Unix (and its younger brother Linux) have been born
on the command line. Because of this, the command line in Unix features a
lot of mechanism to spare you some menial typing. This page introduces some
of them.
What is the shortest way to switch your current working
directory from your home directory to the directory '/usr/src/linux/Documentation/isdn/'
using the 'cd' ('change directory') command? It's
cd /u<TAB>sr<TAB>l<TAB>/D<TAB>is<TAB>
This is called 'automatic command line completion' and
it is indispensable. Let's have a closer look at the example:
cd /u<TAB>
expands to cd /usr/. Easy. Next
cd /u<TAB>sr<TAB>
expands to cd /usr/src/. If you just enter
cd /u<TAB>s<TAB>, you will be presented
with a choice of three subdirectories of '/usr' which all match this pattern
('cd /u*/s*'): '/usr/sbin', '/usr/share' and '/usr/src'.
So the <TAB> key is a handy means to search directories
for files or subdirectories you know the first letters of. For example ls
/usr/bin/zip<TAB> gives you a list of all files and subdirectories
in '/usr/bin' that start with the letters 'zip'. Of course there are much
more powerful commands for this tasks, but it does the trick when you're
in a hurry.
Furthermore it comes in handy with really long filenames. Say you want to
install an RPM called 'boomshakalakwhizbang-'. You type
rpm -i boom<TAB> and if there are no other
files in this directory that match this pattern, the shell will fill in the
rest by itself.
cd /u<TAB>sr<TAB>l<TAB>
expands to cd /usr/src/linux and waits for
a decision. There are two directories in '/usr/src' that match: '/usr/src/linux-[...]'
and '/usr/src/linux'. How do you tell the shell you want the latter? Append
a slash ('/'), thus indicating the end of this last name.
Presume you are not sure if it was '/usr/src/linux/Documentation'
or '/usr/src/linux/documentation'. As you may know, Linux discriminates
between upper and lower case. If you have read carefully until here, you
know the answer already:
cd /u<TAB>sr<TAB>l<TAB>/d<TAB>
expands to '/usr/src/linux/drivers/'. Looks like it
was 'Documentation' (with a capital 'D') then.
This kind of completion works for commands, too:
[tom@belbo tom]$ gre<TAB>
grecord grefer grep
[tom@belbo tom]$ gre
Here the shell presents me with a list of all the commands
it knows about which start with the string 'gre'.
section index top
Using the up-arrow key you can scroll through all the
shell commands you have issued on that console recently. Using the down-arrow
key you can scroll back again. Together with the SHIFT key, you can scroll
through previous output on the console. You can also edit 'old' command lines
and issue them again.
Pressing <CTRL r> puts the shell into
"reverse-i(ncremental)-search" mode. Now type the first letter of the command
you are looking for:
(reverse-i-search)`':. Typing 'i' may change
this line to:
(reverse-i-search)`i': isdnctrl hangup ippp0
If you now press the <ENTER> key, this
command will be executed again. If you press the left or right cursor key
or<ESC> instead, you will have this command on a normal
command line where you can edit it.
section index top
You can navigate and edit the command line with the
cursor and the function keys ('Home', 'End' etc), if you like, but there
are also keyboard shortcuts for most standard editing tasks:
- <CTRL k>: delete ('kill') from cursor
position to the end of the line
- <CTRL u>: delete from cursor position
to the beginning of the line
- <ALT d>: delete from cursor position
to the end of the current 'word'
- <CTRL w>: delete from cursor position
to the beginning of the current 'word'
- <CTRL a>: move cursor to the first
character of the line
- <CTRL e>: move cursor beyond the
last character of the line
- <ALT a>: move cursor to the first
character of the current 'word'
- <ALT e>: move cursor to the last
character of the current 'word'
- <CTRL y>: insert latest deleted
- <!$>: repeats the last argument
of the previous command.
Example: You created a directory with mkdir peter/pan/documents/tinkerbell.
Now you want to change into that directory with 'cd'. Instead of typing the
path again, you type cd !$ and the shell will append the path
from the previous 'mkdir' command to the current 'cd' command.
As you venture deeper into Linux land, you'll find that
these keyboard shortcuts are also used in other applications when it comes
to entering text, for example in browser input fields.
section index top
Mandrake Linux comes with a row of shortcuts, some are
native features of bash, some are pre-configured (you'll learn later on how
to configure your own shortcuts).
Since the home directory is the focus point of activity
for every user, many Unix systems provide special shortcuts for it.
'~' for example is a short form for the name of your home directory. Let's
say you are in some far away directory and want to copy a file called 'sometext'
to the directory 'docs' in your home directory. Instead of typing cp
sometext /home/myusername/docs, you type cp sometext
~/docs which is much shorter, but has exactly the same effect.
In theory, this also applies to the 'cd' command. cd ~ would take
you to your home directory, no matter where you are. But even that was considered
too much typing. Just type cd and you're back home.
Mandrake Linux provides you with a set of pre-configured
shortcuts (called 'aliases'):
- cd.. executes 'cd ..' (go to parent directory).
- d executes 'ls' (list directory).
- l executes 'ls' (list directory).
- la executes 'ls -a' (list complete directory,
i.e. including files starting with a dot)
- ll executes 'ls -l -k' (list directory
in long format, i.e. with file attributes, print file size in KB and not
in bytes)
- ls executes 'ls -F --color=auto' (list
directories, append file type indicators and use colors)
- lsd executes 'ls -d */' (list subdirectories
only, no files)
- md executes 'mkdir' (create directory)
- p executes 'cd -' (go back to previous
- rd executes 'rmdir' (delete (empty) directory)
- s executes 'cd ..' (go to parent directory)
- used executes 'du -sm * | sort -n' (display
disk usage of subdirectories in MB, list by size)
Now that you are a bit more familiar with the shell
and some of the shortcuts it provides, it's time to have a look what you
can actually do with it besides running simple commands.
Queuing, jobbing
and substituting commands