_rpmdir %{_topdir}/RPMS


# A template used to generate the output binary package file name

# (legacy).

%_rpmfilename %{_build_name_fmt}


# The default signature type.

%_signature none


# The directory where sources/patches from a source package will be

# installed. This is also where sources/patches are found when building.

%_sourcedir %{_topdir}/SOURCES


# The directory where the spec file from a source package will be

# installed.

%_specdir %{_topdir}/SPECS


# The directory where newly built source packages will be written.

%_srcrpmdir %{_topdir}/SRPMS


# Directory where temporaray files can be created.

%_tmppath %{_var}/tmp


# Path to top of build area.

%_topdir %{_usrsrc}/RPM


# The path to the unzip executable (legacy, use %{__unzip} instead).

%_unzipbin %{__unzip}



# ---- Optional rpmrc macros.

# Macros that are initialized as a side effect of rpmrc and/or spec

# file parsing.


# Configurable build root path, same as BuildRoot: in a specfile.

# (Note: the configured macro value will override the spec file value).




# The sub-directory (relative to %{_builddir}) where sources are compiled.

# This macro is set after processing %setup, either explicitly from the

# value given to -n or the default name-version.




# Configurable distribution information, same as Distribution: tag in a

# specfile.




# Configurable distribution URL, same as DistURL: tag in a specfile.

# The URL will be used to supply reliable information to tools like

# rpmfind.


# Note: You should not configure with disturl (or build packages with

# the DistURL: tag) unless you are willing to supply content in a

# yet-to-be-determined format at the URL specified.




# Boolean (i.e. 1 == "yes", 0 == "no") that controls whether files

# marked as %doc should be installed.



# The port and machine name of a FTP proxy host running TIS firewall.





# The signature to use and the location of configuration files for

# signing packages with GNU gpg.





# The port and machine name of an HTTP proxy host.





# The PATH put into the environment before running %pre/%post et al.


%_install_script_path /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin


# A colon separated list of desired locales to be installed;

# "all" means install all locale specific files.


%_install_langs all



# Deprecated.




# A colon separated list of paths where files should *not* be installed.

# Usually, these are network file system mount points.




# (experimental)

# The type of pattern match used on rpmdb iterator selectors:

# "default" simple glob-like regex, periods will be escaped,

# splats will have period prepended, full "^...$" match

# required. Also, file path tags will use glob(7).

# "strcmp" compare strings

# "regex" regex(7) patterns using regcomp(3)/regexec(3)

# "glob" glob(7) patterns using fnmatch(3)


%_query_selector_match default


# Configurable packager information, same as Packager: in a specfile.




# Compression type and level for source/binary package payloads.

# "w9.gzdio" gzip level 9 (default).

# "w9.bzdio" bzip2 level 9.


#%_source_payload w9.gzdio

#%_binary_payload w9.gzdio


# The signature to use and the location of configuration files for

# signing packages with PGP.





# Configurable virtual provides (unimplemented, use Provides: ...

# in an rpmrc file).




# Deprecated.




# Configurable vendor information, same as Vendor: in a specfile.





# ---- Package version macro.

# The type of package to produce, for compatibility with legacy

# versions of rpm.


# This is an rpm version, e.g. 30005 means to produce packaging compatible

# with rpm-3.0.5. At the moment, values < 30005 (i.e. compatibility with

# version before rpm-3.0.5) are not supported. The only incompatible change

# in rpm packaging since rpm-3.0.5 has been to replace a 3 with a 4 in the

# rpmlead, so there's little need to use any value greater than 30005.


%_package_version 30005



