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Posts posted by solarian

  1. How much of a trouble is SELinux?

    This particular comment at lwn.net worries me:

    (Posted Mar 17, 2006 5:29 UTC (Fri) by subscriber charris) (Post reply)

    Thanks for the warning,

    I have now removed kernel version 2054 before it can drive me nuts -- I can just imagine the hours of frustration if I had rebooted yesterday. A few more days of waiting isn't going to hurt. I have had generally few frustrations with Fedora outside of multimedia, persistent sound problems in FC3, and SELinux messing up the file systems for use with some other distros. Does anybody know if there is a way to turn off SELinux *and* clean up the filesystems?

  2. as a side note, I really like that Fedora Core has the option to install from iso images that are one a hard drive partition (like Mandriva has too).

    I really prefer that because it saves cd's that I would have no use of later, and boot.iso I can burn to cd/rw; and of course such an installation is a lot faster with less hassle than from cd's.

  3. Anyone can tell how much RAM Fedora Core takes up after startup?

    I mostly like what I read about it and KDE can be installed (I'm a KDE guy), but I don't want to put anything sluggish on my system.



    Arch is too terminal based for my liking, atm (yea, it's the problem of my limited knowledge). If I had two boxes I'd install it on one for experimental playing, but unfortunately I have only one box and it's a production one, so I can't allow myself unplanned downtimes.

  4. lol

    I found out that Arch has a live cd too, will check it out


    Archie is a complete live Arch linux system to be run from a CD/USB, built with the KISS philosophy in mind. No packages have been removed to provide a full Arch linux system, yet it delivers the fastest performance with no excessive bloat. Archie uses its own hardware detection tool (lshwd) ideally to support wide range of hardware with low detection time. Archie also provides extended features such as multi-lingual capabilities, nesting capabilities, and hard disk install.


    I like the sound of that philosophy!! :D

  5. That would be wonderful, cybrjackle!

    I have ATI Radeon 9000 Pro

    and I haven't tried it on xorg 7.0 at all, but that review mentioned that the author had to hack his way though xorg.conf


    Actually I can hack my way through xorg.conf quite well (as most ATI card users can :D ),

    but, as I said, I don't have the time to play with that now (deadlines!!).

  6. I agree with you, neddie,

    it's a very logical statement that you do,

    but my choice to ditch Mandriva is a political one (just as the choice to kick Gael out of Mandriva was),

    I don't want to support such people as Mandriva seems to turn into,

    and by kicking Gael they have kicked me too.


    It's idealistic and a bit stupid, I agree, but an OS is something more than just a tool for me,

    it's the community and principles that stand behind it that matter to me too.

    I don't plan to leave this board and, what little help I can give, I will, because this is an awesome community in this particular board, but I don't want anything to do with Mandriva anymore.


    I think that some others feel simmilar too.

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