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mdkonline update applet not notifying new distro


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Dear folks,


Sorry for contacting you this way, concerning issues with the update distributions of 2010.


We have linux Mandriva on a pc for my wife (handicapt / cancer0 because of its friendlyness and ease in use.


We're running 2009.1, but would have expected that through the auto updater, now the new version would be

offered for download/install.


However, nothing happens, remains on 2009.1 and no invitation shows up if we want to update to the new available version.


Don't know why, but have looked by advise to a hidden file called .MdkOnline using the command (cat ./.MdkOnline/mdkonline )


this comes back with:


[francien@bell1 ~]$ cat ./.MdkOnline/mdkonline




[francien@bell1 ~]$


Don't know what to to now, but would love to get this pc for my wife upgraded/running distribution 2010.0


Can you please advice what to do now ?

(if needed my email = fredkreyen@gmail.com )

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First of all and most importantly of all............Sincerest best wishes to your wife and a good resolution to her situation.


As far as I am aware, the mandrake online is meant to alert you to updates being available. A newer version is not regarded in the same sense as an update so I think is not presented here.


Your best and the most suggested advice is to do a clean install of the new Mandriva2010. I trust you already have the /home on a separate partition of its own so it should be fairly straight forward and quick.


Using the upgrade procedure is still a bit dicey these days even though great progress has been made over the years.


If you don't have a separate /home partition, then I suggest "biting the bullet" and, during the new install, create one this time. It may mean redoing all your settings again but in the future, any upgrades wont require you to fiddle with most of the settings again. Prior to doing all this I would go in to the user account and select show hidden files and look for .mozilla, .kde (and .kde4, if it exists. Since you are using 2009.1, it should be there) and save them to a usb memory stick if you have one. Upon completion of the new install, copy those two or three folders back into the same place as before. Click OK to override.


If you are not in a position to download the new 2010 iso then PM me and I will be happy to post you a DVD (at no cost).


Cheers and all the very best to your family. John.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He Guys


just wanted to post a tank you to all and in particular to John,

who helped extraordinary socially by sending me a DVD


All function well again / got all things as ASN, pigeon etc. up again also.




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