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Mandriva One 2010 with Gnome

Guest bridezilla924

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Guest bridezilla924



I'm new to your awesome forum. I burned a ISO of the above and when I boot it up I change kernel to "acpi-off" and then I see text that says "Boot". Can you please tell me what I'm supposed to type in there? Can someone please tell me how to check md5 on the file to see if it's corrupt. After booting I also pressed escape and the error said "unused kernel memory: 436K freed. Warning: unable to open an initial console. Tons of "Invalid Argument". I checked my bios for plug n play and there was no option.





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There's obviously a problem with booting this CD. You're not supposed to do anything at this “Boot†word, as this simply is not supposed to happen…

I’m not too sure how you can check a CD is correctly burnt, but at least you may try booting the CD with the “noapic nolapic†boot options.

I hope this will work. Linux is a nice OS, provided you're not plagued with hardware compatibility problems.



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