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Posts posted by papaschtroumpf

  1. Azureus is GUI-conrtolled, cli-controlled or webUI controlled- whatever you pick... So what the heck you're looking after?


    I'm willing to give azureus a try, but I can't see on the website how you control it from the CLI. Is there a way to add a new torrent to download, stop a torrent download and see the status of your downloads all from the CLI?


    Looks like the web interface uses a plugin.


    Edit: installed it and the web pluggin, which I can access using a redirected port over SSH for security. Pretty slick but I still want my CLI interface for quick and dirty access over slow lines (or discreet access while at work).

  2. This list seems pretty dangerous to me becuase it would be interpreted as "Everyone, just disable that stuff".


    Postfix is used to send email both outside the machine and "within" the machine, such as security audits or backup reports.

    hotplug is pretty useful in most cases, especially for usb devices




    If you know what you're doing go ahead and disable the relevant services.

    But if you knwo what you're doing, you porbably didn't need this "tip"


    If someone want to go in details into what some of those services do and why you might want to consider disabling it, and what you might loose in the process, that might be more useful.

  3. I need something http based so I can access the music from wherever with a browser and wahtever media player is "hooked in" the browser. Does slimserver do that?


    I got Jinzora wortking so I guess I won't "fix it" anymore.

  4. I use drakbackup to make regular backups of different parts of my system.

    The backup files belong to root but want the backup file to be available to one of the users (so that they can be transferred over samba without having to log in as root)


    There doesn't seem to be a "post backup" step where I could instruct the backup process to do a chown <user> * in the backup directory.

    I could run a separate cron job that does that an hour after the backup starts but that's pretty kludgy.

  5. I haven't checked it out yet, but this looks promising, especially given the limited amount of choices in games for Linux. Nice to see GPL and cross-platform!


    from http://www.nexuiz.com/index.php


    Nexuiz has been in development for 3.5 years by a team of amateur developers lead by Lee Vermeulen. It is a 3d deathmatch game made entirely over the internet. The purpose of the game is to bring deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. It uses HFX textures by Evil Lair, and currently has 17 maps to frag in. With an advanced UI, the user can select between 15 different player models to use, with an average of two skins for each, and can connect to our master server to play people from all over the world.


    The game's content and source are GPL. Meaning, it is entirely free and any of it can be used in other free projects, even if modified. This is a first for any large game project of its type. We hope this will support the free game community, and encourage more GPL projects.


    Nexuiz is based on the Darkplaces engine. The darkplaces engine is an advanced Quake1 engine developed mainly by Forest "LordHavoc" Hale, who has been working with the Quake1 engine for many years. A few of Darkplaces main features are Quake3bsp support, realtime lighting and shadowing, new particle effects, advanced menu system, and Md3/Md2 model support. Because Nexuiz is based on the Quake1 engine, its source code along with its content is entirely GPL. Nexuiz will also use the Quake1 game code language, called QuakeC, which makes modding the gameplay of the game extremely easy. This gamecode will be included with the release, and will allow anyone to mod it, and because it is entirely serverside you can use it on your servers even if the clients do not have your mod.





  6. I use apache/php/mysql to run jinzora (www.jinzora.com) as a music server.


    I'm trying to re-install jinzora and it craps out when trying to create the database. I think it's because I forgot what users and passwords I used when I installed mysql and created the database (I, know, real smart)


    I tried to follw the instructions at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/resetting-permissions.html to reset the mysql root password but it doesn't seem to work:


    [root@Mandrake ~]#  kill `cat /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid`
    [root@Mandrake ~]# cat mysql-init
    SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('password');
    [root@Mandrake ~]# mysqld_safe --init-file=~/mysql-init &
    [1] 30030
    [root@Mandrake ~]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
    STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
    050602 11:11:30  mysqld ended
    [1]+  Done                    mysqld_safe --init-file=~/mysql-init
    [root@Mandrake ~]# mysql -u root
    ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111)
    [root@Mandrake ~]# service mysqld start
    Starting MySQL:                                                 [  OK  ]
    [root@Mandrake ~]# mysql -u root
    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
    [root@Mandrake ~]#
    [root@Mandrake ~]# mysql -u root -p password
    Enter password:
    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
    [root@Mandrake ~]#


    I think that the "mysqld_safe --init-file=~/mysql-init &" step doesn't work. Their indtructions seem to imply that mysqld should be running after that step but you can see from my example that it's not. If I start it, it still doesn't seem to want to let me in with the password


    Unfortunately I know nothing about mysql so I'm quite lost. I'm not even sure how to re-install mysql and whether that would fix the problem.

  7. When I wrote this originally there the bittorrent client seemed to be smart enough to detect if the argument passed was a torrent file or a torrent URL.

    This has changed in more recent versions and you need to specify --url on the command line if you are passing it a url:


    if the .torrent file is in the current directory on your drive:

    screen btdownloadcurses.py --display_interval 5 torrentfile.torrent


    if the .torrent file is on the 'net at http://some.site.com/torrentfile.torrent

    screen btdownloadcurses.py --display_interval 5 --url http://some.site.com/torrentfile.torrent

  8. I use the original and classic bittorrent. its good because it's the first with any new features and improvements to the bittorrent protocol. and it's CLI so it works good on my server via ssh.

    It's CLI? The one I downloaded is GUI... hmmm.... guess I will have to investigate. I would have never used ctorrent if I'd known there was an original CLI client.


    there are actually a few version of the command line in the original package. I use the curses based one with ssh and screen:


    screen btdownloadcurses.py --display_interval 5 --max_upload_rate 25 --url <url to the .torrent file>



    Edit: see my howto in the Tips&Tricks forum: https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtop...7941&hl=torrent

  9. I'm running a few nightly cron jobs as a user. YoSucker and GotMail are verbose and cause extra mail to be sent to the user account.


    I tried piping the standard output to /dev/nul in the crontab but I get "permission denied".


    What's the proper way to redirect the standard output in a cron job so that I only get an email if errors occured?

  10. I wrote a post in the Tricks and Tips section in how to use bittorrent from the command line using screen and ssh, because I tend wanted to start/stop/monitor my torrent downloads remotely (from work).


    If you want an "all in one" app, Azureus sure is nice, although the regular bittorrent GUI for mandrake is much improved in version 4.1. To install simply do (as root):


    urpmi bittorrent

    urpmi bittorrent-gui

  11. you want it to act as an anon proxy, are you not afraid that it may be used by others for their monkey business of whatever that could harm other and then your host will become the suspect.?.. well, just a thought that it could happen like that  B)


    or maybe am just paranoid about it  :P


    That's why I may put it behing ssh.

    I so some volunteer work with some kids and the content filtering is uber-tight there. Once in a while there is a lull where I'd like to check on a few sites (heck even CNN is blocked).


    Squid seems like almost too much


    looks like CGIproxy is more lightweight and what I want, but I'd have to run Apache too. I'd prefer a standalone app.

  12. I'm not sure I explained what I want to do properly:


    I want to set up my machine like some of the anonymous proxy servers out there (virtualbrowser for example) so that I can connect from anywhere (work, the library,...) to my server and be able to browse any site, even one that is blacklisted on the network I'm connecting from (work, the library, ...)

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