# Script gets packaged file list on input and buildroot as first parameter.

# Returns list of unpackaged files, i.e. files in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT not packaged.


# Note: Disable (by commenting out) for legacy compatibility.

%__check_files /usr/lib/rpm/check-files %{buildroot}



# Should unpackaged files in a build root terminate a build?


# Note: The default value should be 0 for legacy compatibility.

%_unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1



# Should missing %doc files in the build directory terminate a build?


# Note: The default value should be 0 for legacy compatibility.

%_missing_doc_files_terminate_build 1



# ---- Database configuration macros.

# Macros used to configure Berkley db parameters.


# rpmdb macro configuration values are a colon (or white space) separated

# list of tokens, with an optional '!' negation to explicitly disable bit

# values, or a "=value" if a parameter. A per-tag value is used (e.g.

# %_dbi_config_Packages) if defined, otherwise a per-rpmdb default

# (e.g. %_dbi_config). The configuration is also conditioned on the

# existence of an internal %{_rpmdb_rebuild} switch to permit changing

# the configuration while rebuilding an rpmdb database.


# The rpmdb configuration tokens are in a popt table in rpmdb/dbconfig.c,

# see that for the latest gory details. Note carefully that, unless you

# are writing an rpm installer, you shouldn't have to touch *any* of these

# parameters.


# Here's a short list of the tokens, with a guess of whether the option is

# useful:

# (nothing) currently used in rpm, known to work.

# "+++" under development, will be supported in rpm eventually.

# "???" I have no clue, you're mostly on your own.


# If you do find yourself inclined to fiddle, here's what I see (shrug):

# 1) Only the value of mp_size has any serious impact on overall performance,

# and you will need ~256Kb to handle a typical machine install.

# 2) Only the Packages hash, because of the size of the values (i.e. headers),

# will ever need tuning. Diddle the pagesize if you're interested, although

# I believe that you will find pagesize=512 "best".

# 3) Adding nofsync increases speed, but risks total data loss. Fiddle shared

# and/or mp_size instead.

# 4) btree is faster than hash, but would require some painful rpm release

# engineering to convert everbody's databases to btree, not gonna happen

# soon.


# See the db3-devel package, or http://www.sleepycat.com for Berkeley db-3.x

# documentation.


# token works? Berkeley db flag or value


#---------------------- DBENV->open parameters and tunable values:

# mp_mmapsize=8Mb DBENV->set_mp_mmapsize

# mp_size=512Kb DBENV->set_cachesize

#---------------------- DBENV->open and DB->open common bits:

# create DB_CREATE

# thread ??? DB_THREAD (useless w/o posix mutexes on linux)

#---------------------- DBENV->open bits:

# joinenv DB_JOIN_ENV


# cdb +++ DB_INIT_CDB

# txn ??? DB_INIT_TXN

# log ??? DB_INIT_LOG

# lock ??? DB_INIT_LOCK

# recover ??? DB_RECOVER

# recover_fatal ??? DB_RECOVER_FATAL

# use_environ ??? DB_USE_ENVIRON

# use_environ_root ??? DB_USE_ENVIRON_ROOT

# private +++ DB_PRIVATE

# lockdown ??? DB_LOCKDOWN

# shared +++ DB_SYSTEM_MEM

#---------------------- DB->open parameters and tunable values:

# cachesize=512Kb +++ DB->set_cachesize (meaningless if mp_size is used)

# pagesize=512 +++ DB->set_pagesize

#---------------------- DB->open bits:

# excl ??? DB_EXCL

# nommap ??? DB_NOMMAP

# rdonly DB_RDONLY

#---------------------- DB->open types:

# btree DB_BTREE

# hash DB_HASH

# recno ??? DB_RECNO

# queue ??? DB_QUEUE

# unknown +++ DB_UNKNOWN

#---------------------- DB->set_flags bits:

# bt_dup +++ (btree only) DB_DUP

# bt_dupsort +++ (btree only) DB_DUPSORT

# ht_dup +++ (hash only) DB_DUP

# ht_dupsort +++ (hash only) DB_DUPSORT

#----------------------- rpmdb specific configuration:

