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IRC commands


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/join #coolness

You join the channel #coolness.


/who #coolness

Gives some info on users in the channel.

@ = channel op, while * means IRC op.


hello everyone

Everyone on #coolness sees <yournick> hello everyone. (You need not type in your own nick.)


/me is a pink bunny

Everyone in #coolness sees * yournick is a pink bunny


/leave #coolness

You leave the channel.


/whois Tomm

You get some info about Tomm or whatever nickname you entered.


/whois yournick

This is some info others see about you.


/nick newnick

Changes your nick to "newnick"


/msg Tomm hi there.

Only Tomm sees your message (you don't need to be on the same channel for this to work).


/ping #coolness

Gives information on the delay (round-trip) between you and everybody on #coolness.


/ping Tomm

Gives information on the delay (round-trip) between you and just Tomm.


/dcc chat MaryN

This sends MaryN a request for a dcc chat session. MaryN types /dcc chat yournick to complete the connection. DCC chat is faster (lag free) and more secure than /msg.


/msg =MaryN Hi there!

Once a DCC connection has been established, use the /msg =nick message format to exchange messages (note the = sign). DCC does not go through servers, so it are unaffected by server lag, net splits, etc.



This works in many clients. Try it!


/quit good night!

You quit IRC completely, with the parting comment so that others see "*** Signoff: yournick (good night!)".




This is a basic list, but will help in the begining and always try /help to see what's available in your client.




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This also might be a good place to outline some of the more popular IRC Client software.


X-Chat is one of the most popular among #musb users. You can see it up in a lot of screenshots in the Show off your Desktop thread.


KSIRC is another good one, not quite as good as X-Chat for a gui interface. This one comes standard with KDE


BitchX is a fairly decent terminal-based IRC client. I've used it, and I like it; but it's not my favorite.


irssi is another terminal-based IRC client. This is the one that I use and the one that you'll see in most of my Fluxbox screenshots.


Of course, with terminal-based irc clients, you need some additional commands. Here's a few of my favorites for irssi:


/server add -auto freenode irc.freenode.net:6667 - Will add and automatically connect to irc.freenode.net on startup. Of course, if you have this one, you might as well have:


/channel add -auto #musb freenode - This will automatically join #musb (our channel) on startup. If you use irssi, and enter these commands, don't forget to issue:


/save to save your settings for each time irssi is opened.


More commands for irssi can be found here: http://real.irssi.org/?page=docs&doc=startup-HOWTO

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Other useful commands for irssi:


/n - similar to /whois #musb Gives you a listing of people currently signed in to the channel


Alt + 1-0 or Alt + q-o will switch between active windows.


Page Up/Page Down will let you scroll up/down


/away awaymessage will put you into away status. This message will not be broadcast to the channel, but will show up if anyone tries to /msg you


/away with no away message will set you back to active status.


The /away command will also work for any client you use. The command to bring you back active is either /away again or /back depending on your client.

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  • 5 months later...

register my nick, might as well right?


once you are logged into freenode and have your desired nickname just issue the following commands:


/msg nickserv register <your-password>


Hide your e-mail and set it.


/msg nickserv set hide email on


/msg nickserv set email <your-email-address>


Now people can't spoof your nick! :P


Add another name and link it to primary, first you have to change from primary to secondary:


/nick cybrjackle_


/msg nickserv link <primary-nick> <your-password>


For more info:


Nickname Setup

Edited by cybrjackle
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How can I tell when someone might be spoofing a user's identity? If your client supports CAPAB IDENTIFY-MSG, you can configure it to let you know when someone speaking on channel or via /msg is not identified to services. If you want other people using this feature to know that you're you, have your client /msg nickserv identify yourpasswordhere automatically when you connect to the network.


Scripts to take advantage of CAPAB IDENTIFY-MSG are currently available for irssi and mIRC, and a patch is available for sirc and ksirc.



irssi script


Q: How do I run scripts?

    A: Put them into ~/.irssi/scripts/ and in irssi do /script load script.pl . There is a default alias for /script load to /run in newer versions of irssi.

Q: How do I rerun scripts?

    A: Just do /script load script.pl .

Q: How do I unload scripts?

    A: Just do /script unload script.pl .

Q: How do I run scripts automatically at startup?

    A: Put them into ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ directory. Or better would be if you placed them in ~/.irssi/scripts/ and created symlinks to autorun directory (eg. cd ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ ; ln -s ../script.pl .)

Q: Is there an easy way of managing script?

    A: Try scriptassist.pl, it can update and manage your scripts as well as install new ones and search the database.

Q: I discovered a real fabulous/ugly script. How can I spread the word?

    A: You can rate scripts at http://ratings.irssi.de.

Q: Is there a mailing list I can bother with questions about script use and development?

    A: Sure there is, send a mail to irssi-scripts-subscribe@scripts.irssi.org to subscribe to it.



All irssi Scripts

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