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Posts posted by gamingahole12

  1. Do any of you have experience with Tors and proxies? I have been using XB browser, a tor browser, for some time now in conjunction with WINE, and then all of a sudden starting yesterday, it had trouble loading up. I found out that it could not find and connect to any tors. So I downloaded another browser, OperaTor, and tried to run it. The same thing happened. Then I got torbutton and tried to connect Firefox to a tor, and again, no success. I am not sure if you guys are the right people to ask, but I cannot find any place that is directly about this situation, so I was wondering if you know what exactly my problem is. If you need anymore information just ask.

  2. I downloaded a trial version of a program called Cepstral, and when I tried to use the install.sh, I saw this:


    [root@localhost user]# '/home/user/Desktop/Cepstral_David_i386-linux_5.1.0/Cepstral_David_i386-linux_5.1.0/install.sh'


    Could not find the End-User License Agreement. You must read the license

    before installing this software product.


    How exactly does it know that? How do I fix this?



    [moved from Software by spinynorman]

  3. Why don't you just install java from the Mandriva repositories. Add them as per instructions here: http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Docs/Basic_tas...tions_available


    Then install java from mcc. You need java-1.6.0-sun and its dependencies.


    Where would I get this .sun file? And what´s mcc?


    I don't understand what you are saying? If you didn't uninstall (remove) it, it 'should' still be there. Did you upgrade Firefox?


    Woops, forgot to mention I wiped my hard drive. Now the RPM package I used is well...nowhere to be found.


    The OP has an interesting nick choice though


    Not really. Just that I´m a gamer and an asshole.

  4. A few weeks ago, I installed a java rpm and my java worked just fine. Now I can´t find it again, and I´m forced to install it the hard way, from the java websites instructions, and I can´t seem to figure it out.




    I follow all the instructions for the Linux RPM self-extracting file, and it seems to go successfully, but I just can´t get java to work on my firefox. Any of you have experience with this sort of problem?

  5. Whenever I try to run it, it just gives me this:





    Copyright 2002-2008 Gabriel Finch (salsaman@xs4all.nl) and others.


    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it

    under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details.


    jackd 0.107.7

    Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.

    jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it

    under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details


    JACK compiled with System V SHM support.

    loading driver ..

    creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit

    control device hw:0

    the playback device "hw:0" is already in use. Please stop the application using it and run JACK again

    cannot load driver module alsa

    no message buffer overruns



    Can you guys help?

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