# usecursors (always on) Use db3 cursors in get/put/del ?

# usedbenv (always on) Use db3 environment?

# verify (always on, db3 only) Verify db after close?

# lockdbfd (always on for Packages) Use fcntl(2) locking ?

# nofsync Disable fsync(2) call performed after db3 writes?

# temporary Unlink file when closing.


# XXX Use a CDB database model for concurrent access (under development,

# cursor teardown with signals needs work, much more besides.)

#%__dbi_other usedbenv create joinenv cdb mpool \

# mp_mmapsize=8Mb mp_size=512Kb verify


# XXX Use transactions and logs for rpmdb durability (no clue yet):

#%__dbi_other usedbenv create joinenv mpool txn log \

# mp_mmapsize=8Mb mp_size=512Kb verify


# XXX enable at your own risk, CDB access to rpmdb isn't cooked yet.

#%__dbi_cdb create joinenv cdb mpool


# XXX The "traditional" rpmdb shared/exclusive fcntl(2) lock on Packages model:

%__dbi_other verify %{?_tmppath:tmpdir=%{_tmppath}} %{?__dbi_cdb}


# Note: adding nofsync here speeds up --rebuilddb a lot.

%__dbi_rebuild nofsync !log !txn !cdb

%__dbi_transient %{__dbi_rebuild} temporary private

%__dbi_perms perms=0644



#--- Hash database configuration

%__dbi_htconfig \

hash \





%__dbi_htconfig_current %{__dbi_htconfig}

%__dbi_htconfig_rebuild %{__dbi_htconfig} %{__dbi_rebuild}


%_dbi_htconfig \






#--- Btree database configuration

%__dbi_btconfig \

btree \





%__dbi_btconfig_current %{__dbi_btconfig}

%__dbi_btconfig_rebuild %{__dbi_btconfig} %{__dbi_rebuild}


%_dbi_btconfig \





# The list of tags for which indices will be built.

%_dbi_tags Packages:Name:Basenames:Group:Requirename:Providename:Conflictname:Triggername:D





# "Packages" should have shared/exclusive fcntl(2) lock using "lockdbfd".

%_dbi_config_Packages %{_dbi_htconfig} lockdbfd


# "Depends" is a per-transaction cache of known dependency resolutions.

%_dbi_config_Depends %{_dbi_htconfig} temporary private


%_dbi_config_Dirnames %{_dbi_btconfig}

%_dbi_config_Requireversion %{_dbi_btconfig}

%_dbi_config_Provideversion %{_dbi_btconfig}

%_dbi_config_Installtid %{_dbi_btconfig}

%_dbi_config_Removetid %{_dbi_btconfig}


# XXX legacy configuration.

# Choose db interface:

# 3 native db3 interface.


# There are two macros so that --rebuilddb can convert db1 -> db3.


%_dbapi 3

%_dbapi_rebuild 3


%_dbi_config %{_dbi_htconfig}



# ---- GPG/PGP/PGP5 signature macros.

# Macro(s) to hold the arguments passed to GPG/PGP for package

# signing and verification.


%__gpg_check_password_cmd %{__gpg} \

gpg --batch --no-verbose --passphrase-fd 3 -u "%{_gpg_name}" -so -

%__pgp_check_password_cmd %{__pgp} \

pgp +batchmode=on +verbose=0 "%{_pgp_name}" -sf

%__pgp5_check_password_cmd %{__pgp} \

pgps +batchmode=on +verbose=0 +armor=off "%{_pgp_name}" -f


%__gpg_sign_cmd %{__gpg} \

gpg --batch --no-verbose --no-armor --passphrase-fd 3 \

-u "%{_gpg_name}" -sbo %{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}

%__pgp_sign_cmd %{__pgp} \

pgp +batchmode=on +verbose=0 +armor=off \

"+myname=%{_pgp_name}" -sb %{__plaintext_filename} %{__signature_filename}

%__pgp5_sign_cmd %{__pgp} \

pgps +batchmode=on +verbose=0 +armor=off \

"+myname=%{_pgp_name}" -b %{__plaintext_filename} -o %{__signature_filename}


%__gpg_verify_cmd %{__gpg} \

gpg --batch --no-verbose --verify \

%{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}

%__pgp_verify_cmd %{__pgp} \

pgp +batchmode=on +verbose=0 \

%{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}

%__pgp5_verify_cmd %{__pgp} \

pgpv +batchmode=on +verbose=0 \

+OutputInformationFD=1 +OutputWarningFD=1 \

-o %{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}



# ---- Transaction macros.

# Macro(s) used to parameterize transactions.


# The output binary package file name template used when building

# binary packages.


# XXX Note: escaped %% for use in headerSprintf()

%_build_name_fmt %%{ARCH}/%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm


