(Contributed by Robert C. Pilkington, edited)
(I've cut down this submissions to the UT part, refer
to the previous pages on how to install nVidia's Linux drivers. tom)
Make sure that you have your UT CD in your CD-ROM and
that the disk is mounted (e.g. with ls -l /mnt/cdrom otherwise
you have to mount it with mount /mnt/cdrom ).
Login to your favorite GUI (personally, I prefer Gnome) as yourself ( user,
not 'root'). Open a terminal and navigate to the /dl/ut directory on the
CD, and then login as root
mkdir /usr/local/games/ut
After a couple of seconds, a graphical install window
should come up, just follow along (make sure to use OpenGL) with the defaults.
When it asks if you want to start the game, at the end, say "no".
Go back to the console and type:
Once that is done, you need to copy over the 'SDLGLDrv.so'
file to the UT system directory:
cp SDLGLDrv.so /usr/local/games/ut/System
You should now be set to go. If you want, you could
reboot (I hear rebooting at this point can clear-up some lockups that can
occur). To start the game, login as a user into an X Window GUI and then
/usr/local/games/ut/ut &
** I got extremely bad performance when trying to
run in Gnome (less than 2 fps), but I was able to achieve satisfactory results
when running in KDE (~ 60+f ps).........preferentially treatment? If you
get good results in Gnome, let me
know **
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(Contributed by Robert C. Pilkington, edited)
As 'root', create two directories for 'q3': '/usr/local/games/q3'
and '/usr/local/games/q3/baseq3'.
Obtain the
patch for Linux ('Linux Q3:A Point 1.17') and put it into '/usr/local/games/q3'
Copy the ".pak" files from the 'Q3:A' CD to '/usr/local/games/q3/baseq3'
(e.g. with find /mnt/cdrom -name '*.pak' -exec cp {} /usr/local/games/q3/baseq3
Change permissions: chmod -R 755 /usr/local/games/qt3
Leave the 'root' account and run:
A Q3:A install window should appear. Make sure that
the 'Install' and 'Binary' directories (/usr/local/games/q3) are correctly
set in the setup window.
Once the setup is finished, you can load the game with
You may wish to create a shortcut to your desktop to
shorten the process.
Note: The version 1.25y patch for Linux may be available
by the time you read this, so be sure to look and see if you need it.
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