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Posts posted by Nito

  1. Guys, how old are you? 10 or 12? (No offense but it seems you enjoy the "emoticons" and make-laugh so much...)


    Is that you, tyme, didn't get my point as for example Ghil Vertefeuille or Roland or phunni that makes his slogan "Friendly Englishman" shine.



    GMAC: RTFM, that's why Linux is now where it is. Because of those people like aru who says "Linux fortunatelly is not for every one, if the guy doesn't pick the fun and is much happier with M$Windows, then good bye. Lets help people who wants help and deserves it."


    These kind of people destroys all the Linux movement for believing they are elite.


    Taking about the spelling of some people... let it there.



    Let me ask you something aru: What do you use Linux for? write letters, read e-mail, play some games, listen music....etc

    BUT you cannot make good webpages until Macromedia releases its products for Linux or code them by hand... I think you don't care much because you just use Linux for minor tasks... (Now I am being rude)



    "if you want help, you don't come into a forum full of people who like a certain thing, and then proceed to rip apart the very thing the forum exists for in your very first post (that's called trolling, and isn't tolerated on most forums)"


    It would be stupid not to accept detractors or accept good constructive critics. Besides I WAS NOT attacking your beloved product. I was just pointing some issues that I AM SURE Mandrake is taking or will take into consideration. Any moment I was rude or offensive to the product itself or with you or any member of this website/forum. BUT MOST OF YOU WERE and that lets much to be desired.


    Taking about viruses, let me tell you that I am proficient on that matter and I was talking for me when I said that they were not a problem. I know most users just got an email and open whatever attachment is in it. Not my case. Also disabling HTML messages and using an antivirus along with a good firewall stops most internet worms and viruses.


    And for you that make laugh at Windows, let me tell you that I got to know a lot about PC hardware by coding in assembler and macro assembler back in 1988. I even coded an anvirus for the Ping Pong and Brain viruses. And this is a lot more than most of you can say.


    I understand how a PC works, I just wanted to try Linux and see what was all about. But I will wait until "it's more compatible with everything under the sun" or better said "it gets more like Windows". Isn't that the goal for attracting Windows users and become a standard???? I don't know why you attack me for saying that if it's the truth as I explained in my last post.


    I was wrong when I said the former was my last post. This one is.




    P.S. tyme, about the Imesh or Kazaa.. I was taking about the shareware/freeware software of course! :jester: :P :D :lol:

  2. First I want to say that tyme and some other guys sounded a little rude and making laugh at me...


    Is this how you want me to come back to the forum and ask for help ???? no thanks.


    When I say that most software has to be compiled is because, for example, just to point one, when some days ago I tried to download the latest version for Xmms it clearly said that the RPM file is only suitable for RedHat/Fedora. and for other distributions the source was given. So how do you think a newbie should feel or think about it??? OK, a real user/hacker must take the risk and try to install it.. but a totally newbie like me feels lost!


    Also the monitor problem IS an issue to me as I was used that after LILO seeing the Login screen but instead I got the monitor lights blinking. What was I supposed to do if I am used to have NO PROBLEMS with the Plug&Play feature in Windows.


    I clearly said that I am a Windows user.


    Well, the Upgrade option is an issue to me as I have just one partition for Linux. Remember I am a newbie. I let Mandrake do the installation for me and it just copied everything into one partition and when tried to copy my /home directory to a Windows partition I got messages about not having access or permitions. Even in root mode.


    Lucky you tyme for not having problems with the upgrade option in Linux. As I have read in a recent topic that many users have the problem and they don't even use it. One suggested to hide the option and be offered just to advanced users.


    I hope everyone have your luck tyme.



    To bvc sounds contradicting what I said. Please understand that I come from Microsoft and Microsoft-like enviroments and I am used (after more than 15 years) to do things in some way. I come with my mind set in a way of working and landing in Linux seems to be different eventhough Linux is trying to attract Windows users by behaving (at least in the GUI part) more and more like Windows.



    Other forum member:


    "If you are happy with a mediocre product, not having total control of your system, viruses, more holes than swiss cheese, and a resource hog then stick with windoz.

    If you like having total control of your system, not having your choices limited, having a plethora of software to choose from, and stability then stick with linux."


    Mediocre product? Viruses?... I haven't had any big problems with windows. Nor the viruses or the security holes have ever affected me in anyway. You probably are talking about the people who run servers.

    I dont't want you to think that I am a MS Windows defender but I get all the control I want from Windows (from a user perspective). About the software...mmm... have you ever run Kazaa or Imesh to find the software you want? ...



    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    tymes quotes:


    "for linux to be compatible with "everything under the sun" linux has to become a standard. for linux to become a standard, people w/views similar to yourself have to start using it. for people w/views similar to yourself to start using it, linux has to become a standard, for............

    infinite loops suck."


    Well, I believe Linux wants to be an alternative to Windows right? even the GUI is getting closer to Windows or MAC.

    What standard are you talking about if Linux wants to attract Windows users turning itself a Windows-like OS?

    Windows is the standard and Linux should get closer to that. When Linux is more like Windows and become a standard, only then Linux can do whatever it likes and the users must adapt to it (like Windows users. It sucks but it is the way it works).



    "If you like Windows, more power to you, but don't dis Linux just because you didn't take the time to fully understand how it works (which was made obvious with your apparent belief that you must compile every program)"


    When arriving to Windows, the user (or "luser" how you may call us) first learns to copy, move, paste. Basic stuff. Few days or hours later learns to install software (as most users cannot live without MSN Messenger for example) and it's just a matter of double-click on the file and it's ready to go. It doesn't work the same way with all software in Linux.




    "Linux does do work for you....go take a peak at Linux From Scratch, then come back and tell me Mandrake doesn't do anything for you. Hell, just take a look at gentoo/arch/slackware/etc"


    Don't have time, money or resources to download gentoo, arch, slackware, etc. and give them a try. But I have heard that Suse does a good work too...



    "Plus, this is your first and only post to this forum"


    You were not right. I am posting a new message but this is gonna be the last one thanks to replies like yours and all the moderators and administrator who run this website/forum.

  3. Being a newbie that have worked with Windows all of his life I was intrigued by Linux, finally I decided to buy and install Mandrake 9.2.

    From all the postings I've seen here I realized that there is too much to be done with Mandrake and with Linux in general. Even if everytime a new version is out, a clean installation has to be done as the ?upgrade? option doen't work!

    First, I haven't had big problems using Windows, I like it but really really want to learn to use Linux, but the thing that upsets me most about Linux is all the extra work you have to do to get anything done. It's all compile this, mount that, etc.

    Most of the time I cannot download the free stuff and just click and install it as software is offered in source code...

    Linux seems not to get the idea of plug and play yet. Recently took my CPU to a friend's house but Linux refused to use his monitor, it simply didn't work...

    If Mandrake is supposed to be the most user-friendly distribution I don't want to imagine how the others behave...

    The operating system is supposed to do the work for you, not the other way around. I'm one of those people that wants to switch my OS, but if Linux makes you work twice as hard to get anything going, it just defeats the purpose of the entire concept of the computer: speed!

    Please guys, don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Linux. I want to learn to use it but I think I'll wait until it is more flexible and easy to operate and more conpatible with everything under the sun.


    NOTE: moved to everything linux by tyme

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