# The output binary package file name template used when repackaging

# erased packages.


# XXX Note: escaped %% for use in headerSprintf()

%_repackage_name_fmt %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm


# The directory in which erased packages will be saved when using

# the --repackage option.

%_repackage_dir /var/tmp

%_repackage_root %{nil}


# Relations between package names that cause dependency loops

# with legacy packages that cannot be fixed. Relations are

# specified as

# p>q

# where package p has a Requires: on something that package q Provides:


# XXX Note: that there cannot be any whitespace within the string "p>q",

# and that both p and q are package names (i.e. no version/release).


#%_dependency_whiteout_5_2 \

# pam>pamconfig

#%_dependency_whiteout_6_1 \

# pilot-link-devel>pilot-link

#%_dependency_whiteout_6_2 \

# egcs-c++>libstdc++

%_dependency_whiteout_7_0 \


XFree86>Mesa \

compat-glibc>db2 \

compat-glibc>db1 \

pam>initscripts \


%_dependency_whiteout_7_1 \


%_dependency_whiteout_7_2 \

libgnomeprint15>gnome-print \

nautilus>nautilus-mozilla \



%_dependency_whiteout \

libtermcap>bash \

modutils>vixie-cron \

ypbind>yp-tools \

ghostscript-fonts>ghostscript \

%{?_dependency_whiteout_7_2} \

%{?_dependency_whiteout_7_1} \

%{?_dependency_whiteout_7_0} \

%{?_dependency_whiteout_6_2} \

%{?_dependency_whiteout_6_1} \

%{?_dependency_whiteout_5_2} \




# ---- per-platform macros.

# Macros that are specific to an individual platform. The values here

# will be used if the per-platform macro file does not exist..


%_arch i386

%_build_arch i386

%_vendor mandrake

%_os linux

%_gnu -gnu

%_target_platform %{_target_cpu}-%{_vendor}-%{_target_os}%{?_gnu}



# Define a generic value for optflags. Normally overridden by per-target macros.

%optflags -O2



# Define per-arch and per-os defaults. Normally overridden by per-target macros.

%__arch_install_post %{nil}

%__os_install_post %{___build_post}



# ---- Scriptlet template templates.

# Global defaults used for building scriptlet templates.



%___build_shell %{?_buildshell:%{_buildshell}}%{!?_buildshell:/bin/sh}

%___build_args -e

%___build_cmd %{?_sudo:%{_sudo} }%{?_remsh:%{_remsh} %{_remhost} }%{?_remsudo:%{_remsudo} }%{?_remchroot:%{_remchroot} %{_remroot} }%{___build_shell} %{___build_args}

