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Posts posted by towershooter

  1. You have not answered all of my questions. And have you really installed a graphica desktop environment already? Please post the output of


    uname -r




    ls /etc/X11


    You are right. I have not answered all your questions and I do apologize. I am using the stable(sarge) version. If I can get the system up and running on the test machine we want to test it for our production environment. (1 web server, 1 email server, 4 file servers.) We currently use Solaris and we are not happy with it. I do not think a 'testing' OS is the best option for a production environment. I could be wrong believe me.


    I did more searching on the net and I have the Xserver working. [so far :)~] I found a posting that said to install the x-windows system with 'aptitude install x-window-system kde'. The install document for Debian is very poor.


    I have KDE working and I have SSH working. I am now trying to get WEBMIN working.



    Here is the output:


    uname -r




    ls /etc/X11


    --->app-defaults fonts X xkb Xsession xsm

    --->cursors rgb.txt XF86Config-4 Xresources Xsession.d Xwrapper.config

    --->default-display-manager rstart xinit xserver Xsession.options

  2. Debian and CentOS both can be installed with KDE, Gnome, Fluxbox or without a graphical interface at all. The packages you ask for are all available and can be selected in a few seconds when you install.


    First thank you very much for your recommendations. I decided to go with the Debian project. So far so good. I am lost on one thing on this and I think I ran into it before so I did not use Debian that time. How do I get into the graphical interface or desktops?(IE: KDE, GNOME, ETC) Right now I have to log in with at the command prompt.


    Thanks again



  3. Ubuntu? I believe there is a server edition that may be useful.


    Fedora may also be worth a try.


    Thanks for replying. Do you know if the Fedora project comes with Apache, PHP, and MySQL preinstalled? My concern is Fedora is a Red Hat variant and I could not get past the boot process when I tried it before. It would install fine but would hang on the boot. I suspect it was something with LILO but I never got past it.



    Thanks again






    Debian (etch preferrably, if you have SATA drives) and CentOS are reported to work well with the Proliant DL140. Both distros are also offered as the default OSes for these servers by various hosting companies in Germany. For distro-download links, check e.g. distrowatch.com



    Does Debian have a KDE or Gnome like interface? I played arond with it once and if I remember it is command line only. Does it have Apache, PHP, and MySQL preinstalled? What about CentOS?







    i run a redhat-variant (in-house) that runs on a workstation with dual 3.8 Ghz Xeons with 8 GB of RAM. so CentOS should also work well.


    Is this on a DL140? How did you get it to boot?





  4. Hey guys,


    I have an HP Proliant DL140 with 4 gig of Ram and dual 2.8 Xeon processors . I am currently running Solaris 9 on it. I have decided for numerous reasons to go to a different distro. I actually prefer the Manriva product but it will not boot after I install it. After the installation it just hangs up. I am asking what you guys recommend for a good robust distro that I will not spend a week trying to get new software trying to work on it. It is a web and email server. I use Apache, MySQL, and PHP. I am open to all but M$ products. Please give me link to go check it out too. Thanks for the advice.




  5. I am having problem installing PERL modules. I am using WEBMIN and just about every module fails on install. When I try to install the DBD::mysql module for instance I get this:


    Making, testing and installing DBD::mysql ..


    Untarring module file


    Executing gunzip -c /tmp/.webmin/DBD-mysql-2.9008.tar.gz | tar xvf - ..


    x DBD-mysql-2.9008, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/60leaks.t, 5228 bytes, 11 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/40listfields.t, 4197 bytes, 9 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/10dsnlist.t, 2020 bytes, 4 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/40numrows.t, 4232 bytes, 9 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/30insertfetch.t, 2625 bytes, 6 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/00base.t, 989 bytes, 2 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/insertid.t, 1234 bytes, 3 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/50commit.t, 6618 bytes, 13 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/40nulls.t, 2591 bytes, 6 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/dbdadmin.t, 7700 bytes, 16 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/lib.pl, 5588 bytes, 11 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/20createdrop.t, 1833 bytes, 4 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/mysql.dbtest, 3683 bytes, 8 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/40bindparam.t, 5389 bytes, 11 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/mysql.t, 19622 bytes, 39 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/40blobs.t, 3507 bytes, 7 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/akmisc.t, 27171 bytes, 54 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/50chopblanks.t, 3926 bytes, 8 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/ak-dbd.t, 15699 bytes, 31 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/t/mysql2.t, 4187 bytes, 9 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/DBD, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/DBD/mysql, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/DBD/mysql/GetInfo.pm, 16069 bytes, 32 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/DBD/mysql/INSTALL.pod, 20584 bytes, 41 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/DBD/mysql.pm, 48086 bytes, 94 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/Bundle, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/Bundle/DBD, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/Bundle/DBD/mysql.pm, 417 bytes, 1 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/Mysql, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/Mysql/Statement.pm, 3989 bytes, 8 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/lib/Mysql.pm, 23888 bytes, 47 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/TODO, 896 bytes, 2 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/myld, 1603 bytes, 4 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/constants.h, 1937 bytes, 4 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/dbdimp.c, 71348 bytes, 140 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/dbdimp.h, 6461 bytes, 13 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/README, 2795 bytes, 6 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/MANIFEST.SKIP, 31 bytes, 1 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/Makefile.PL, 10778 bytes, 22 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/META.yml, 381 bytes, 1 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/INSTALL.html, 27496 bytes, 54 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/ChangeLog, 43939 bytes, 86 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/MANIFEST, 586 bytes, 2 tape blocks

    x DBD-mysql-2.9008/mysql.xs, 9185 bytes, 18 tape blocks


    Compiling module


    Executing /usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL && make ..


    Can't locate DBI/DBD.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib/i86pc-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/

    5.6.1/lib /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i86pc-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 /usr/perl5/site_

    perl /usr/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/i86pc-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1 /usr/perl5/vendor

    _perl .) at Makefile.PL line 24.


    Installation of DBD::mysql failed. Check the output above and try installing manually.

    You can also install the module from CPAN with the command perl -MCPAN -e shell.


    Any help please?

    I am running Solaris 9 on an HP DL140 box



  6. Hello,


    I am running Solaris 9 on an HP Proliant DL140 box. I currently have Apache 1.3 running with mod_php4 installed. I would like to add a feature that uses Java Server Pages. It appears from looking at the conf files this system comes with Apache Tomcat capabilities. Does anyone know how to activate the Tomcat so as to parse the .jsp pages?


    Thanks in advance.



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