%___build_pre \








export RPM_DOC_DIR\








%{verbose:set -x}%{!verbose:exec > /dev/null}\

umask 022\

cd %{u2p:%{_builddir}}\



#%___build_body %{nil}

%___build_post exit 0


%___build_template #!%{___build_shell}\









# ---- Scriptlet templates.

# Macro(s) that expand to a command and script that is executed.

# CAVEAT: All macro expansions must fit in a BUFSIZ (8192 byte) buffer.


%__spec_prep_shell %{___build_shell}

%__spec_prep_args %{___build_args}

%__spec_prep_cmd %{___build_cmd}

%__spec_prep_pre %{___build_pre}

%__spec_prep_body %{___build_body}

%__spec_prep_post %{___build_post}

%__spec_prep_template #!%{__spec_prep_shell}\








%__spec_build_shell %{___build_shell}

%__spec_build_args %{___build_args}

%__spec_build_cmd %{___build_cmd}

%__spec_build_pre %{___build_pre}

%__spec_build_body %{___build_body}

%__spec_build_post %{___build_post}

%__spec_build_template #!%{__spec_build_shell}\








%__spec_install_shell %{___build_shell}

%__spec_install_args %{___build_args}

%__spec_install_cmd %{___build_cmd}

%__spec_install_pre %{___build_pre}

%__spec_install_body %{___build_body}





%__spec_install_template #!%{__spec_install_shell}\








#%__spec_autodep_shell %{___build_shell}

#%__spec_autodep_args %{___build_args}

#%__spec_autodep_cmd %{___build_cmd}

#%__spec_autodep_pre %{___build_pre}

#%__spec_autodep_body %{___build_body}

#%__spec_autodep_post %{___build_post}

#%__spec_autodep_template #!%{__spec_autodep_shell}\








%__spec_clean_shell %{___build_shell}

%__spec_clean_args %{___build_args}

%__spec_clean_cmd %{___build_cmd}

%__spec_clean_pre %{___build_pre}

%__spec_clean_body %{___build_body}

%__spec_clean_post %{___build_post}

%__spec_clean_template #!%{__spec_clean_shell}\








%__spec_rmbuild_shell %{___build_shell}

%__spec_rmbuild_args %{___build_args}

%__spec_rmbuild_cmd %{___build_cmd}

%__spec_rmbuild_pre %{___build_pre}

%__spec_rmbuild_body %{___build_body}

%__spec_rmbuild_post %{___build_post}

%__spec_rmbuild_template #!%{__spec_rmbuild_shell}\








# XXX We don't expand pre/post install scriptlets (yet).

#%__spec_pre_pre %{nil}

#%__spec_pre_post %{nil}

#%__spec_post_pre %{nil}

#%__spec_post_post %{nil}

#%__spec_preun_pre %{nil}

#%__spec_preun_post %{nil}

#%__spec_postun_pre %{nil}

#%__spec_postun_post %{nil}

#%__spec_triggerpostun_pre %{nil}

#%__spec_triggerpostun_post %{nil}

#%__spec_triggerun_pre %{nil}

#%__spec_triggerun_post %{nil}

#%__spec_triggerin_pre %{nil}

#%__spec_triggerin_post %{nil}



# ---- configure macros.

# Macro(s) slavishly copied from autoconf's config.status.


%_prefix /usr

%_exec_prefix %{_prefix}

%_bindir %{_exec_prefix}/bin

%_sbindir %{_exec_prefix}/sbin

%_libexecdir %{_exec_prefix}/libexec

%_datadir %{_prefix}/share

%_sysconfdir %{_prefix}/etc

%_sharedstatedir %{_prefix}/com

%_localstatedir %{_prefix}/var

%_lib lib

%_libdir %{_exec_prefix}/%{_lib}

%_includedir %{_prefix}/include

%_oldincludedir /usr/include

%_infodir %{_prefix}/info

%_mandir %{_prefix}/man



# ---- config.guess platform macros.

# Macro(s) similar to the tokens used by configure.


%_build %{_host}

%_build_alias %{_host_alias}

%_build_cpu %{_host_cpu}

%_build_vendor %{_host_vendor}

%_build_os %{_host_os}

%_host i586-mandrake-linux-gnu

%_host_alias i586-mandrake-linux-gnu%{nil}

%_host_cpu i586

%_host_vendor mandrake

%_host_os linux-gnu

%_target %{_host}

%_target_alias %{_host_alias}

%_target_cpu %{_host_cpu}

%_target_vendor %{_host_vendor}

%_target_os %{_host_os}


# ---- specfile macros.

# Macro(s) here can be used reliably for reproducible builds.

# (Note: Above is the goal, below are the macros under development)


# The configure macro does the following:

# optionally change to a subdirectory (not implemented).

# attempt to update config.guess and config.sub.

# run configure with correct prefix, platform, and CFLAGS.

# optionally restore current directory (not implemented).

# The configure macro should be invoked as %configure (rather than %{configure})

# because the rest of the arguments will be expanded using %*.


# This is the version of %configure used through rpm-3.0.4.

#%configure \

# %{?__libtoolize:[ -f configure.in ] && %{__libtoolize} --copy --force} \

# CFLAGS="%{optflags}" ./configure %{_target_platform} --prefix=%{_prefix}



# This is an improved version of %configure (from PLD team).

%configure \

CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export CFLAGS ; \

CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export CXXFLAGS ; \

FFLAGS="${FFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export FFLAGS ; \

%{?__libtoolize:[ -f configure.in ] && %{__libtoolize} --copy --force ;} \

./configure \\\

%{?_gnu: --host=%{_host} --target=%{_target_platform}} \\\

%{!?_gnu: %{_target_platform}} \\\

--prefix=%{_prefix} \\\

--exec-prefix=%{_exec_prefix} \\\

--bindir=%{_bindir} \\\

--sbindir=%{_sbindir} \\\

--sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \\\

--datadir=%{_datadir} \\\

--includedir=%{_includedir} \\\

--libdir=%{_libdir} \\\

--libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \\\

--localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \\\

--sharedstatedir=%{_sharedstatedir} \\\

--mandir=%{_mandir} \\\




# The make install analogue of %configure:

%makeinstall \

make \\\

prefix=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_prefix} \\\

exec_prefix=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_exec_prefix} \\\

bindir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_bindir} \\\

sbindir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sbindir} \\\

sysconfdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sysconfdir} \\\

datadir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_datadir} \\\

includedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_includedir} \\\

libdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_libdir} \\\

libexecdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_libexecdir} \\\

localstatedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_localstatedir} \\\

sharedstatedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sharedstatedir} \\\

mandir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_mandir} \\\

infodir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_infodir} \\\




# The GNUconfigure macro does the following:

# update config.guess and config.sub.

# regenerate all autoconf/automake files

# optionally change to a directory (make the directory if requested).

# run configure with correct prefix, platform, and CFLAGS.

# optionally restore current directory.


# Based on autogen.sh from GNOME and orginal GNUconfigure


%GNUconfigure(MCs:) \

CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export CFLAGS; \

LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:-%{-s:-s}}" ; export LDFLAGS; \

%{-C:_mydir="`pwd`"; %{-M: %{__mkdir} -p %{-C*};} cd %{-C*}} \

dirs="`find ${_mydir} -name configure.in -print`"; export dirs; \

for coin in `echo ${dirs}` \

do \

dr=`dirname ${coin}`; \

if test -f ${dr}/NO-AUTO-GEN; then \

: \

else \

macrodirs=`sed -n -e 's,AM_ACLOCAL_INCLUDE(\(.*\)),\1,gp' < ${coin}`; \

( cd ${dr}; \

aclocalinclude="${ACLOCAL_FLAGS}"; \

for k in ${macrodirs}; do \

if test -d ${k}; then \

aclocalinclude="${aclocalinclude} -I ${k}"; \

##else \

## echo "**Warning**: No such directory \`${k}'. Ignored." \

fi \

done \

if grep "^AM_GNU_GETTEXT" configure.in >/dev/null; then \

if grep "sed.*POTFILES" configure.in >/dev/null; then \

: do nothing -- we still have an old unmodified configure.in \

else \

test -r ${dr}/aclocal.m4 || touch ${dr}/aclocal.m4; \

echo "no" | gettextize --force --copy; \

test -r ${dr}/aclocal.m4 && %{__chmod} u+w ${dr}/aclocal.m4; \

fi \

fi \

if grep "^AM_PROG_LIBTOOL" configure.in >/dev/null; then \

%{__libtoolize} --force --copy; \

fi \

aclocal ${aclocalinclude}; \

if grep "^AM_CONFIG_HEADER" configure.in >/dev/null; then \

%{__autoheader}; \

fi \

echo "Running automake --gnu ${am_opt} ..."; \

%{__automake} --add-missing --gnu ${am_opt}; \

%{__autoconf}; \

); \

fi \

done \

%{-C:${_mydir}}%{!-C:.}/configure %{_target_platform} --prefix=%{_prefix} --exec-prefix=%{_exec_prefix} --bindir=%{_bindir} --sbindir=%{_sbindir} --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} --datadir=%{_datadir} --includedir=%{_includedir} --libdir=%{_libdir} --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} --localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} --sharedstatedir=%{_sharedstatedir} --mandir=%{_mandir} --infodir=%{_infodir} %* ; \

%{-C:cd ${_mydir}; unset _mydir}



# Useful perl macros

# (initially from Artur Frysiak <wiget@t17.ds.pwr.wroc.pl>)

# (modified by Pixel <pixel@mandrakesoft.com>)


# [...]

# Group: Development/Perl

# [...]

# %build

# perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor

# %make

# [...]

# %install

# rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT

# make install PREFIX="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}"

# [...]

# %files

# %defattr(644,root,root,755)

# %{perl_vendorlib}/CGI

# or

# %{perl_vendorarch}/DBI

# %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/DBI

# %{_mandir}/*/*


%requires_eq() %(LC_ALL="C" echo '%*' | xargs -r rpm -q --qf 'Requires: %%{name} = %%{epoch}:%%{version}\\n' | sed -e 's/ (none):/ /' -e 's/ 0:/ /' | grep -v "is not")

%perl_vendorarch %(eval "`perl -V:installvendorarch`"; echo $installvendorarch)

%perl_vendorlib %(eval "`perl -V:installvendorlib`"; echo $installvendorlib)


# kept for compatibility, but should not be used, especially the ugly perl_archlib!

%perl_sitearch %(eval "`perl -V:installsitearch`"; echo $installsitearch)

%perl_archlib %(eval "`perl -V:installarchlib`"; echo $installarchlib)



# arch macro for all Intel i?86 compatibile processors

# (Note: This macro (and it's analogues) will probably be obsoleted when

# rpm can use regular expressions against target platforms in macro

# conditionals.


%ix86 i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon



# Use in %install to generate locale specific file lists. For example,


# %install

# ...

# %find_lang %{name}

# ...

# %files -f %{name}.lang


%find_lang /usr/lib/rpm/find-lang.sh %{buildroot}


# \endverbatim


Edited by Michel
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